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Some of History's Greatest Evolutionists

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posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 12:31 PM
I thought it would be good to counter the many many posts on so called Christians that do bad things in the name of God with GOOD Evolutionists. See a person who kills for the Judaic Christian God is not accurate nor does he follow God's Word or he wouldn't murder.

But Evolution requires Murder and Death to propagate the better races as Darwin put it so let's look at some of the World's greatest Evolutionists shall we?

Hitler - over 30 million killed in order to make a MASTER RACE directly in line with Charlie's book on Favoured races...

Stalin - over 40 million killed in the name of Atheism and Evolution, as with other nations the first thing they did under Stalin was not round up religious peoples the first thing they did was introduce Evolution into their textbooks and took God out of them...

Mao - 60 million dead in the name of evolution, and this number is low as they are still killing Christians in China today...

So the next time you evolutionists putout some trash about Pat Robertson or some other CLEARLY UNGODLY so called Christian that no self respecting Christian would claim. Remember those of your ilk that are and did follow Charlie's Favoured Races book to the fullest extent and what it has done to this world.

Did any of you ever wonder why so many evolutionist refuse to call Charlie's book by it's full Title? It's no secret to us or them, they just like to hide the facts and make it seem scientific, which of course it is not.

I have asked this a hundred times in threads and never gotten one answer to the question so I will ask it again...

To all evolutionists - Which Race is the Favoured Race? Was Hitler right and the Jews are apes and Aryans are the Master Race? Or was it Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Amin, Tito?

Their book is called Preservation of the Favoured Races and details how weaker forms must DIE EN MASSE to get the stronger to survive. So they can not argue that I am misquoting their book but they are most assuredly misquoting the Bible...

God Created them Male and Female and it was GOOD and let's not forget the other one, for we are all of ONE BLOOD. That makes us all brothers does in not?

So the Bible says to love one another and treat each other with the same treatment you would want and their book says kill off the weaker ones, or at least the ones YOU PERCEIVE as the weaker ones...

White Sheet anyone?

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 01:06 PM

2 very famous evolutionist none of you won't know...

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 01:14 PM
well lets name some good creationists and event and their death tolls:

the church: anyone who disagreed.

The crusades: millions which is alot for their small population

The black death: o yes i will blame the plague on christians. they said that the jews were responsible for it because they didnt get sick as much and killed jews. the reason jews didnt get sick is becasue they showered but christians didnt want to shower so even more people died.

screw it lets take it to another level and get all religion on this

muslims and their holy wars. egyptians and their slaves. african tribed killing each other over which god is right. anyone living in britian who wasnt catholic.

so for evolutionists you have a few bad apples who are most likely kill people because they are just like that rather then an atheists. or you have over 5000 years of people killling and enslaving each other based on whos god is right?

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 01:14 PM
how dare you bring the columbine kids into this. maybe if they werent abused by their fellow peer who were religious or maybe if they had some better parents who werent relgious they wouldnt need to act out in that way.

they were troubled. they were abused. they had no one to turn to. i dont condone their actions but i see where they are coming from. and to bring them up like this is very tasteless

Mod Edit: No profanity please
[edit on 07/17/2008 by N. Tesla]

[edit on 12/14/08 by FredT]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
To all evolutionists - Which Race is the Favoured Race? Was Hitler right and the Jews are apes and Aryans are the Master Race? Or was it Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Amin, Tito?

So the Bible says to love one another and treat each other with the same treatment you would want and their book says kill off the weaker ones, or at least the ones YOU PERCEIVE as the weaker ones...

I believe in evolution just like most christians. So im an evolutionist.

If i had to guess, the human race is the favoured race, but i dont realy know what you mean. We are seemingly the most intelligent form of life on earth, so im thinking that makes us special at least... or favoured?

Was hitler "right"? Thats up to each human to decide. The norm is that he was "wrong", and that noone should do those things.

The jews are indeed apes, great apes, as are you and I.

Evolution isnt a philosophy, its a theroy on how life evolves in time. Their books tells us to kill weaker ones, yeah, but evolution doesnt "preach" that, evolution isnt a religion to follow.

Now stop beeing silly.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 03:10 PM

Is this another one of those sarcastic threads? Or are you actually, really, god-forbid, serious?

Before you continue breathing, answer me this; Since when does the hypothesis that:

-The best suited organism for particular environment shall succeed

Somehow can be acurately redefined as:

-The organism with the ability to destroy other organisms is morally obligated to do so


Riddle me that.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Daniem

Evolution in itself has become the bible for the for the evangelical atheist movement.

This is a great article on the subject.

The New Atheists are positively evangelical. They want to make a convert out of you, although if you’re a “dyed-in-the-wool faith-head” they’ll settle for peppering you with insults and sarcasm instead.

Nevertheless, some of the brightest minds in the English-speaking world right now argue that religion is the problem. And we know they’re the brightest minds because they keep telling us they are. Attracted by the intellectual rebelliousness of the movement, young people fall for its insidious message: join us and you can be one of the smart people!

But most of the English-speaking world was spared this excessive institutional atheism. The United States, in particular, has always zealously guarded the freedom of anyone to practice any religion that does not seriously interfere with public order.

That’s why we’re so surprised and baffled by what we call the New Atheism. For the first time in our relatively tranquil history, we’re facing a determined attempt not just to keep organized religion out of government (which most religious Americans agree is a good idea), but to suppress religion completely.

Led by the Four Horsemen, as they like to call themselves—Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett—these New Atheists argue that religion, is simply delusion and at the root of all our problems. They have websites and well-orchestrated media events, and collectively they sell millions of books. Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion has been on the bestseller list since its release in 2006.

But if atheists have always been with us, why are we worrying now? After all, the Church has engaged non-believers for over two thousand years.

What we call the “New Atheism” is a bit different than its predecessor. It’s more aggressive, and it has more power. The leaders of the sect are well placed in the academic world, and they have a strong determination to mold government policy.

And you wouldn’t like the government if the New Atheists molded its policy. Richard Dawkins has asserted that teaching your religion to your child is a form of child abuse and should be criminalized. Other New Atheists have argued that churches should have to post a sign reading “for entertainment purposes only,” since after all they’re no less a fraud than telephone psychics.

The New Atheists see religion as a disease to be exterminated. Their dream, in short, is not a government neutral to religion, but a government actively hostile to religion.

What is most worrying is that the New Atheists seem to gain the most followers precisely among the most ambitious and intelligent young people—the people who will be actively shaping government policy in the years to come. Attracted by the intellectual rebelliousness of the movement, young people fall for its insidious message: join us and you can be one of the smart people.

How do we counter the New Atheists where they’re doing the most damage?

First, we need to be polite. That’s all the more important when our opponents descend to the level of playground taunts. If a New Atheist joins our discussion, we need to be welcoming, not hostile. (see link for complete article)

Mr. Onfray, 48 years old and author of 32 books, stands in the vanguard of a curious and increasingly potent phenomenon in Europe: zealous disbelief in God. Mr. Onfray argues that atheism faces a "final battle" against "theological hocus-pocus" and must rally its troops. "We can no longer tolerate neutrality and benevolence," he writes in "Traité d'athéologie," or Atheist Manifesto, a best seller in France, Italy and Spain. "The turbulent time we live in suggests that change is at hand and the time has come for a new order."

The battle over religion is restarting. It is going to be a difficult one," says Terry Sanderson, president of Britain's National Secular Society, an organization that was founded in the 19th century but has now gained a new vibrancy. Membership has doubled in the past four years, to around 7,000, says Mr. Sanderson. For converts from Christianity, the society provides a certificate of "de-baptism." "Make it official!" urges the society's Web site,

[edit on 14-12-2008 by infolurker]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal

Hitler - over 30 million killed in order to make a MASTER RACE directly in line with Charlie's book on Favoured races...
staunch christain had darwins origins and all books relating the evolution banned and burned in germany

killed the jews becasue they killed jesus

Stalin - over 40 million killed in the name of Atheism and Evolution, as with other nations the first thing they did under Stalin was not round up religious peoples the first thing they did was introduce Evolution into their textbooks and took God out of them...
killed 40 million in the name of personaility cult comunism not atheism, if your trying to present your self as an all knowing divine leader thats not atheism

also killed atheists and sceintists that didnt agree with his beliefs

infact on checking

In fact, most 20th century proponents of communism (such as Joseph Stalin) rejected Darwinian evolution and believed it was biased in favor of The Bourgeois and Capitalism.

The main reason why many prominent communists rejected and or denounced Darwinian evolution was because the agronomist Trofim Lysenko convinced Josef Stalin that applying Lamarckian ideas, in the form of Lysenkoism, would yield more productive crops in conjunction with mass collectivization. Even though the application of Lysenkoism caused devastating famines in both the Soviet Union and China, support for Lysenkoism did not wane until the 1960s.

According to evolution theory, variation is exceptionally important since it allows a species to adapt quickly to a changing environment. This is in direct contradiction with the totalitarian uniformity found in communist regimes.

Mao - 60 million dead in the name of evolution, and this number is low as they are still killing Christians in China today...
see above

independant your slander is absurd and offensive

Did any of you ever wonder why so many evolutionist refuse to call Charlie's book by it's full Title? It's no secret to us or them, they just like to hide the facts and make it seem scientific, which of course it is not.
you mean its sub title not its title

you also as usual willingly and knowingly lie

as the term races is also applied to everything in the book including fish and felines

To all evolutionists - Which Race is the Favoured Race?
which ever is most fit to its enviroment

more lies ive answered this question several times for you

Was Hitler right and the Jews are apes and Aryans are the Master Race? Or was it Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Amin, Tito?

well as evolution says we are ALL apes and hitler describes creationism as his ideal not evolution

was hitler right? no he was a raving lunatic who killed people thinking god wanted him to and they were a threat to his power

the others were again raving lunatics who killed people who were a threat to thier power

thats not a natural process of enviroment so not evolution

Their book is called Preservation of the Favoured Races and details how weaker forms must DIE EN MASSE to get the stronger to survive.
no it says species or races (of all animals and plants) if they are unable to evolve to suit thier enviroment will die becasue of ecological and predatorial stresses

mass murder and death camps are not a natural process

So they can not argue that I am misquoting their book but they are most assuredly misquoting the Bible...
thats funny i am saying you are misquoting, in fact ill go as far as to say your willingly lying as we hae covered this topic many times and you still say the same lies despite bieng shown evidence to the contruary

God Created them Male and Female and it was GOOD and let's not forget the other one, for we are all of ONE BLOOD. That makes us all brothers does in not?
hmmm... pulls out my favorite list of hitler quotes

For it was by the Will of God that men were made of a certain bodily shape, were given their natures and their faculties. - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. ii, ch. x
hey look you and hitler have somthing in common

the fact you so F^&*$ing little respect for the people that died during the second world war not just the 12 million that died in work camps but the 50 million that died in total

and the fact you have so little respect for what happened at columbine to further you agenda of lies and false hoods tells me a whole bunch about you

1). Posting: You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate. You will not solicit personal information from any member. You will not use information gathered form this website to harass, abuse or harm other people.

you were corrected on this very topic here'
as well as numerous other threads you have spilled this bile in

[edit on 14/12/08 by noobfun]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

The amount of ignorance in that post is STAGGERING. Killing people because of who or what they are is not natural selection - it's the exact opposite - artificial selection. They are clearly not evolutionists, which is the study of natural selection.

Charles Darwin spoke out against artificial selection with regards to people. Clearly you don't have a clue what you're talking about, and are just parroting some half-baked point you heard some pastor spewing, and thought it sounded catchy.


posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:02 PM

So the next time you evolutionists putout some trash about Pat Robertson or some other CLEARLY UNGODLY so called Christian that no self respecting Christian would claim. Remember those of your ilk that are and did follow Charlie's Favoured Races book to the fullest extent and what it has done to this world.

Be glad to keep that in mind, but as noobFun's already pointed out, they weren't Evolutionists, and their philosophies were not based on Mr. Darwin's ideas.

Did any of you ever wonder why so many evolutionist refuse to call Charlie's book by it's full Title? It's no secret to us or them, they just like to hide the facts and make it seem scientific, which of course it is not.

It's 'cause On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life is really Fricken long, and a old fashioned way of stating things.

Their book is called Preservation of the Favoured Races and details how weaker forms must DIE EN MASSE to get the stronger to survive. So they can not argue that I am misquoting their book but they are most assuredly misquoting the Bible...

Christianity is defined by one book, not evolution.
Mr. Darwin wrote the first book, and started the study. There were parts where he was wrong, and parts where he made good insights.

To all evolutionists - Which Race is the Favoured Race? Was Hitler right and the Jews are apes and Aryans are the Master Race? Or was it Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Amin, Tito?

We're all members of the great apes, Hitler's ideas of a mighty Aryan race are based on racism and national pride. Aryans were proto-Indians, certainly not the blond haired blue eyed folks he dreamed of.

As for the favored race, it's whatever species finds a niche and flourishes, like rabbits in Australia.

So the Bible says to love one another and treat each other with the same treatment you would want and their book says kill off the weaker ones, or at least the ones YOU PERCEIVE as the weaker ones...

It says the ones better adapted survive, and it makes no philosophical statements about beliefs.
Lions kill the weaker members of the herd, wolves take down the animals to sick or foolish enough to stray from their group, sharks regularly attack sick, weka, or dieing animals.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 05:05 PM
theindependentjournal is either a disinformer, realy realy realy ignorant or just trying to sturr things up by stating stupid stuff.

After wathing other threads and posts from this user i cant take it anymore.. its so much idiocy that it cant possibly be real... you're a foe from now on... and im probably gonna ignore you from now on.

Check this thread out and consider that evolution = maybe likely. VERY!

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 10:52 PM
Can't we all just get along?

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 10:43 AM
because of our intelligence we are in control of our own evolution. Where do we take it? That is if we decide to take it anywhere.
All the people being described are part of this new evolution either by design or accident. Since our race is part of nature then there is no artificial evolution, all forces including man are part of the forces that change the biology of a species. Just like a virus can change human evolution, humans can change the evolution of other living things as well as their own. Calling these people quoted earlier Evolutionists is a bit misleading. I would suggest that one who is an Evolutionist is one who believes the theory. One who acts as an evolutionary force is one or many other things.
Personally I see no need to keep evolution theory and religion on separate sides. Perhaps God continues to tinker with creation and evolution is evidence of that. Since we have the ability to direct our own evolution we have opened God's toolbox. What will we do with the tools?

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