posted on Jan, 23 2003 @ 08:57 AM
Sorry, haven't been on in a while.
Anyway, by tuned I mean that your brain recieves radio waves and translates them somewhat like a tv, only not quite to that extent.
Or for the phone, you feel the electricity in the phonelines change, and anticipate a ring. A very subtle change that you don't feel conciously, only
There have been many reports of people recieving radio waves or feeling electricity, except they had the help of a metal plate in their head, or
fillings. So why couldn't it happen with out any metal? And if it did, would you only notice it on a subconcious level?
What if I am recieving waves from the future, much like you could be percieving electricity, or radio waves? Maybe my waves are different, how I
don't know.
any ideas?