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All this talk of all secret societies and evil plots

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posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:06 PM
any one have any stories of secret societies looking out for the good of man kind? lol seriously though

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:09 PM
I can't recall the specifics of the thread but there have been stories and threads started on ATS that were about that specific subject. Usually surrounding the Illuminati or Freemason theories. I prefer them over the gloom and doom stories myself.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:13 PM
Sertinly I have.. they are called Shriners. and masons.

They are good guys, the most of them.. You have bad apples in every group.
But the powerbase of masons are good guys, who go to their lodges, and get away from the kids and wifes.

Sounds like good fun to me!!!

Its the higher, levels that go way past 33rd degrees that are within the powerbase that may be a bit evil.
However any Mason you find on ATS.. They are good guys.. And I have had many chats with them.. Great group of folks who give to the needy.
Help those with less. and offer a great deal of information upon our history, and stone workings. Some are very deep into the occult.
Which doesnt mean they are pagan, or into anything evil.
Its all about knowledge..

And its the higher, most top levels of masons, that the masons themselfs could never be a part of.. Yet those at the very top are not true masons.
They use it as a front.
You see masons are good for the most part.. And those high level scottish masons who are at the capstone.. 13 levels past 33rd degree are into something that is unknown.. And there are not many of them.
13 of them.. And that is up for debate.

However I can say.. Mason group are not evil group made out to be so many times on ATS.. You have to really do your homework to understand.
That some folks like to use good, to hide behind the truth of their evil actions.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:14 PM
maybe we should all go to our friends and start when sh** hits the fan societies. that way when things go crazy theres a whole bunch of groups with good intentions popping up... that seems like a good idea actually

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by zysin5

Quick question, are these members who are past the 33rd degree part of the York Rite or the Scottish Rite?
Or the Memphis Rite?

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
reply to post by zysin5

Quick question, are these members who are past the 33rd degree part of the York Rite or the Scottish Rite?
Or the Memphis Rite?

Only from what I have read.. Scottish Rite.. But I have not heard it called a rite. but the highest eschelons of the unknown capstone.
From what I have read, and heard only.. Not that I fully belive this.

But there is a ranking system.. And the highest levels goes to 33rd degree.

Above that is a secert order.. the Capstone. that is unknown by those of even 33rd degree.
It goes up 13 higher levels, and its the eschelon of this SS.
HOwever as I stated all masons and shriners I know are great folks!
They help out those who have less. And are just joes who get away from the wives and have a few brews, talk of history and things I wouldnt know about it, becasue Im not a part of that group.
As I said before, sounds like great fun.. Id love to be a member

But I read, and hear things.. And I dont say this is %100 truth..
Just trying to offer something that might not be mainly known to most.

The info is out there, so those who want to know more can research it themselfs to find out what the secert eschelons of masons really is.

No offence to any members of this order.. I stated also in my post.
Ive chatted with many of the people here of the order.
Smart, good natured, and have a great wealth of information that I find personally interesting!

which is a complete circle and the Masons who reaches the apex of becoming a thirty-third degree only have attained partial knowledge. It is this so-called incompleteness of the acquisition of knowledge, which often draws the un-daunting criticism from Muslims. However, I do not think Masonry was intending for thirty-third degree to freeze or terminate its devotees ability to continue this infinite quest to study, research, analyze and to acquire wisdom, etc. Masonry is both a science and a social science and this journey (or traveling path) could lead you in various directions.

33rd degree from this research says that its only the start to the higher levels of true knowledge..
Beyond 33rd degree

And yeah.. I learned this from David Icke.. So take it for what its worth.
Icke is a brillant man.. And I like many of his ideas.
But there are some things he says that I 100% dont agree with..

But its up for debate.

"At least for some Masons, membership in the Nation of Islam represented a spiritual graduation to a new level of knowledge even more intriguing and coveted than the thirty-three degrees of Masonic secrets. The Muslims believe that their gnosis was superior to the knowledge of the Masons in philosophical breadth and practical utility. It was not so much that they felt that the Nation's theology was radically different from Masonic doctrines, though it was in many ways, but instead, that the beliefs of the Muslims were 'original' formulations from which Freemasonry flowed as a sort of doctrinal distributary. Both the Muslims and the Masons shared an affinity for mystical symbolism, biblical allegories, and numerology, but the former considered themselves superior custodians of arcane knowledge. Whatever their ultimate motives for becoming Muslims, Masons did number among the early converts of the Nation of Islam". 29

Take it for what its worth, and with a grain of salt.

[edit on 15-12-2008 by zysin5]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by truthseeker9991
any one have any stories of secret societies looking out for the good of man kind? lol seriously though

Well here's the problem with that - what is the "good of mankind"? Seriously, have you heard any organized opinion on that which isn't objectable, from some angle?

Some would say that it is for the good of mankind to be under control, with the illusion of complete freedom, else chaos would reign. Do you agree?

And a vaguely-stated philosophy of "individual self-betterment" isn't exactly the same as defending humanity against the tyranny of evil men.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 10:43 AM
Well.. my lodge donated $131,000 to senior programs in my county last month. Some of the recipients were Meals on Wheels, senior transportation services and other charities.

Does that count?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 01:32 PM
i see what your saying about an opinion being viewed as good or evil regardless of intent i never really thought of that and to the guy below him 131,000 wow that must have took a while to raise

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by zysin5
Only from what I have read.. Scottish Rite.. But I have not heard it called a rite. but the highest eschelons of the unknown capstone.
From what I have read, and heard only.. Not that I fully belive this.

I know I ask this all the time. Its because I can never seem to get a consistent answer:

Why do you believe that there exists some sort of upper echelon of degrees based off internet websites? How is it that masons never know about them? How is it that its *always* the Scottish Rite that is proclaimed to harbor these high degrees, when the Scottish Rite's administrative body is called the Supreme Council of the 33rd AND LAST degree?

The Scottish Rite is simply 1 side order among many in freemasonry. People seem to latch on to it as the secret keeper of high degrees because it has lots of numbers.

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