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New World and NOT Order

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posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:02 AM
As I just come back from a road trip with a friend a mine, I feel that I MUST get out something from my chest... No this ain't a conspiracy! Im not a secret agent, Im not in the CIA or whatever, Im not a fraud, Im not a scam, Im not trying to fool people, Im not what you would like me to be, Im myself , Im a human and Im as proud as Im not proud to be what I am , a human.

As you probably know, there are wars all over the world for the stupid reasons that we are stupid enough to believe.. But whatever it isn't the point, Im just really disappointed to be a Human. As I would ANYTHING but a human, Im happy to be what I am, a human!

This probably makes no sens to you, but look from a different point of view

Isn't it a shame that every single days, alot of humans.. our fellow companions, our blood brothers and sisters.. OUR RACE, die because their own race kill them...

Isn't it stupid to kill people for territories when one day we'll be TOO much for the earth anyways.. Live and let Live.

Why can't we just Live.. and let Live, Why can't we just hold our brothers and sisters's hands and be happy ... happy to be alive and realize it, we are ALIVE!

Why so much hate? Why do we need to find a goal to our life.. why do we need to fight someone's thoughts... emotions... or even hit someone's body to prove that we are, stronger than this person.. Why do we need to prove it.? Prove what after all? Prove that as a persone we're better than someone but someone is better than us anyways, thus this makes sens?

''You might be physically or mentally stronger than someone but as a race, the humanity is far from being strong...''

We're good to.. destroy lives, destroy cities,.. kill people, kill our own race, our own PEOPLE.

Why so much blood? There is enough water and food out there for EVERYBODY on EARTH, why can't we help each other to survive hands in hands in unity,freedom and peace?

Why are we born with pression... why do we MUST go to school for decades to become ''Someone'' . Does a piece of paper really GIVE you something ? Is it worth passing years and years at school and living our life in ignorance while our brothers in poor coutries die in vain and humility because they need the food that we don't want and throw in the jerk-case?

Why are we so selfish? Can't we really break our breads in parts and feed more than only us? Isn't the stress something that kills people? Why are we stressing to get more digital numbers in banks that steal us everydays for the effort we give instead of working as a race to survive and prosper and live free?

There are thousands and thousands of reasons why I think that we, as humanity, should be wiped out of the earth but I DONT WANT IT to happen, not that I fear to die... not at all to be honest! I'd rather live poor but take my time to feed as many people as I can than spending time on a chair in a class while taking notes that will never help anybody excepts my future boss's money and company!

I believe in a free world of peace and liberty, where there are no borders and there are no presidents. I believe we can do what needs to be done to complete this goal.

What do we need to do?
-Instead of giving money to poor people, give them food.
-Instead to attack someone's intelligence, try to understand that person's point of view and why it is so.
-Instead of crying because you lost 10 bucks, smile because your stomach is full ... some are smiling even if they only have their skins on their bones and an empty stomach!
-Instead of thinking you are always right, try to accept that even with your 10 diplomas, you aren't god, you're an human and humans make mistakes.
-Instead of taking your car , take the bus.. some will maybe have the chance to breath.
... continue.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:23 AM
I won't worry if I were you. The Great Depression 2 will cause a massive paradigm shift. People will realize that money isn't the end all and be all. I for one can't wait to live in an idyllic, 50s era, world. These are exciting times.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by ShadowStep

What do we need to do?
-Instead of giving money to poor people, give them food.
-Instead to attack someone's intelligence, try to understand that person's point of view and why it is so.
-Instead of crying because you lost 10 bucks, smile because your stomach is full ... some are smiling even if they only have their skins on their bones and an empty stomach!
-Instead of thinking you are always right, try to accept that even with your 10 diplomas, you aren't god, you're an human and humans make mistakes.
-Instead of taking your car , take the bus.. some will maybe have the chance to breath.
... continue.

Jesus said the same thing 2000 years ago, but somethings just don't want to take. I boil it down to what appears to be a fundamental lust for what is not needed; greed...humans are as a whole.......pretty despicable.

We, the 'working class' in general, however, want things to be better, but there are forces at work stopping our species from making it so. On top of that, the modern world trains people to be feel powerless to the man in the suit. One determined person, whatever their agenda, has more power than thousands of apathetic or dependent people.

Good post

[edit on 12/16/2008 by iceofspades]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:28 AM
Why are we calling ourselves, black, white, yellow races when we're all humans? Is a black cat any different than a white cat? Why can't we accept the differences in the world? Why do we have to laugh at someone who have the badluck to only have one leg when w have 2? Is this really funny that someone doesn't have what you were born with? Is this person inferior to you because of his badluck? Why do we think like that? Why so much prejudices? Who are we to act like this? Why are we trying to look good while we all look like fools with the hours of work we do for some priceless paper? Why is the money so important? Is some piece of paper really more important than billions of life? Why are we so stupid?


You might be more rich than someone, you might have more things than I do, but I do have more thing than alot of people do and so on.. I don't need 20 t-shirts in my closet when I only need 2 of them. We are so selfishes and ignorant my friends... We as a race are racing for ''our goals'' , we want to become rich! Do you know that the richer you are.. the more you affect this world... the more you affect this world the more you affect the people.. the more you affect the people.. the faster they die because you are rich and you think that it's OK to drive your v8 and pollute EVERYONE'S planet because you have a piece of paper with alot of numbers on it. You think it's OK to make twice as much food that you need everyday and throw the rest in the junk because you can afford that... You know what? You don't work as hard as these poor people who almost work one hundred HOURS a week and this.. just for the family's food and surviving.

IMAGINE if you could think and eat less.. This would be more food for the rest.

IMAGINE if you would take a 2 mins shower everydays instead of a 30 minutes one because you can afford that, maybe some more could drink the wasted water eh?

IMAGINE if you could( and you can ) walk to your jobs, Some people would still be alive instead of six-feet under us... oh wait, they can't afford that too!

IMAGINE if WE could stop killing each others for oil that will anyways .. one day be none of it. Some would still be here on earth to see the light and enjoy the life , all that because we are to lazy to walk or too ''cool'' to take the bus.

IMAGINE if we could stop believing in Boudha, Allah, Jesus and all of them because there's only one and it's all of them.

IMAGINE if we could just go everywhere we want on earth and feel safe, safe? What is being safe? Some are born with bombs blowing near them and some of them die because we keep shooting them bombs because we need to prove something with all those wars..


We didn't find any life ''out there'' and we have the CHANCE to live HERE on a BEAUTIFULL planet caller EARTH, WHY WHY WHY do we need to destroy what could be the only place that can have life? Why's that? Will our selfishness kill us all ? YES ! We MUST change because our RACE.. it might not be in YOUR lifetime BUT think about your race! Try to do something everyday that could help YOUR planet! You've been choosen to live on Earth by some god.. why can't we just let our planet live as it let us live on it? Why...

I'd continue so on and on forever because we are far from being perfect... Actually we don't even know what perfect means since we are so far from it that the only thing that is perfect is the word itself.

We need to seriously become WAY more mature and stop these little wars with OUR brothers and sisters and become one in one. Unity , peace , respect and Liberty is the key. If everybody helps their Neighbor, then the whole world will have some help...

I'd like to throw THE SOLUTION, but there is only one thing that can work... Think out of the box.


posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by iceofspades

This is why I'd like to create some kind of group that would help the poors and whoever needs help... I'd like to do that but alone I can't make it throught everything since Im far from being rich.. but as a whole ... if we really want to change something in the world.. we have to take it as a challenge for the human race! We have to unify and become One in One.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by ShadowStep
reply to post by iceofspades

This is why I'd like to create some kind of group that would help the poors and whoever needs help... I'd like to do that but alone I can't make it throught everything since Im far from being rich.. but as a whole ... if we really want to change something in the world.. we have to take it as a challenge for the human race! We have to unify and become One in One.

You're certainly right. A global identity is a necessary evolution...humans need to stop thinking of themselves as betrothed to associations like nation, city, religion, class, or whatever others. The problem we are facing now is that certain groups are taking this inevitable step and using it as a conduit for control. I do believe they will succeed in some capacity, but we can hope that this we eventually turn into a good thing. Know what I mean?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:46 AM
I completly got you there you know?

Someone's group is ''better'' than another one's group so the ''worse group'' will be influenced by the ''better one''. Which In my opinion is total BS. There is no good religions.. groups.. cites or whatever...

The group that I see is called ''Humanity'' and the only goal that we have is to help who needs help to survive and try to have a good life and make some lives better than they are actually.. it might look hard but if people wake up from their little bubble, this would be so awesome.. and easy nonetheless.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by ShadowStep
Why are we calling ourselves, black, white, yellow races when we're all humans? Is a black cat any different than a white cat? Why can't we accept the differences in the world?

Although I agree that race shouldn't matter, and that we are all equal, there are differences in races. We aren't all the same. A black cat may just be a different colour than the white cat, but colour isn't the issue, it's genetics.

A siamese cat is completely different from say, a persian.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by ShadowStep

I agree with you completely. Imagine if 70% of Human Beings felt as you do, there would be no armed conflicts and no use for words like war, warfare, and 'friendly fire'.

We would already have a cure for cancer as much more our resources would have been devoted to effort.

We would be further developed in space travel, oceanography and even physics.

Medical Science would be devoted to healing on all levels versus fixing what is broken.

Our children would grow up happier and more secure.

Criminal activity would be a true anomaly and be viewed as mental illness versus inherent evilness. Would we even need a word for evil?

It would be Utopian. A pleasant life devoted to existential studies on a gorgeous, abundant planet.

Thank you for this thread as it sparked a number of nice thoughts and feelings.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by ShadowStep
What do we need to do?
-Instead of giving money to poor people, give them food.
-Instead to attack someone's intelligence, try to understand that person's point of view and why it is so.
-Instead of crying because you lost 10 bucks, smile because your stomach is full ... some are smiling even if they only have their skins on their bones and an empty stomach!
-Instead of thinking you are always right, try to accept that even with your 10 diplomas, you aren't god, you're an human and humans make mistakes.
-Instead of taking your car , take the bus.. some will maybe have the chance to breath.
... continue.

Interesting post, and you echo what a lot of people think.

On the above points...

1. We don't need to give money instead of food. We need to make sure our governments are not abusing their positions, destroying peoples ability to feed themselves. We allowed Mugabe to destroy their native farming, we allowed him to take back land from white farmers and give it to people who do not know how to farm! What should have happened was an orderly training and development scheme in partnership with the people, employ them in senior positions and allow a transition over decades.
We now need to educate, we need to help people to feed themselves and sustain their own forms of responsible government under international law.
But such international law should be directly controlled by the public vote of the international community, not those with private investments in corporations who'll somehow benefit if a country fails.

2. It goes without saying that people should respect the opinions of others. But never when those opinions effect the rights of others. I have tried to understand why so many people hate the idea of gay people having civil union rights. It comes down to homophobia and nothing more, and I cannot respect that. People who dictate to others how they should live their lives based on a religion are not to be tolerated, they are to be ignored. The few do not have authority to control the lives of others where their lives are not being effected in any way by such choices and freedoms.

3. Agree entirely.

4. There are some things that I know I am absolutely right on; others should not have the right to dictate how I live if I am not harming anyone. That is something I know I am right about. But I see your point. On most things I don't immediately assume that I am right. I consider all options and theories, because I truly believe that nothing is impossible. I also know that at any given time I may not have all of the facts. We are all wrong on many things quite often, all we can do is try to make sense of the things we know and learn about the things we don't.

5. Instead of taking the bus, consider if the journey is worth it to begin with. So many millions of people travel into cities every morning and come home every night, but few of them consider if they could do that job from home, or the local coffee shop, given the support of their employer. With a P.C. a phone, and a VPN connection a vast majority of companies do not need massively expensive office buildings, 24hr lighting, 24hr air con, thousands of desks and phones and computers... all of this can be done from where you are, saving the company millions every year and allowing you to spend more time in a nicer environment, a social setting, with your family and friends, with flexible hours and all while reducing congestion, reducing pollution and reducing your fuel costs.
The technology is already there to do this, people just need to start making plans, show how their employer can benefit and make the proposals.
Don't leave it to others to suggest these improvements, there is a ecological movement going on that you should be a part of.
Whether you believe that global warming is a natural cycle or our fault is irrelevant, the air is polluted, the water is polluted, we cover the ground in concrete, we are fast using up natural resources... working to be more environmentally in-sync with the planet is a moral obligation, not a debate on scientific accuracy.

Anyway, that's my view. Great thread and interesting discussion. Starred

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 07:41 AM
The real issue here is the Embargo on truth.... I believe that someone once said : Absolute power, corrupts absolutelly.

Once in a position of power in any of the society on this planet, you are confronted to pressure from previously established micro societies. They know how the game works and where to apply the desired pressure for desired results. This gives the wealthy more power.

But the truth is.... our system is outdated and no one really believes in it anymore. Monetary system and political systems are failling everywhere.

My point here being, how can one expect things to change when we are so stuck up in our ways. When you look at financial side of things, companies are mostly built up from exploiting others. How other could you make money? If not by making profit. And you make profit by selling something that is cheap, not hard to make, and by making people believe that it is worth more then it is.

But good news, If you look closely on the internationnal political scene right now, the world has passed a point of no return. And by no means are things gonna get better before they get worst. The proof of this? Well amercians loosing their homes, sells going down in everything, some small countries going bankrupt, wars in almost every country I can think of (if not political wars for power then armed conflict). Civil unrest is comming. We are all living the american nightmare now... (american dream.... sorry couldnt help myself and I have the deepest respect for all life no matter what nation.... just some bad joke.... ill sht up now

Of course we all dream of unity. We all dream of one day visiting the stars.
But chances are, we might never know that day until we take responsability for ourselves and for others. And as long as money is more important then ones values, As long as our minds are poisoned with drugs and mood altering substances, they, the mass of people in power, have total control on what happens.

So lets hope for a positive revolution....

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Harrisboy42

Originally posted by ShadowStep
Why are we calling ourselves, black, white, yellow races when we're all humans? Is a black cat any different than a white cat? Why can't we accept the differences in the world?

Although I agree that race shouldn't matter, and that we are all equal, there are differences in races. We aren't all the same. A black cat may just be a different colour than the white cat, but colour isn't the issue, it's genetics.

A siamese cat is completely different from say, a persian.

I got you there, I 50% agree too.
Yes it's in fact TRUE that the black people are genetically different than the whites ones and so on, but how many white people hate the black ones for that reason? Do you understand my point here?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by argilla11

It might be a communism way of thinking... and yes it is but I think that's the solution.. we only need to give no power to anyone instead of all the power to someone who'll end corrupted, this is why I believe in it.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

Hey brother, I got your point of view and thanks for the reply

See, is it that hard to ' accept'' someone's point of view and keep our?
Actually it isn't hard at all because there's no wrong or right people in these kind of threads because our opinions are OUR truth.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by KpxMarMoTT

Well it's my point buddy

If we can't change things by going in the governement because wE'll end up corrupted, then we just have to build a peacefull group NOT against the government.

I don't ask for a revolution, I only ask for the unification of the human kind with the goal to bring peace around the globe!

If we could make somekind of website or ''company of peace'' that'd be awesome.. Imagine if people join everydays, and hey! Who REALLY wants war after all? It's good to reboost a country's economy but after all.. it's bad because alot of people die !

If a peace group with people from every countries join in, then it's international isn't it? It just needs to be well known and prove it's goal.

Unify,respect, love and peace buddy. There's always a solution for a problem.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by ShadowStep

The answer is simply the powers of good and evil! God gave man the gift of free will! Man made bad choices in the beginning and away we went. If man chose the holy path, life would be quite different. Your answer my friend is in the bible! God Bless you all!

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by ShadowStep

The answer is simply the powers of good and evil! God gave man the gift of free will! Man made bad choices in the beginning and away we went. If man chose the holy path, life would be quite different. Your answer my friend is in the bible! God Bless you all!

I see.......when should I stone my sister?

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by ShadowStep

come on be real.this is never gonna happen.

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