Perhaps my emotions did cloud some of my judgment, as another posting by a moron had my blood boiling by the time i got around to writing a responce
for you...your statements didnt help lessen my frustrations however....
lets talk about your critique...
Respect for nations
you asked for one, I gave you several.
No disputing my first great exapmle, CANADA?
weather this ended up being good/bad for the USA, Canada or Mexico is irrelavent to the fact that the usa lead and signed this in order to BALANCE
trade with other nations...I.E. we took this deal in respect to other countries wishes for fairer and free FOR THEM.
Magadishu 93
yes we were there in part to get Aideed as he was hindering UN efforts (led by US) to stop relief aid from being looted by the warlords.
look at the timeline of events,
your trying to pluck the arrest of Aideed out of the timeline as a single event showing the USA as bad guy...this conveniantly ignores the total
picture of events and the WHY we went after Aideed...
Rebuilding Germany and Japan
Of course we didnt do it alone....DUH! but the USA did lead this effort.
AID $$$
Lets look at the example you used. BS. well thats not a great responce so lets move on to your link.
One of the more informative links ive seen posted on ATS...the link talked about a UN program called the Official Development Assistance (ODA)
"USA's aid, in terms of percentage of their GNP is already lowest of any industrialized nation in the world, though paradoxically in the last two
years, their dollar amount has been the highest."
NEGATIVE...my point is validated by your own link and the chart on it.
YES our aid was percentage wise the lowest on the chart for GNP, but our little .1% ($9.145 billion) of GNP equaled a far greater ammount of $$ than
say the top of the chart Denmarks 1.01% of GNP ($1.733 billion)
WHAT DOES THIS TELL ME? You can manipulate stats like a politician....Our smaller % was WORTH MORE than others larger % donations...The US economy is
so large that for Denmark to = the US in raw dollar value they would have to give a larger % like about 6%
Your statistical shell game does not negate the fact that the US in this instance has indeed given freely to others. (to a UN bilk the US for $$
program) This does not count the $$ or material aid we give directly not thru UN programs...
like digging out Nicarauga after the hurricane (cant remember which) burried thousands of people.
"And yet the USA continues to give them BILLIONS of dollars and veto any and all resolutions that come before the UN. "
Yes we do, because the UN can and is used as a weapon against israel (and the US)...we support them with $$, equip, and on paper in the UN
The UN is not the be all of world politics, in fact it seems rather impotent for anything other than taking wealth from countries and giving it to
poorer ones (oft times being stolen by corruption...oil for food ring a bell?)
OR stacking up piles of paper sanctions but then not enforcing anything.
YOU SAY; (bashing israel)
I don't know, who has the 5th largest army in the world, who uses assassination by helicopter gunship as a valid tactic, who erects a barbed wire
fence around their country?
Hmm, much like my p-e-n-i-s- size, army size is important why? (iraq had and egypt has a bigger army)
Who straps bombs to mentally chalenged 14 yr olds and sends them up to the check point?
Umm what about the berlin wall? a wall is a wall no matter who built it to keep people in/out.
You again;
"Again, BS. The Japanese were surrendering and the bombing of two civilian (not military) targets was unneccessary. "
I want some of what your smoking!!!
Japan was SURRENDERING??? BEFORE the bombs??
i seem to recall the japanese millitary nearly having a coup against the emperor when he said they were to surrender after the 2nd bomb...They wanted
to keep fighting, and were intent to fight us before and seemingly after the bombs. where do you get your history? Selective Googling?
This is geting long but I said,
You reply
Um, how about : 1) Guerrilla warfare from the locals. 2) International condemnation for the military action. 3) Large US soldier loss of life. 4)
Unpopular war for most americans. 5) Started under false pretenses. 6) ILLEGAL.
1) guerrilla warfareis a tactic, it can and has been used by many.
2)tell that to the 30 or so countries that are backing us now
3)we have not even come close to the level of casualties as in the first year of Nam....
www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/ 2003-04-20-cover-usat_x.htm
4)unpopular for some indeed, but i see nothing close to the social protests here like from the 60's so it cant be that disliked here. (and certantly
ignore those sponsored by questionable anti-west groups)
5)Ok so the UN for 10 years along with our and other intelligence agencies worldwide said he did, and when we got there havent YET found any....This
is not a false pretense, it was a bluff from sadam, one we called.
6) i have never seen anything that makes this an illegal conflict, anywhere from any country, the UN, ect.
Legality is a formality and one the USA would seek for more credibillity...but legal or not, we will act when the nations security is at risk!!!
Trying to finnish but your hollow arguments cannot be allowed to stand for other brain dead itiots to adopt as reality.
my response to you
1) you better read the conventions on this, were not doing anything to violate this, and i feel your trying to use this to say we are "punnishing"
when in fact this deals with restrictions of movement and not being forced to work for the occupier, not just for "innocent casualties"
2)Guantanmo bay....so far no one in the world community has been able to determine this isnt legal, or im certain our opponents would be all over
3) use of napalm and DU are not banned under the conventions....controversial weapons? possibly, but not in violation.
4) put the top back onto your skull, the world isnt ready for more of your innacurate and selective ideas.
OF course our buddies to the north are willing to freeload on their friends to the south, but thats ok, we have a big heart and enough guns to keep us
both safe. And thats just the civillians... LOL
Now that ive turned your argument to swiss cheese,
i await further targets for my intellect to devour and spit out.