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Doesn't the catholic priest Father Stephen McGraw ruin the "planted light pole" theory?

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posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 11:58 AM

posted by Stillresearchn911
reply to post by bsbray11

I may be wrong but I believe the connection to the Jesuits thing was to simply villafy this and all Catholic officials. Along with the Opus Dei reference.

The priest Stephen McGraw bragged about being an Opus Dei priest, even though he was not competent nor caring enough to get to a funeral at a national cemetery honoring one of America's fallen in time. I have attended a lot of important ceremonies conducted by Catholic priests and not once was one of them late to his duties. Most if not all ANC funerals are attended by a Marine honor guard. Their time is extremely valuable, as is the time of the cemetery workers, and the time and feelings of the familes and friends of the deceased. There is no excuse for his tardiness; unless the funeral ceremony was a deliberate lie. The remaining lies of Stephen McGraw as delineated above are plenty enough to villify him.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by pinch
As far as a "citizens arrest" of Pres Bush goes, there's no reason whatsoever to even think about it because he has done nothing wrong.

He lied to the world, pinch. According to you, that's worth a citizen's arrest. You were demanding that Craig do the same to two other liars.

Why hasn't that happened? You'd think that Craig and Aldo don't have the power of their convictions and would rather just let this thing keep piddling along without taking any action.

Where is the power of your convictions to bring all liars to justice? You could have attempted a citizen's arrest on Bush, but you didn't.

Your expectation for CIT to start making citizen's arrests of liars is rather silly, when you won't do the same for other proven liars. You've been caught out, again, pinch, trying to bait CIT into a false argument. That runs close to breaching the terms and conditions of this website.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Craig Ranke CIT

Stop spreading baseless internet rumors.

There is no investigation against me.

That sounds like a good thing for you then. Apologizes.

But really, I don't know why I would take your word for it. Forget the insane "flyover" theory for a minute.

I've seen quotes from you saying something like you have never and will never accuse of witnesses of being "agents" , etc. And then when one reads your contributions to the threads that discuss witnesses, I just have to wonder about your sincerity.

That, coupled with your hilarious rant on the Howard Stern Show and the way Bababooey pwned you, and the revealing article in the OC Weekly, and one gets a pretty clear picture of the situation.....

At any rate, I hope you're right about there being no investigation. Good luck.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
He lied to the world, pinch. According to you, that's worth a citizen's arrest. You were demanding that Craig do the same to two other liars.

This thread isn't about Bush lying or not. but I will say this - intelligence hindsight is always 20/20. Funny how, when the dust has settled and all is said and done, you can look at things and say "If I had known that..."

Only a fool would think otherwise.

Where is the power of your convictions to bring all liars to justice? You could have attempted a citizen's arrest on Bush, but you didn't.

You still don't get it. Why would I (or anyone for that matter) go around making "citizen's arrests" on someone when they didn't do anything wrong?

According to Craig and Aldo and their friends, McGraw and Lloyd and the others are all part of the deception, part of the grand conspiracy, all "deep covert agents or assets" (or whatever it is that Aldo calls them).

As far as going around "bring(ing) all liars to justice", perhaps you would equate someone lying to their wife on where they were at lunch with a conspiracy to cmmitt mass murder, but most people wouldn't. I could care less if someone heads out with the boys for a lunch beer when he tells his wife that he's still at the office. I would think that Craig and Aldo and Preston and Captain Bob and you and all the rest of the "Truthers" would chomp at the bit to bring McGraw and Lloyd and all the others to justice.

Again, though, I suppose it is not worth it. They really don't believe their own press. Their *only* hope is that April Gallop will break this thing wide open, and if *that* is their/your only hope, there's a saying about being up sh*t creek without a paddle in a chicken-wire canoe.

Don't hold your breath.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by pinch]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 12:09 PM

posted by Craig Ranke CIT
Farmer just wanted an excuse to emotionally fly off the handle, quit the truth movement, and delete his website with all of his articles!

John Farmer is a JREFer now and is no longer interested in TRUTH of any nature.


Has anybody come up with any sensible reason why the 9-11 perps failed to get pictures of the light pole through the taxi windshield? Don't those federal agents carry cameras to photograph crime scenes? That would have been a most important photo which only the most imcompetent of idiots would have forgotten to take. Unless the light pole was never ever through the windshield in the first place. Have to fake another one. Did anybody ask the priest Stephen McGraw if he saw the light pole through the windshield or anybody removing it?

This would be the position of the alleged 757 just before it passed over McGraw's car.

Why didn't Stephen McGraw see the light pole through the windshield? He was allegedly there within a few feet of the taxi. If he thought the taxi driver was hurt, why didn't he hop over those little walls and check on him? Is he forbidden to help poor working black people? Then he could have helped remove the light pole.

The alleged priest McGraw was allegedly right there about where the northbound traffic note is pointing. He was already late to a funeral at a national cemetery honoring an American military person. He wasn't a very reliable priest was he? Maybe he was just a DOJ lawyer on temporary assignment to the priesthood until 9-11 was completed.

[edit on 12/17/08 by SPreston]

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[edit on 12/19/2008 by Hal9000]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by pinch

Originally posted by tezzajw
He lied to the world, pinch. According to you, that's worth a citizen's arrest. You were demanding that Craig do the same to two other liars.

This thread isn't about Bush lying or not. but I will say this - intelligence hindsight is always 20/20. Funny how, when the dust has settled and all is said and done, you can look at things and say "If I had known that..."

Only a fool would think otherwise.

Where is the power of your convictions to bring all liars to justice? You could have attempted a citizen's arrest on Bush, but you didn't.

You still don't get it. Why would I (or anyone for that matter) go around making "citizen's arrests" on someone when they didn't do anything wrong?

Are you claiming that Bush did not lie to the country?

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:03 PM
Have you all seen Jack White's photo stucies?
He has some intersting shots of the triage showing McGraw.


posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by OhZone

There is no reason to fake the photos and they are not faked.

The Bob Pugh video proves it and we have a copy of the raw footage direct from Bob.

The video proves Jack White's analysis bogus.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Craig Ranke CIT]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:41 AM
Just stumbled on these posts, so up until yesterday I didn't know anything about the Pentagon plane witnesses. But without having an opinion it does look like good material for a stand-up comedy routine: We've got all those USA Today witnesses, who just happened to all be quite late for work -- at least for journalists -- on the same day, so perhaps USA Yesterday would be a more fitting title for the network. For me the big laughs started when I saw Mike Walter's comeback video where, in hindsight, he recalled seeing the wings of the jet conveniently fold up to fit in the hole in the wall. Quite dissimilar to the test I've seen where they slam that F4 Phantom into a reinforced concrete wall and it vaporises. Then there's the taxi driver who for some reason is only doing 40kph when a sheared pole knocked down by a jet airliner some 20 metres overhead spears through his window -- the airliner continuing on to crash into the Pentagon, which is engulfed in flames. So what does he do? He flags down a van and he and the guy in the van calmly remove the huge pole from his cab whilst the Pentagon burns -- the good Samaritan says absolutely nothing, then calmly continues on his way. Years later the cabbie says he wasn't where the photos show that he was.
So I'm clinging to one saving piece of faith in Stephen McGraw, the Catholic Priest who attended the injured and dying.
Then I read that he's with some radical sect and connected with the government and he's on his way to a funeral and he takes a wrong turn, but he's all ready for his photo shoot with his holy oils and his purple cloth and related paraphernalia. This is really fully stuff guys, please keep it coming.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Hal9000John Farmer is a JREFer now and is no longer interested in TRUTH of any nature.


I am also an ATS'er now too. I am still very much interested in the TRUTH, but not the lies and deceptions promoted by many in the so-called TM.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by 911files

Originally posted by Hal9000John Farmer is a JREFer now and is no longer interested in TRUTH of any nature.


I am also an ATS'er now too. I am still very much interested in the TRUTH, but not the lies and deceptions promoted by many in the so-called TM.

Could you then be more specific re. 'lies and deceptions' please, sort of, like, you know,
in a truthful sense!

And also please take note that if it were true that you are "interested in the TRUTH", then you would never have joined the JREF'er.

But you did... so!

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by djeminy

And also please take note that if it were true that you are "interested in the TRUTH", then you would never have joined the JREF'er.

But you did... so!

So Craig (under the guise of TLB) posts at JREF, so he must not be interested in the truth ether

But seriously though, the truth may be that the 911 Commission got it right. I doubt if that would satisfy you though. But thus far I've seen nothing out of the TM that even remotely suggests otherwise when all of the evidence is considered.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by 911files]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by 911files

Originally posted by djeminy

And also please take note that if it were true that you are "interested in the TRUTH", then you would never have joined the JREF'er.

But you did... so!

So Craig (under the guise of TLB) posts at JREF, so he must not be interested in the truth ether

But seriously though, the truth may be that the 911 Commission got it right. I doubt if that would satisfy you though. But thus far I've seen nothing out of the TM that even remotely suggests otherwise when all of the evidence is considered.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by 911files]

The lone beduin came to that hellhole of a forum like a bright shinning light of
reason and humility, to give to these wretched unhappy beings.

He was met with nothing but derision, scorn, insults, disparagement, redicule, jeers,
sneers, scoffs, disdain, contempt, prejudice, belittlement and condescension.

All this is the products of the deepest of darkness. And it is from this source they are influenced by, and from this source they get their vitality.

This is what you joined forces with, John Farmer.

TLB and Craig are not the same person.

The TRUTH comes from the Light, John.

Although it might demand a huge effort from you, I truly hope you will join with us

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by 911files

Originally posted by djeminy

And also please take note that if it were true that you are "interested in the TRUTH", then you would never have joined the JREF'er.

But you did... so!

So Craig (under the guise of TLB) posts at JREF, so he must not be interested in the truth ether

But seriously though, the truth may be that the 911 Commission got it right. I doubt if that would satisfy you though. But thus far I've seen nothing out of the TM that even remotely suggests otherwise when all of the evidence is considered.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by 911files]

Besides, here is your own words regarding 911 commission:

"With witness statements like these, it is clear that the 911 Commission failed in its job to fully explain to the American public exactly what happened at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. As the ANC employee put it, “…a whole lot of people out here seen what I seen, but you all just haven’t talked about it.”

No comment needed, I think!

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