Though your loyalty to the former NWO represnative and traitor Clinton is admirable, My own experience in the military under that worthless turds
admin speaks otherwise.
Pint in hand:
Had Clinton given the green light to the coverts to get Bin laden, Bin Laden would have been gotten. Case Closed.
Bin Laden was no mystery name to us. Even units like mine, when we were in Saudi, were warned about his homeboys running amok.
Plenty of intelligence was available. We all knew that sucker was commin back for us.
Taking Bin laden out of Sudan was little problem. We had indictable charges against him: 1993 WTC bombings.
No real pressure was ever applied to Afghanistan by Clinton to turn the bearded punk over. Like the "pressure" Clinton put on the Saudis to start
finding who blew up Khobar. Like the pressure for the 1998 Kenya Bombings, and the Cole bombing. Clinton was a pussy regarding demanding the
punishment and pursuit of terrorists. I remeber all to well our wrath at his lack of motivation.
Fact: drones had sighted Bin laden several times during the Clinton Admin. WE knew damn well well the little bastard was hiding, hell, we were taking
pictures og him at his goat barbeques. KLnowing where, it would have been nothing to arrange a little aerial "accident". Hell we blew up asprin
factories, why the hell not?
If Clinton wanted him dead, hed be dead. If Clinton wanted him, hed have him. But Clinton refused.
Clinton should burn at the stake.
By the way, i dont even listen to Rush Limbaugh. i called in his show once and explained to him that the Gulf War was a scam, our presence in Saudi
was a Scam, and that republiklannsmen were in part largely responsible for VA benefit cuts. he called me a femmenist and a communist. I dont know why
he called me a femmenist, I made no such statements about women. Guess he assumed because I didnt liek republicans and didnt believe the first gulf
war, I must be a female communist.
Thats the last time I listened to his crap.
Of course, i thought Clinton was the most evil, crooked, piece of # ever to occupy the office.
Then came Bush.........................