posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by interestedalways
The way i look at it is through the process of understand each being as a dule nature personality. We have our animalistic side. This side likes to
try to alpha others. Being right for being right's sake. Get others to bend to our understanding, even if it is truly best for that person to do so.
However their animalistic side will see your growling as an alude to an attack and will defend their belief system, their ground. Now there is a place
for the evolutionary animalistic nature but that isn't in the agressive way. Because if you want me to come with you, and you try to be agressive
about it, mostlikely that will not work no matter how many times you try it.
Sowing a seed is not placing it down and stompping it into the ground, because in that way the seed breaks open and drys up and nothing grows.
There is a host of ways better to present ideas and understandings rather then trying to pound them into the ground of the minds of others. However
you stop yourself by following the beastly nature of the animal of evolutionary process rather then using the light of truth within you.
Having the light of understanding within you can not be shared through animalistic tendancies. We all have a "soul" and we all connect to spirits,
but understanding that procsses of love and kindness will achieve far more things then trying to pound those seeds in.