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Self Embedding

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posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 02:19 AM
Teens' Latest Self-Injury Fad: Self-Embedding

At a recent medical conference in Chicago, a team of radiologists from Nationwide Children's Hospital presented intriguing X-ray evidence of a psychological phenomenon — what they believed was a new form of self-injury among teens and adolescents. Eleven out of 505 patients whom the team had treated in more than a decade had inserted objects — from chunks of crayons to unfolded paper clips — under their skin in a behavior the Nationwide team labeled "self-embedding."

See Self-Injury in Japan pics here.

Later, the article states the dangers of self embedding.

The dangers of this form of self-injury are obvious, and serious. Creating any wound in the skin can lead to infection, but when foreign objects are inserted deep into tissue, the risk is amplified. "The infections aren't just at the site," Shiels says. "You can get a deep muscle infection or a bone infection," or if you hit arteries, veins, nerves or tendons while driving something into the soft tissue, you can cause tears or other damage. Beyond those risks, there is also the possibility that objects can travel once inside the body, approaching vital organs. "They pose significant risk, not only during insertion, but also if they're not removed," Shiels says.

Here's a few more articles on this behavior.
Radiologists uncover, label new teen affliction
Self-embedding disorder worse than thought in teens
Severe Self-Injury a Threat to Teens
Self-Embedding Disorder – The New Trend of Self-Mutilation among Teens

And from Fox News:
Self-Embedding Disorder: Teens Putting Nails, Paper Clips in Bodies, Study Finds

Oddly enough, Most of these articles have appeared from December 3rd on. It seems that the media is now just becoming aware of this problem.

There is nothing on Wiki about it, but under self-injury, it says most self inflicted injuries are during times of war and amoungst soldiers.

Go figure.

This is not a new phenomenon if you consider bones through the nose and such, but these seem mainly under the skin, a health risk and not ornamental nor confined geographically. It seems this is spreading throughout the world and is fueled by internet and word of mouth.

I hope this isn't a precursor to the RFID implant. Maybe they start making the implant look like paper clips, pins, nails, pencil lead, etc... and the youths that today find this behavior somehow cool, exciting, attention getting or a personal statement may be willing to purchase embedding goods complete with RFID chip.

I hope no marketing wizard gets the idea. It could benefit the chip providers with another tool to establish their goals.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 02:38 AM
Wow I never saw this going the NWO route. It was an interesting article though, thanks for sharing.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:06 AM
You should go and have a look on BME-zine there are some funky mutilation stuff on there if your into it.


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