posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 02:14 AM
First, "world" and "America" do not belong so related as you did in your opening post. The world maybe influenced by America to a certain degree,
but control of one is not necessarily control of the other.
I am going to base this on the "world" aspect, since that would apply to more people here.
The US Supreme Court Justice is not a world player. They are a US based appellate court decided on by the US President and US Senate. That pretty
much takes them out of the world picture. As a federal appeals court, it is their job to be the final word on controversial cases, between states, or
states and citizens. You only appeal to them when you cannot get justice at the local and state level. Beyond that, they dont actually have a lot of
authority over how you live your life.
So, who controls you? Who has highest authority over you?
I would think that the heads of the central banking system have the highest power. They control the money that everyone cherishes so deeply. They
have so ingrained the need for printed coin and bill that the world has forgotten how to live without it.
Think about it. Every single aspect of your daily waking and sleeping life depends on your ability to acquire and transfer wealth. Without it, you
could not and would not be on this site asking this question.
The central banks have proven their control over the worlds governments, which are the powers that control the lesser masses, like puppets controlling
The only people who feel somehow, or somewhat, free from this control are the people who live "off the grid". They are still subject to
their own countries law enforcement, but they have a bit more freedom without the worry of being in the financial system.
[edit on 15-12-2008 by wheresthetruth]