I do think - to truly want to rule the world - you do need to be genetically inclined to be narcissistic.
However, any below average intelligence fool can have that trait.
Since intelligence is often positively corellated with empathy - what happens is you find ignorant, machevellian, narcissists going after traditional
aveneus of power (corporate and political) - while intelligent narcissist's tend to try and "fix" the world for everyone like Dean Kamen.
Since, as we know, there are by definition fewer Humans of above average intelligence in society - you end up with most traditional powerful roles in
society being filled with ignorant, or at the very least self-interested, narcissist's.
Now Plato - way back - basically said if we could get an intelligent, empathetic, narcissist as our absolute ruler - then that would be the ideal form
of Human organization or Governence.
However mortality undermines this potentially ideal heirarchy by eventually displacing the "Benevolent King" with small minded, self-interested,
narcissistic children of his own bloodline.
Historically this has been proven in Europe time and time again.
However - as we approach the technological singularity - we may be near the crossroads where mortality may, in fact, be remover from the cycle.
Therefore the idea and ideal of a "Benevelonet World Ruler" becomes relevant again - history no longer needs to repeat itself - and taht is
especially important now that we have the technology to destroy the world.
I would gladly accept the role of that leader - as my genetic prediposition makes me ideal for the role - however I have another plan that Plato could
not have concieved of.
I propose we create a genetically modified, highly intelligent and empathetic bureaucratic class - somewhat similar to the Alpha's of Brave New World
- who would be competent enough to maintain their power in the government - and who would rule by comittee - ensuring that no one essential leader
could be eliminated by mere assasination.
These Alpha's - not unlike the "clones" in Star Wars would have no ambition to exploit the citizens but would rather be naturally rewarded by their
sense of accomplisment in efficently serving society as a whole.
(their genetic predisposistion gives them dopamine releases for problem solving and serving others so they naturally feel content to do so)
Imho - either we develop a bureaucratic class such as this - or surely we will end up being ruled by a Scientifc Tyranny by either a self-serving,
small, narcissistic ellite - or an autocratic AI of our own creation.
The choice is ours - but remarkably - I have found few who are open to such an enlightened idea.
[edit on 30-1-2009 by TruthMagnet]