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Christmas Miracle Coming

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posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:35 PM
Are we on the verge of witnessing a large and conventionally unexplainable event which all the world will see, day time or night?

Well, thats what Share International would have us believe. A recent press release was passed on to me (see below). Another GFL debacle? I hope not! I have followed the monthly Share International updates regarding the emergence of a world teacher for many years now (sometimes skeptically) , and this event would be the sign that a huge change is about to commence. Interesting and exciting if true.

Share International Press release notice
December 2008
Dear Friends,

On December 12, a press release titled "Christmas Miracle" was sent out by Share International centers worldwide. Here is an excerpt:

"...Look now for the biggest miracle of all. In the very near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible to all throughout the world night and day.

Unbelievable? Fantasy? No, a simple fact. Around a week later, Maitreya, the World Teacher for all humanity, will begin his open emergence and though not yet using the name Maitreya will be interviewed on a major US television program...."

The complete release is available at:

Please share this most hopeful information with others.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:55 PM
i don't know who these people are but that is interesting.

Originally posted by ReadyforChange
"...Look now for the biggest miracle of all. In the very near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible to all throughout the world night and day.

visible both night and day? the star would have to be really bright, almost like another sun. lots of people are talking about planet x and things like that. wonder if this is related?

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:59 PM

sounds like a perfect ANTICHRIST figure .. lol

I can see the Christians now, dogging him for claming to be a world messiah. They will say, you came first, you are the Antichrist!

Thats what I am seeing..

The world breaking out in controvery. Half follow, half refuse to, and the two sides begin fighting, inside every country and every religion. It's a recipe for global terror war including all factions of all religions, and groups with political aims as well.

[edit on 12/15/2008 by runetang]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 05:08 PM
Yeah, I know. Pretty well anyone that stands up and unites the world will be the antichrist. False prophets and all that jazz....

Haven't we had a slew of liars and false "prophets" already that fit that description? LOL

I'm not religious at all, but I've always been intrigued by the plausibility of a connection amongst the worlds religious figures throughout history and this story they propose, if true, would be an amazing revelation.


posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by runetang

Is ole Benjamin at it again? Interesting how they cut that picture, you should see the whole picture. not ONE person in the crowd is looking at the Maitreya in any of his so called showings. He has supposedly made many appearances already, a list of which is available in many places. There were several so called showings in America and no news ever covered any of them. This guy has been debunked by several others as a farce, the guy that supposedly channels Maitreya and the guy posing as the Maitreya.

This is New Age crap, and has nothing to do with Miracles and never has yet. Benjamin Creme claimed this guy would be on every tv channel in the world in like 2005, I don't recall that happening do you?

Anything to make a buck I guess!!

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

I recall that he did claim Maitreya would be on every television in the world (actually before 2005) - of course when the time was right....
. But, he never said he "was coming on the TV tonight or next week" for example.

To my knowledge, a date was never given for this particular event though.

Until now - they are saying "this Christmas" - for this daytime/nightime 'star' event. This is the closest I have ever seen them come to a fixed timeline regarding the 'emergence' . We are talking an event within 10 days, right?

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 05:34 PM
Just a word of caution. Many have claimed that a 'messiah' type will arrive shortly to save the world. Even the most holy of men have. That does not necessarily mean that that is so. None of us CAN know when the messiah will come. Not even Jesus himself knows the hour in question. Only God does, if you believe what's in the bible. New Testament and Old Testament and Revelation are all clear on this. Anything else is just soothsaying and divination. Not that I am a religious person by any stretch of the imagination, because I am not and never will be a religious person. I have read the bible, though.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by ReadyforChange

will be interviewed on a major US television program...."

Need I say more!.....

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by nerbot

Yes! You might have to....

These speculations are, well, speculative... Hey, I'm following a story that I believe, at some point in the future, may be regarded as common knowledge and not "New Agey". I find Benjamin Creme to preach nothing more than common sense. Nothing too dangerous there or "culty".

Well, I can't fault the guy for selling books about "teachings". I believe the "Coles notes" teachings are available for free via the website.

I've paid far more to other 'teachers' before and gotten far less in return. One look at my kids private tutoring results is evidence there - (no offense son!). Anyway, getting semi-off topic, still interested in this hopeful event.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:41 PM
Large bright star?

That's it?

Pfft. I thought this was going to be about Project Bluebeam.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 01:08 PM
NOOOOOO!!!!! Not Again!!

I have been dissapointed to many times. I dont care what, but something must happen. Either the rise of the Antichrist or the second coming of Jesus, i dont even care anymore. It has to happen. And because i really think something of this proportions is necessary i WILL get dissapointed yet another time, like with the GFL things.

This is torture

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 12:07 PM
Lol, this "news" was on a major Dutch radio station.


posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 12:41 PM
I'm not sure, and I can't quite remember the thread, but there were posts here concerning this "new age" figure, and the way it seemed this was actually more of an official plot, perhaps something cabal backed to me.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by ReadyforChange

I've been researching Maitreya for a while now. I've a pretty conspiratal take on it all and believe none of it should be trusted.
The "big event" is supposed to be a large Ufo by the way, that will look like a star. This heralds the emergence of Maitreya. The idea seems to be that he will not appear as the same person every time, but that he will be known by his message. The increase of public recognition is meant to lead to a "day of declaration" which Creme anticipates occuring 21-12-2012

I've copied and pasted something I wrote from another post I goes:

Maitreya is a NWO plant to usher in the dawn of a new world religion and work towards a cashless, socialist utopia on Earth. He is the embodiment of all major religious figures rolled into one, so is the "returned messiah" various religions await.

He is strongly connected to the UFO-ET phenomena - just use the search facility on their website and you'll see - and he is to act as some kind of "bridge" between the ET's and us. The idea is the ET's will land some time in the years after the 2013 UN official disclosure of ET's mentioned on the site. They will come when the masses are ready, which is a process they are working on now quite obviously, what with all the very obvious increase in disclosure.

One could imagine a massive amount of rebellion from some people when the "friendly" ET's come. Many will not trust them (remember the plot line of "V"?). Civil unrest will undoubtedly break out in places and perhaps some of the more cynical countries may take it upon themselves to cause conflict with the "visitors", resulting in a scenario where the ET's "have to" defend themselves before "true peace" can prevail.

Even without war, there would be rebellion. One could imagine this to be the perfect excuse to insitgate complusory microchipping of the masses on the premise of such action being "necessary" to maintain stability in a climate of fear and suspicion which is "threatening" the "wonderful" new relationship we can build with the visitors.
Maitreya, by the way, plans a global public "day of declaration" which his spokesman , Benjamin Creme, imagines happening to coincide with the famous 21-12-2012 date. He will appear on TV, with all networks across the globe linked simultaneously for the broadcast. Radio too. He won't speak apparantly but his message will instead be beamed telepathically into the heads of viewers... Prior to this public emerging he will be on the world scene more and more in a manner that will cause curiosity but not be too obvious . He is waiting until the "last leg" of the global economic crisis manifests, this collapse being something he "predicted" years ago...
so, we can imagine sometime in 2009 we will see this Maitreya beginning to make his public talks, causing interest with his lectures and solutions for mankinds terrible problems, etc.

A massive amount of backlash will occur when Maitreya emerges publically....the NWO won't have to do much themselves to raze the population, the people will do it to themselves by fighting over this person and the ET's that arrive some years after him. Few will realize how they have been played as they go about warring against who they view as the "antichrist" or whatever. Just imagine the reaction to him from the tens of millions of Christians and Muslims....good job those trust fema camps are in place eh (irony people, irony).

The ET's coming could well be those who have been around for millenia...the very ones many believe created us, and created also the different and contradictory major world religions in an effort to "divide and conquer" mankind.

In one fell swoop all this would tick a few boxes for the NWO:
- kill of a potentially large amount of human beings
- phase out all exisiting religions and replace them with a global philosophical system
- give them cause to really get a one world government in full swing
- microchip the masses, a prelude to total mind /thought control
- eventually have their slave - populated, mind controlled socialist utopia....the "new golden age"
- they plan for a one world language too by the way....English. So says Maitreya, thus so says the "Elite" and their alien masters. Probably easier to control the thought prompts via the mind control technology the microchips will eventually make possible if everyone speaks one language..?

They don't need to stage a false alien attack to achieve their aims when they can instead work with the real aliens, as they have been doing for a long time, and so effect the desired changes in a manner which makes them look relatively all those who don't see through it of course.

Google Maitreya, Share International and the website will come up. As mentioned before, this organization is UN affiliated. It's international paper magazine has all sorts of respected public figures writing articles and giving interviews for it. Diplomats, prime ministers, even Prince Charles...
We know the UN plays a part in the execution of NWO plans so everything said here should be taken seriously as this is what they are preparing for, and what they are planning. Maitreya and ET's are coming.......

In my own opinion, Maitreya links all world religions, the ancient astronaut theories, the NWO plans, 21-12-2012 and the return of the alien controllers of planet Earth. All previous religious figures were likely plants too, sent to divide mankind via confusing religious "truths" . There is NO real messiah or saviour is all a lie. The only "redeemer" coming is Maitreya and he is not of the light, he only masquerades as such.

Maitreya by the way is an ascended master....these are beings many take to be the "fallen angels" (Igigi /Grigori/Watchers)...the rebellious alien gods in other words. They have marvellous powers and are very much the enemy to human liberty. It's my belief that these beings have for millenia been working towards a culmination of an agenda that has involved the behind the scenes "powers" on Earth. The last leg of this plan is to be unleashed in 2012 .

Maitreya, Share International and the "space brothers" to follow Maitreya are darkness disguised as light.

Think me potty if you like but I'm simply joining the dots.......

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 01:44 PM
i WOULDNT doubt something like this happening, however, i wouldnt call it a miracle if its a doomsday ball of redemption or something that is going to kill humanity.

It would be a miracle if the "star" or whatever it is gets close to scare the bejesus out of us then suddenly, darts back out into space where it came from.

I dont get the "miracle" in this one.

posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 06:21 PM
Unless of course Jesus was the real messiah and this David Icke "New Age Conspiracy Theory" is just another way to keep people from seeing the truth and being saved. Some say David Icke is a part of the NWO. Part of the game of the NWO is revealing aspects of their agenda and putting a twist on it, creating confusion in order to keep people from the real truth. The truth is that the NWO is a satanic organization with the purpose of preparing the world for the antichrist. One world government, one world currency and one world ruler: the devil incarnate. They know that some people will see Maitreya and will not believe or accept him. And if they don't believe, they may turn and say "Hmm, this must be the who the christian bible predicts is the antichrist in the book of Revelation." And so they may read the bible and believe and be saved. Of course the NWO can't have that so they offer you another alternative based on lies and half truth. This other option is the New Age Conspiracy. From a christian perspective, people who accept the antichrist (maitreya) will live for a little while until Jesus finally comes back to pass judgement on them. All those who do not accept maitreya will be killed christian and non christian alike. If you die without Christ as your savior it's the same as accepting the antichrist: eternal death. Ask God to show you the truth. If you want more information on the christian perspective of Maitreya here's a good resource :

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