I would like to know how everyone came across this website. I personally found it by typing zin-uru in the Google search engine after reading about
the word in the Thoth, Emerald Tablets.
someone spoke about it on a video on youTube. That's been happening alot more lately. Understanding the mentality of those that hang around on
youTube I'm unsure if that is a good or bad thing.
I heard one guy found someone having a heart attack on the sidewalk, so he rummaged through his pockets because it was christmas and took the guy's
membership card.
I was at work one night, just riding around, patrolling, and listening to Coast to Coast AM. During one of the commercial breaks, there was an
advertisement for ATS. I rode to the nearest WiFi hotspot and hopped on the internet to check out the site. I'm happy to say that I've been hooked
ever since.
I can't remember the topic I was searching for, but whatever it was a link to a thread on ATS showed up in the search results. So I clicked the link
and read the thread and then looked around the site a bit and decided to sign up to respond. And with that first post I was hooked.
Well, I was simply doing a Google search for interesting information on the Moon, and one item that came up was John lear's, within a minute, I was
'hooked' thanks to John Lear, Zorgon, and Google.
It's been a great ride, always something of considerable interest to be found, any time of day or night, which is just great.
" ..... you should really check this website out, you will really enjoy it!"
I signed up - and have been here for years now!! Woop woop !!
I have made so many friends here - and have even met some of them. It is nice to find a website which you can have an adult conversation and how
people respect each others opinions .... sometimes.