posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath
We're not here trying to nail down a theory of everything...
instead, using the framework we have as a point of view, we must research according to the scientific method...
I'm still not convinced the universe is as "complicated" as theoretical physics suggests... I think each theory has merit, but ultimately,
simplicity will be the key... It may be that the way we define our universal constants will change... but overall, there's a favorite saying of mine
when thinking of scientific hypotheses: "Keep it simple, stupid". (Occam's Razor)
However, we're treading into the realm of philosophy and theoretical physics... and sticking with the slogan "keep it simple, stupid", we should be
talking about abiogenesis... (Nohup's post has a place here, as he feels from what I gather, that the science of abiogenesis is derived from man's
inability to understand the infinite... and that life has always been... and always will be... (with a slight hint of panspermia)
There's too much philosophy going on at the moment... we shouldn't have to define consciousness, and "thing", (or "is" hehe). Instead, we
should be discussing abiogenesis, or alternative theories on how life was "seeded" on earth...
Regardless of what definitions we use, we know life exists. Lets discuss sound theories on how life began (or didn't in Nohup's case). As
Abiogenesis is a scientific field, philosophical and religious ideas aren't compatible.
Lets stick to science.
[edit on 17-12-2008 by nj2day]