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Understanding What A Shift of the Poles Actually Means

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posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 11:30 AM
Even though it pains me to say so.... Phage is right on the money. They had a few documentaries that I watched on this along with online reading and this has happened throughout the earths history before us and will probably continue after us.

They did some tests with bats and other animals and found this could also be one of the reasons bee's are getting lost and dieing off randomly. The animals at first were in complete disarray but eventually they found their way back. I'm sure their is some species that don't adapt to the change, hopefully they won't be one that has a major impact like bee's.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:16 PM
You will adapt.

Résistance est futile.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 03:00 PM
That makes sense Phage, since magnetic field intensity in permanent magnets and electro magnets follows the inverse square law. But to my understanding Earth's magnetic field intensity follows the inverse cube.

IF that's true, it seems to me that either there are other variables at work against Earth's magnetic field, (some kind of electromagnetic "pressure" of sorts due to cosmic radiation, etc.) or that maybe, just MAYBE, a planet's magnetism is a bit different than we think?

I know I'm jumping to conclusions but I think of Earth's magnetic field as being dynamic, having peaks and valleys in striated patterns across the globe, (look at the gas giants patterns of weather in their atmospheres for comparison, especially Jupiter). These might be points where critical actions/interactions take place. And perhaps planetary magnetic fields affect weather more than what is thought. I wonder if data collected at 30/-30, 60/-60, 90/-90 degrees to the equator, might show a trend of geomagnetic intensity compared to other random locations?

Sorry if this came off confusing, I'm not the most articulate writer/speaker. It just seems logical to me that if you affect one variable in an equation, it will cause an equal/opposite reaction in one or more of the other variables in order to balance it. And I don't think Earth's magnetic field is a minor variable.

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Flux8

The effects of the solar wind on the magnetosphere are very complex. We're learning more about how complex it really is.

But really, the point is that our protection from solar and cosmic radiation comes mostly from the atmosphere.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 01:30 PM
Too many people confuse a magnetic pole shift with a flip of the earths axis of rotation.

As phage has said magnetic polarity reversal is a fact.

It has been shown in rocks of various types, at one time not sure of the exact time, but the polarity flipped on an almost daily basis.

There are regions in the indian ocean and atlantic where the polarity has already shifted and there are places where there in no polarity.

I know I'm jumping to conclusions but I think of Earth's magnetic field as being dynamic, having peaks and valleys in striated patterns across the globe

Yes the magnetic field is very dynamic, with variations in field strength and polarity all across the globe.

The mechanism for polarity reversal has been explored by a new theory, that explains a lot of loose ends about the earth.

In this theory the earths core is comprised two distinct structures, an outer core comprised of an iron/nickel/silicon alloy that counter rotates against the inner core, that is a 5 mile diameter ball of uranium.
The heat from radioactive decay keeps the outer core molten,
The motion of the outer core generates tremendous electtrical fields that in turn produces the earths magnetic field.
One of the things that has puzzled geophysicists is the apperant lack of enough energy to have kept the core molten for the last 4.6 billion years.

the tidal energies of planetary motion arent enough to have kept the earths core molten.

At the interface of the inner and outer core, a material forms called uranium silicide. Uranium silicide has an interesting property, its non magnetic and and magnetic fields will not propagate through it.

As it forms it builds up unevenly, eventually it will complete surround the core, as it does it blocks the magnetic field, by varying degrees thus causing weak and reversed areas of polarity.

GTG and avoid my exwife I'll finish later.

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