posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 09:02 PM
I think that you're only just beginning to see the tip of the "scam" iceberg. Your post focuses on the scam texts that clutter the shelves of all
the major bookstore chains as if they were the only scams worth considering. I think the basic fabric of our country's political, spiritual and
economic establishments are all now firmly based upon the Scam Doctrine. Let's consider the basic nature of a scam for a moment. A scam is basically
where a fantasy gets peddled in place of something real and concrete. The scammer goes to great lengths to convince the sucker that his fantasy
product is genuine but the truth of the matter is that the scam artist is always trafficking in something he cannot or will not really deliver. Let's
consider some recent examples:
Ted Haggard was and still is a consummate scam artist. His product was salvation and a closer walk with Jesus. The fantasy content in this offering
are, of course, off the charts. At best the chances that the Hebrew God and his long suffering son actually exist are 50-50 (and I'm being extremely
kind here). Beyond the odds there's the rather obvious fact that Ted is in no position to promise anybody that they'll actually be pardoned on
Judgement Day. Still, peddling his brand of Christianity allowed him to build a multi-million dollar organization and made him a very rich man, until
the fall came. All con-men are fakers and when one of Ted's gay prostitutes finally went to the press with the truth about him, poor Ted got kicked
out of the very church his lying and theiving had built! Ted sold himself as a man with an enviable connection to God but he really was just another
closeted religious predator using the good book to fleece the gullible of their cash.
George W. Bush is another great example of the con in the political realm. Bush is a consummate liar in a field where lying is the coin of the realm,
namely american politics. Nothing about the man's political persona or his agenda were real. Nothing! He's not a Texan, he's not a rancher, he's
not a christian, he's not sober, he's nowhere near macho, and, to top it all off, there's good reson to believe that he's not even straight
either. Out of all of the principles he claimed to hold in high esteem when he was first campaigning for the presidency, things like balanced federal
budgets and limited federal government and a foreign policy that avoided nation building, in the final tally his administration lived up to exactly
none of those goals he promised the american people he would vigorously persue. All of those high minded ideas were merely the vehicles by which he
could achieve and maintain the presidency. After he was in they were dispensed with as quickly as a used tampon gets flushed. All modern politicians
are scam artists these days, and the parties they represent wouldn't have it any other way.
And just look at the auto industry and their recent travails. Once upon a time the American business model was based upon what they called "The
Square Deal". It was a decent product offered to the consumer at a fair price. That ideal went the way of the Dodo some time ago. Nowadays the
business of the scam rules the land. Some time ago the big three embraced the concept of "planned obsolesence" in a big time way. Instead of
building cars that would last a lifetime they decided instead to build cars that would start to disintegrate after the consumer finished paying for
them, thus providing incentive for him to purchase another car. They still continued to advertise their vehicles as tough and reliable, but in a
market where foreign imports deliver the reliability while their products just plague their owners with shop visit after shop visit, is it any wonder
that thier market share has taken a huge dip to the south?? The con is king in america these days and appearance trumps everything.