posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:06 AM
Pretty thrifty for a WWII type base, but hardly nuclear survivable.
If nobody knew it was there it would be ok, but otherwise it could be either sealed up or breached with ease if one was to want to.
There couldnt be more that 50' of granite above the roof, not quite a mountain.
Even back in the eighties NORAD knew that Cheyene mountain would be breached eventualy, it would just take a little longer, a few minutes.
The Soviets deployed a warhead that was called a digger, im not sure what the actual designation was, but diggers were hardened warheads, around
100kt in yield.
These warheads would penetrate 10-15' into solid rock before detonating, and could carve out a 50-100' deep and several hudred foot wide crater in
solid rock.
There would be mulitple warheads from different launch vehicles targeted at the same spot, but they would arrive at succesive times, with a several
minute lag between each detonation.
And with an accuracy of 50' each warhead would land in the crater of the one before it.