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Many high-ranking officials in the government are aliens

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posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 02:47 AM
Oh yes...I so believe it..we fly around the country all the time, Me and the politicians, they love Sonic!!!!.OMG can you believe it!!!!!!.....

I am the son of Satan and and I have come here with the help of aliens to kick jesus and pals butts and to reunit bin Laden and Obama so they can rule the world!!!!....

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by sensfan
um, no, I got your email address from your public profile here on ATS, then used your email address to find that skate board with your postings. Deny it all you want, bit you know it's true.

Im not quite sure whats going on here but if its true and it is possible to link a member to another site it should be sorted immediatly. Im all for giving people space to discuss what theyve seen and time for them to get their point across without being flamed, however this story gets more bizzare as the days pass.

For me the turning point has to be Greys high on drugs. I cant accept an intelligent space travelling being would do such a thing. Theyd have the ability to open all their chakras and ancient energy points to the max, they would not need drugs!!

Also if I was on a space ship, I wouldnt just think "oh theres an anti gravity controlled air lock " why would you even think such a thing?? Religion you need to say how it really is, do you think they also gave you drugs when you were with them as I cant see any other explanation for this.

Something just doesnt add up here, maybe its the revelation that you or someone else was posting as you when you were "away". If this is true I guess you cant be telling the truth. Im not saying your not, Im just saying this story is maybe more of a strory than based on truth. Maybe you saw a UFO on your roof once and the rest is just a haze youve tryed to remember?

Greys high on drugs does not compute!!

[edit on 15-12-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by sensfan

How long were you in suspended animation?

Well from what I remember 23 days and 13 hours was mentioned. A very strange amount of time I must admit, without knowing the speed at which the ship travelled at and its direction its hard to predict where it was heading.

I joined ATS to find like minded people who had experienced what I had, to discuss and talk to them openly about alien encounters. I know how difficult it is to find the courage to speak of these things but I feel Im left just slightly amused by these claims and nothing more.

I dont give my account passwords to anyone, no one could ever post as me, and I find it hard to believe this is the reason why his e mail was active while he was away. Maybe someone can analyse the speech patterns of the imposter and see if it is similar or not to religion. Even in the written text our personalities come through very well.

[edit on 15-12-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:32 PM

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 12:58 PM
Well, the post on his blog that was supposedly made while he was travelling the universe was all about drug use and how using drugs opened his mind to all kinds of new and exciting things...which is pretty much what he talks about half the time in this thread.

Case closed. Don't think we will see him back defending his story in this thread.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by sensfan
Well, the post on his blog that was supposedly made while he was travelling the universe was all about drug use and how using drugs opened his mind to all kinds of new and exciting things...which is pretty much what he talks about half the time in this thread.

Well if we ever needed a case to show us why NOT to take drugs I guess this is it. Messes with your mind for sure. It becomes impossible to work out the truth from fantasy in your reality. In Religions mind this actually all happenned but to the outside reader its is very apparent now that it did not happen. I do now feel this whole thread is drug enhanced, it does read like a trip just not the type of trip he thought he went on!

Sorry religion but I really hope you get your head sorted out and stay off these drugs. That blog is completely full of all types and varieties of mind altering substances. If your taking even half of these how can you ever trust what your experiencing is real?

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Religion
What are you talking about, are you one of them?

Jeez how old are you 12?

You sound like a kid to me, one with a crazy imagination and not even slightly believable sorry.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Religion
I know it's hard for you to believe, hell, it was hard for me to believe but it all happened the way I said it did. I hope the mods can see that, but if they can't then so be it, all I've said was the truth is nothing else.

Religion, I so do want to believe you. Youve said all of this is the truth , the total truth and nothing else but the truth yet this evidence that you were on line when out of the atmosphere to me is very damadging. I will always listen to people who honestly claim to have seen aliens you know this, but how did your friends manage to log on as you? Why do you support the taking of so many drugs and openly state this while trying to get across an alien visitation, you must have known the reaction youd get.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 05:15 AM

I believe you.

I've read you past threads and the entirety of this one and I think it is an honour to have you here.

You are so unique, your experiences and ideas are so original that I find a great deal of enjoyment in reading about them.

Don't let the naysayers and flamers get you down. They are trying to shut you up, they don't want you to share your story - with people like me.

I care about what you have to say and I want to hear ore about what you have learned. Please don't let the flamers stop you from telling.

I just joined, before that I was one of the 'silent majority', and for ever person who has replied to this thread at least ten more have read it.

You have a story to tell. Let this be your forum, and don't let the naysayers distract you. Just ignore them and don't bother replying. Tell us your story and don't worry about what they think.

I appreciate what you are doing. Please don't be discouraged. Many of us want to hear more.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Dreemer

Hi , you seemed to have joined for a reason do you wish to share your experiences? I will not judge you I really only want to hear what you have experienced, you sound very honest to me. I too like you think religion is an interesting individual, however I can totally understand why saying the Greys are high on drugs people have not taken him seriously.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

"I can totally understand why saying the Greys are high on drugs people have not taken him seriously."

It is strange how everyone become an expert on Greys and their drugs once someone like religion makes his kind of statement. I would have thought no one knew anything about Greys and drugs, but apparently they know enough to tell Religion he is wrong and is crazy when he tell us what he knows.

It is a shame how he was attacked for sharing his story with us.

I guess he should have went to Openminds forums or Fantastic forum or Godlike Productions where he wouldn't have been immediately attacked and driven off the forum by the members here - which are ridiculously close minded and aggressive in comparison to other sites.

ATS is now a debunking site, that much has become obvious to me.

I was introduced to ATS by a friend as a 'debunking' site. I guess Religion shouldn't have posted his story on a debunking site....

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:49 PM
Thank you for believing me, and yes, people like that one little stalking girl do ruin this site for the rest of us.

anyway, thank you for saying those sites, I just googled all of them and they seem interesting and I think I might move on to them. So thanks again.

To all the naysayers and closed-minded little skeptics, go to hell and get the hell off a site like this that is supposed to be about the paranormal.

To the believers, keep on believing.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by Religion

Why do the Greys a race who are 500,000 years or so ahead of us (so its said) take drugs? This is a serious question Religion. Is it because theyve seen all, know everything and have just become bored? Is it to enable them to see what is beyond their dimension? Anyway arnt they meant to be more droid than living beings now? If so why would a droid even need to take mind altering substances if its mind is electronic? Surely theyd enjoy being pluged into the main frame on full power more wouldnt they??

Also I believe Grey type aliens (some of them) feed off our emotions and our fears. The energy we give off in absolute fear is probably their choice of drug/food and not these Earth made substances from plants and what ever.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by Dreemer

I guess he should have went to Openminds forums or Fantastic forum or Godlike Productions where he wouldn't have been immediately attacked and driven off the forum by the members here - which are ridiculously close minded and aggressive in comparison to other sites.

ATS is now a debunking site, that much has become obvious to me.

I was introduced to ATS by a friend as a 'debunking' site. I guess Religion shouldn't have posted his story on a debunking site....

I disagree. I know many on here that have told stories of alien encounters and are highly respected. I think in the end it really comes down to the individual and how they present their OP and how they interact with other members. I know its very difficult to get these subjects over without appearing a lier, however it can be done and has been done.

Yes it can be seen as a debunking site but thats not a good enough reason to leave. If religion has indeed experienced what he says he has, this is amazing and he really should stay and try to get his message across. If this had happenned to me, Id never ever give up until Id tryed as much as I could to get the message out.

A story as so ground breaking as what he is saying, if it were true religion would never ever give up, hed be here on this thread defending himself and every attacking post he got. Maybe in time he will Im not sure, but how an individual who says this has truely happenned to him leave because hes not believed is wrong. ATS is exactly where he should post if this is indeed true. Running away to a more "friendly" site is not the answer.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

For answers you your questions, I suggest you youtube some of Ternece Mckenna's videos. He will explain some of the possible reason that any sentient being may use a mind altering substance.

It has to do with unlocking certain knowledge hidden within our DNA. McKenna Theorized that different psychoactives might unlock certain knowledge or allow contact with entities, some possibly even 'activated' as guides to the knowledge unlocked within our DNA. He believed certain beings could only be contacted this way and included the possibility that they may be some aspect of ourselves so far removed from our conscious self that we cannot recognize it.

Regardless, they can only be contacted one way. Terence Mckenna documented and Discussed his various encounters and much of his knowledge was gleaned from his meeting with various entities. He was a Psychonaut and a true benefit to all mankind. *He also believed some psychoactives were 'place' here to help our evolution vis-a-vis brain development and expanded capacity for creativity, not to mention the boundary dissolution qualities of many substances along with many other qualities beneficial to our early ancestors (ie, big pupils makes for better night vision, provides 'false' energy to hunt when hungry/tired, increased dexterity etc).

I am glad Religion is here. True psychonauts are rare and one such as ours is truly priceless. He has explored places and realities we cannot even imagine. We are lucky to have him and should not dissuade him He is braver than all of us.

I hope he tells us more.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:36 AM
I agree with your aliens in govt posts job.I urge you to check this site

i urge to you check and read all the articles and if you contact your alien buddies do ask them about atu-waa

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Religion
Thank you for believing me, and yes, people like that one little stalking girl do ruin this site for the rest of us.

anyway, thank you for saying those sites, I just googled all of them and they seem interesting and I think I might move on to them. So thanks again.

To all the naysayers and closed-minded little skeptics, go to hell and get the hell off a site like this that is supposed to be about the paranormal.

To the believers, keep on believing.

I'm pretty sure that comment was directed at me, so let me reply.

I am not a "little stalking girl" as you say. I've been a respected member of ATS for years, and have contributed to many threads over my time here in a very good and constructive way.

I, as many respected members of ATS, will continue to contribute to threads that interest me, and will also call out other members that post lies and known untruths just to garner themselves some attention.

It has been shown in this thread a couple of times how you were not travelling on a spaceship at the time you state you were, and that you story is nothing but a drug induced fabrication. ATS is ABOVE that. The motto here is DENY IGNORANCE, and by posting lies as you have, you are the epitome of ignorance. By continuing to post about your lie, and deny your ignorance, you are only acomplishing one thing. That being making yourself look bad.

I implore you to come clean before the mods get wind of your charade and ban you, as they do to other "story tellers". They have already put your thread in skunk step is locking the thread and penalizing you or outright banning you.


[edit on 19-12-2008 by sensfan]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Dreemer
reply to post by Mr Green

For answers you your questions, I suggest you youtube some of Ternece Mckenna's videos. He will explain some of the possible reason that any sentient being may use a mind altering substance.

No Im sorry I whont be U tubing this guy. I do not agree with drug taking and never will, what ever you describe these people as , "sentitients" or who ever to me their truth is not my truth and this will always be the way for me. Ive experienced aliens and they did not appear high on drugs to me, this whole thread is a fabrication and i cant see any other way of reading it.

Aliens on drugs to me does not make sense, if we even in NASA were high on drugs can you imagine how little would get done? exactly not a lot. Man is desperate to push back his limits of understanding of his reality, we have no need or use of drugs. Please stop this now , this picture you are painting of future generations of man high on drugs, its damaging and untrue. We as a race do not need drugs to progress so why on earth would aliens?

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:17 PM
[edit on 20-12-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by styxxz
...and still people wonder why some drugs are illegal.
enough said!

This is erroneous thinking, some of the smartest people and some of the most renowned inventors have used many different illicit drugs, ... with that being said, obviously this isn't one of those cases.

If you are ingesting a mass amount of conjecture and theories then take illicit substances you are most definitely going to fry your brain and rewire it in a VERY unpretty fashion... But that isn't to say it's the fault of the substances.. it's like saying coffee is to blame for someone trying to use it as a sleep aid, it's the dolt who is using the substance in the wrong set and setting.

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