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Racial tension - increasing?

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posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 12:55 PM
And you wonder why i try to ignore you.

Hey, you are the one who claims that there is more diversity in DC than there is in Chicago. Your words not mine. Your statments reeks of prejudice.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 01:20 PM
You didn't say Chicago, you said (basically) Pigs Knuckle Illinois.

I lived there, and Chicago is different than damn near every other place in Illinois.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
You didn't say Chicago, you said (basically) Pigs Knuckle Illinois.

I lived there, and Chicago is different than damn near every other place in Illinois.

I said IL in my first email. I have been all over the state and the peole are all the same no matter where you go.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 02:10 PM
No, Colonel, there is no baiting for a flame war, not by me. On the other hand, you are, as usual, trying to link something you don't like to Bush. If that isn't baiting for a war, I can't think of what is.
Bush has done nothing to instigate tensions between the races. Not in any overt manner, anyway. The governmental instigation has been in the works for decades, now. All they have to do is hold the stick, the plate will spin from its own energy at this point.

One day, if the nation stays in tact long enough (I don't think it will, honestly), people will get tired of the crap and finally not give idiots the time of day. There is the problem, people still give idiots recognition.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 02:13 PM
I thought wisconsin was cracker central...hmmm...maybe the greatlakes area in general.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 02:16 PM
Listen, its true wherther you care to admit or not. Racial strife has risen since the Florida elections. Its amazing how normally pretty smart people can have a blind eye to a truth that stares them right in the face. Maybe the other sidejust doesn't want to admit it. Not surprised.

Ok, maybe you may not know b/c you're white, so I will tell you. Black people all over the country are STILL pissed off (myself included) at the Florida elections. If you don't know what happend and why we are pissed off, please see this quick video, entitled "GTA" to get you up to speed:

So, no matter how much you "say" it didn't happen, Truth says you're wrong.

[Edited on 5-4-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 04:28 PM
Wow I didn't know that...

So why isn't anything being done about it??

Why arepeople trying to sweep it under the rug if bushisn't supposed to be prez??

This illegal! Oh wait, not illegal for them, but if it was someone like me or you we'd get the smackdown put on us..

Criminal's run this country, I say it now and I'll say it again, I think we nee to oust these #ers.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 04:42 PM
Everyone knows this but they can't do anything about it b/c the repugnantcriminals run both Houses and Dems have no backbone to say anything. So, no impeachment. No recall. Nothing. Its a shame and anyone who defends this and call him/herself American should be ashamed of themselves too.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 05:08 PM
A couple points to make:

First off, Colonel, if you had any shred of decency you'd have put a disclaimer such as this, "The link has filth for music, that is to say, foul language. If there are children and ladies within hearing range of your computer, turn the sound down as their is nothing worth hearing, anyway!", but I guess the fact that you didn't says alot.

You may get your information from political bits with obvious spin (Redundant, political bits, political spin), but I don't. You wasted my time with that. As far as cons not voting, no news there. They have to apply to be able to vote again. As far as Makeup woman wanting names that were the same as felons' taken off the voting list, feel free to provide real proof. That is nothing but crap. As far as that happening, who would be surprised tha thas ever dealt with bureacracy? I've known people who've been turned down for gun purchases because the FBI mistook them for felons although they had better records than me! If the FBI would make such mistakes, do you think a state run by Jeb, and before that a democrat, would be any better?

No proof of racism, unless you want to take into account your little link, there.

I know the truth when it is proven, so far all I've seen is a political campaign add with no substance.

Unlike you, though, I'm interested in the truth. If you stumble across some, let me know.

Meanwhile, I have my own research to do regarding my own state's codes.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 05:52 PM
I didn't even know there way music on that... huh.

who cares about themusic, it's the statistics, if you have any information or links/facts that can disprove this please send me them so I may look at it to change my opinion...

I knew something was fishy about that whole thing, Ijust never gave it another thougt because it was Liberal bitching...

But i was wrong..

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 08:04 PM
joehayner, thanks for injecting some humor and irony into this thread!

Originally posted by joehayner

Originally posted by Colonel
IMHO, racial tensions gote worse since this moronof pa president got inoffice and the WAY he got into office. That's when things got bad and it ain't gonna get bettertil he's gone.


First of all, great spelling/typing ablity you've got there. You should become a teacher.

Second of all, racial tensions, IMHFO, have and always will be about the same. You will always have the ignorant idiots who refuse to beileve the truth and look at logic, and then you will always have the hopless people who try to change them from their course.

Lol, you're forgiven. I just thought a smart person like you would check your spelling a grammar before you hit the submit button. It's not a race, and it's curtious to other members.

The truth is that in general, physically and metally, we are all equals. No one race is better than the others. I thought you could see that.


posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
A couple points to make:

First off, Colonel, if you had any shred of decency you'd have put a disclaimer such as this, "The link has filth for music, that is to say, foul language. If there are children and ladies within hearing range of your computer, turn the sound down as their is nothing worth hearing, anyway!", but I guess the fact that you didn't says alot.

You may get your information from political bits with obvious spin (Redundant, political bits, political spin), but I don't. You wasted my time with that. As far as cons not voting, no news there. They have to apply to be able to vote again. As far as Makeup woman wanting names that were the same as felons' taken off the voting list, feel free to provide real proof. That is nothing but crap. As far as that happening, who would be surprised tha thas ever dealt with bureacracy? I've known people who've been turned down for gun purchases because the FBI mistook them for felons although they had better records than me! If the FBI would make such mistakes, do you think a state run by Jeb, and before that a democrat, would be any better?

No proof of racism, unless you want to take into account your little link, there.

I know the truth when it is proven, so far all I've seen is a political campaign add with no substance.

Unlike you, though, I'm interested in the truth. If you stumble across some, let me know.

Meanwhile, I have my own research to do regarding my own state's codes.

First of all, I've refrained from dissing you for two reasons: 1) Its too damn easy; 2) you get your feelings hurt and you go into a senseless tirade with no point whatsoever. Secondly, the music is from "Grand Theft Auto 3., A video game for PS2. I'm betting that any kid either has the game or has the soundtrack so no disclaimer. Plus, its a friggin good song.

Next, any kind of research is wasted upon you and a waste of my time b/c you don't even try to evaluate it for authenticity. You just dismiss it out of hand with NO---I repeat---NO information to backup your claims. If it doesn't fit with your repugnant automoton programming, its bogus. So, what's the point.

For True Lies, I have this site for her if she would like to see more research indepth with excel spreadsheets, numerous news articles, and the like.

See, I bring info people can learn from. TC, you just bring republican mantra which gets old fast. See the signature line.

[Edited on 5-4-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
Today my neice is married to a Black man, my Boss is a Black man, There are Blacks among my friends and coworkers, and I myself have dated them in the past. We attend each others Birthdays and cookouts, etc.

They are a few people that hate and will never change but they are slowly dieing out, but there will ALWAYS be some you cannot stop that.

But it would be hard to say things have not improved.

Where in Arkansas do you like Amuk? I spent 4 years in Batesville, AR. Racism wasn't too bad there, but the fact is there weren't very many minorities. Towards the end of my 4 years, alot of Hispanics started to move in, but besides that it was almost all white.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
joehayner, thanks for injecting some humor and irony into this thread!

Originally posted by joehayner

Originally posted by Colonel
IMHO, racial tensions gote worse since this moronof pa president got inoffice and the WAY he got into office. That's when things got bad and it ain't gonna get bettertil he's gone.


First of all, great spelling/typing ablity you've got there. You should become a teacher.

Second of all, racial tensions, IMHFO, have and always will be about the same. You will always have the ignorant idiots who refuse to beileve the truth and look at logic, and then you will always have the hopless people who try to change them from their course.

Lol, you're forgiven. I just thought a smart person like you would check your spelling a grammar before you hit the submit button. It's not a race, and it's curtious to other members.

The truth is that in general, physically and metally, we are all equals. No one race is better than the others. I thought you could see that.


I never said I was courteous or a grammar/spelling wiz.

Thanks, you gave me a good laugh.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 10:27 AM
The divide in America is in part caused the the situation of Bush, but in that more often than not minorities are Democrats than Republicans (more often white) so you can see why the divide might increase.

Bush has divided the country, let alone the races. I don't think it was concious but nevertheless it has happened.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:13 AM

Where in Arkansas do you like Amuk? I spent 4 years in Batesville, AR. Racism wasn't too bad there, but the fact is there weren't very many minorities. Towards the end of my 4 years, alot of Hispanics started to move in, but besides that it was almost all white.

I live just outside Van Buren which is by Fort Smith, For a long time we were almost all white but a lot of people from Fort Smith have moved here to get away from the crap over there.

We have a steadly growing black population and a recently arrived Spanish population. Right after the war we had a lot of Vietnamese and Laotions move, Fort Chafee is in Fort Smith and that is where the brought the boat people and we have a lot of Cubans form Chafee too. We also have a small population of Africans from South Africa and some Jamacians so for such a small town we are VERY diverse.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:34 AM
Colonel, you show your self to be, well, what is already know. You say that crap came from a video game, and the usage of F##K is ok because of that? My child doesn't even try that kind of immature logic, hasn't since he was 6. Says something there. But, in case a moderator has to be told, read the rules of the board. If pure, mature sense doesn't apply in your world, maybe you can simply read the rules.

Now, as far as the information goes, the problem you have with me is I do in fact evaluate the writing posed as fact.

It is obvious that your site to which you point has a strong agenda, first off. Bein as such, it doesn't take a detective or a judge to realize such evidence should be taken with suspicion. When the first sentence begins with, "When future historians want to know what happened to America in 2000, they�ll read Greg Palast�s The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.", it is apparent that a book peddling follows. And, when they accuse a company of falsifying their work intentionally without even explaining how such information was gained, it also makes one wonder about the validity of the information. I suppose maybe if I bought the book I might find footnotes? If that be the case, maybe they would do well to afford footnotes in this advertisement disguised as an editorial.

Regardless, if there was any truth to this, please explain why there would not be a firestorm of information from the mainstream media, that hates Bush, and a public demand for investigation by the Democratic party?

This was not an issue during the election of 200, the mud that was slung was that FHP was impeding black voters from making it to the polls. Remember that? Or maybe you have forgotten that shameless and untrue accusation. I don't blame you, I'd want to forget it, too, were I a supporter of the team that made it.

Regardless of this, Bush has made no statements or actions that further racism.

As far as you hurting my feelings, Colonel, you do not. You insult my sense of civility and decency. There's a difference.
Now, go and read about posting vulgarity on the board and quit blaming it on video games. That crap doesn't wash with me anymore than you thinking you hurt my feelings.

If you care to have a decent discussion, if you are capable of doing so, and would like to furhter explain your position and assist us with understanding your assertions with more than a agenda-driven website pushing an agenda-driven book, please, I for one am all ears (eyes).

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 12:45 PM
TC: Please read this over again:

Next, any kind of research is wasted upon you and a waste of my time b/c you don't even try to evaluate it for authenticity. You just dismiss it out of hand with NO---I repeat---NO information to backup your claims. If it doesn't fit with your repugnant automoton programming, its bogus. So, what's the point."

So, no detective mystery here as to what you would say here.

But, if you wantto know whythe media was mum, please read the voluminous news articles from the BBC and the like (I don't even know why I bother):

Finally, as to the song, there aren't going to be any 6 year old visiting the political section of a chat forum so let's stop acting silly. Secondly, I don;t know how many times I've read the F-word on this site from a plethora of memebers and myself but NOW you skewer me? This is just like Howard Stern and the FCC---hypocritical---as I said you were many times before. But, that's ok, you go defend racism, denying fundamental rights to vote to minorities, and the like. I don't expect anything less from you. Tell Jim Crow I said hi.

[Edited on 6-4-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 12:52 PM
And ya know what, I was STILL right about you. You have brought nothing to this thread and members need a refund. There's nothing for them to learn from you or evaluate to make their own decisions. Youjust run your mouth and try to run me down--which you fail at consistently b/c I can flame with the best of 'em.

What you fail to realize that the more rhetoric you bring without and counter facts to disprive me makes YOU look like a blowhard who gets mad at truth, i.e. ME.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 01:27 PM

Mod fight.


Ah... Fond memories of highschool.

I'll help you guys out a little here.

Colonel, Becky says that Brian told her about when Thomas said you were a Stupid head.

Thomas, Briana told me you she told Colonel about when you tried to kiss her and missed and slobbered on her ear and Colonel said you had the coordination of a monkey smelling his own fart

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