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How prepared are you really?

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posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 02:54 PM
I just wanted to post some food for thought. I think the survival forum is a great place to start and exchange ideas. Seriously though, how far have you thought this out? OK, lets say you are on of the rare few that has a remote bug out location. Lets say you have supplys stashed there. Lets even say those supplys are long term type, IE: seeds to grow. My question would be, who / what is your support group? Who will guard you while you sleep? Who checks up on you in case of an accident where you are injured to the point of no mobility? Who will help defend you in the case of roaving gangs? Who will help keep you alive if you are unable to fend for yourself?

I ask these questions because I see a lot of posts from the "Lone Ranger" types. I see a lot from the "Me and mine" types also. Although I hate to use the language, it does take a village for any long term situation.

Just some food for thought.


posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:03 PM
First of all, let me just tell you that this is called fear mongering. The production of such threads obstructs people's emotions and current motivations. Thus replacing them with the motivation to stock up on non-perishables, spend the rest of your paychecks on a bomb shelter, etc.

Second, do you want to starve to death in a bomb shelter and be forced to eat your loved ones as they perish before you?

The debate could rise on for hours, so let me attack the base of your thread.

Nobody is, nor will ever be 100% prepared for any natural disaster. If you dig a hole, it can flood. If you fly up in space, it will slowly be torn to shreds and you will be exposed to the death of space.

The only "survival" you should worry yourself about is the survival of your personal life. Your personal life is under attack by fear-mongering (2012, etc.). I believe the true survivors are the ones who don't fear death, but instead live life the way it should be lived.

Someday, you and me will both be dead one way or another. Should we sit here and fear that day while our life wastes away before us? You make your own decision.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Spiritowl

A lot of the Lone Ranger types are in for a lot of surprises. One must have the support of others, even a small handful to enable a division of tasks.

You have to sleep sometime, and while one man can often find a hole that is difficult to approach, he's going to need a bit of help eventually.

We have an extended family and small group of like-minded friends that over many years we have come to trust. The benefit is that everyone, whoever they may be, brings something no one else has, to the group.

Old, young, tall and short. Everyone has something to offer. Young ones must be kept together, and under control. Others must maintain an awareness of areas suitably distant from your primary perimeter.

At least three points of the compass must be manned and watched at all times. Hard to do by yourself. Everyone must have a final assembly point or a final redoubt in the event of attack.

This area should use natural and prepared mechanisms to "funnel" any would-be attackers along lines of expectation. Layered early warning systems work better than shoulder to shoulder.

Be a hell of a challenge, even with everything you could desire. But if that is your condition, you must consider yourself vulnerable and a target.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Spiritowl
I strongly believe we should group up. Read my thread "surviving the chaos" and you'll get most peoples opinion about it. Some agreed, some didn't.

And Blowfishdl, you've got some serious issues

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by blowfishdl
First of all, let me just tell you that this is called fear mongering. The production of such threads obstructs people's emotions and current motivations. Thus replacing them with the motivation to stock up on non-perishables, spend the rest of your paychecks on a bomb shelter, etc.

Blowfish this is a survival thread. There was no fearmongering in my post. I asked a question (How prepared are you really?) I obstructed nothing. If people are reading a survival blog, then this is something that motivates them. I made no suggestions to build bomb shelters, spaceships or bunkers.

Second, do you want to starve to death in a bomb shelter and be forced to eat your loved ones as they perish before you?

This point is exactly why I asked my original question.

The debate could rise on for hours, so let me attack the base of your thread.

Why do you feel the need to attack at all?

Nobody is, nor will ever be 100% prepared for any natural disaster. If you dig a hole, it can flood. If you fly up in space, it will slowly be torn to shreds and you will be exposed to the death of space.

I agree.

The only "survival" you should worry yourself about is the survival of your personal life. Your personal life is under attack by fear-mongering (2012, etc.). I believe the true survivors are the ones who don't fear death, but instead live life the way it should be lived.

It seems that if life is lived by your standards that is fine, however if someone has any other thoughts they are to be attacked?

Someday, you and me will both be dead one way or another. Should we sit here and fear that day while our life wastes away before us? You make your own decision.

Again I agree. I guess we have differing opinions on what wasting is. I tried to inspire thought and discussion. You want to attack.


posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:21 PM
Yeah, a very good point. Personally, my "remote fallback location" is a small mountain town with a very small population, and an overabundance of grocery stores.

But that's just me.

And, blowfishdl, I'd just like to say, personally, I am the type of person that likes to be prepared for any situation. Yeah, I have considered what I would do if a nuclear weapon went off, or the government went insane, or we were invaded by china. I have considered, and even made some subtle preperations. I also go hang out with friends, have a job, eat food, and even visit family for the holidays. Oh look, I'm thinking about what I would do if the world ended, AND, I'm not wasting my life constructing a bunker under my house, and filling it with enough MRE's to make Burt proud.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:27 PM
Am I prepared ...yes all the gear!!

Do I have the knowledge ...yes!!

Have I practiced..yes!!

Do I trust people..definately not!! and especially as I have come across
some real lunatic's ( anyone remember Truth Templar)

You will find on this site that there are many that know and they will post and leave the armchair survivalists to ramble and the pooh! pooh's !!!

And this is my opinion...only!!.. the ones that can't see live in cloud cuckoo land!!

Nothing wrong with looking forward...preparing...the world at the moment when you look at the big not looking good!! ....

I don't fear death....but I do feel giving up is not an option!!..

And regards forming a group should I be in such a sit X...I would keep very low for a month..anyone that is still about..I know they would not be a liability!!

And thats my opinion!!

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:35 PM
For every remote location you have, there is a natural or human disaster that could wipe it off just as easily as your home. There is no reason to fear death, as it will happen to all of us regardless of what you do. That was my initial point.

Relying on other people to save your life from any/all natural/human disaster could also prove fatal. It would not be unlike some of the evil human beings who make the news to take over your bomb-shelter/hideout at gunpoint to secure his own future.

There is simply nothing you can do to prevent your final demise. Hopefully it happens later rather than sooner - but if this forum is any proof of failed predictions; I wouldn't put all my eggs in the same basket.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by TheGoIsWin
Man, i want to know where this mountain town of yours is. I live in the mountains of north Idaho, and the nine towns in my area don't have an abundance of grocery stores, we have an abundance of bars.

And i have to agree with Shuck on this one. Keep a low profile for a couple of months and let the weak die off. It sounds cold, i know, but i have kids to keep alive.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:45 PM
You know what ANUUBIS.. I don't think you're prepared enough.

Wait a minute.... How many bars are arond your town? If it's more than 1 your bug out area's better than mine!

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by blowfishdl

Second, do you want to starve to death in a bomb shelter and be forced to eat your loved ones as they perish before you?

That's a rather contradictory question you ask, considering your Avatar and the saying you have beneath your name.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
reply to post by blowfishdl

Second, do you want to starve to death in a bomb shelter and be forced to eat your loved ones as they perish before you?

That's a rather contradictory question you ask, considering your Avatar and the saying you have beneath your name.

A contradiction you say? Please do tell. A bomb shelter would not have helped the 9/11 victims. It too, was blown to the ground (building 7). Those who did invest in a blow-out shelter and were victim to the attacks that day may have spent the time invested in such a shelter in a more constructive and life meaningful way.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by TheGoIsWin

By the way... Welcome to ATS!

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Spiritowl

So no to the HiHo Silver types? I'm with you and the others on that one. I notice most of the people who say that they will grab a gun, some food and head to the woods never really contribute usefull information in this forum. "Im better, smarter than you, and I can shoot you." Not going to be real useful if TSHTF.

Some on here, like myself have taken the time and the energy to create bug out locations. Some havent, they plan on trying to stay in their home or have found places away from people that they know and would go there. Others simply dont plan for anything and simply hope for the best because something bad can happen to anyone at anytime, so why bother getting prepared? These people wont last long in sit-x.

As I mentioned in a different thread, maybe the one Annubis alluded too, I have a well built, well stocked BOL. It was purchased by myself and was built upon by a small group of individuals who will call it home should the need ever arise. We are all friends, and come from mixed backgrounds. We have experts on weapons, survival, medicine, and an honest to goodness chef. Could use a master distiller however, please U2U any resumes.
While we all consider ourselves jacks of all trades, we each bring something to offer that the others are not as proficient at.

We have buildings constucted, a well drilled finally, good land for crops that I personally grow on. For you g-men out there, its not a compound. No one lives there year round. Sometimes a group member will use it as a weekend getaway or a place to get away for awhile. We share the work, and when we need to, will share the property. We have seeds, food, guns, ammo, blankets, medicine, you name it.

No, I am not fearmongering having prepared this area with others like me. This is our recreation. We enjoy working with our hands and our minds. We work the land, cut the trees and sow the soil. I suppose I could play x-box all day long, but I would rather do something worthwhile, even if it is never used for sit-x it is still my private retreat, where I can go whenever I wish without the burdens of society

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by blowfishdl
Buying things to use in a "life meaningful way" for me is the same as preparing for sitX. Everything i would use in any situation, i use whenever i go hunting. Same gear, same clothes, same food. And i enjoy hunting very much! Good enough for you?

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by Jkd Up
There are two bars in my town of about 2000 people. The next town over has four, with a population of about 1500.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by salchanra
Yes it was in my thread we were talking about it. Having an area like that is a good idea even if you never use it for it's intended purpose. Makes a nice place just to go camping.
And sharing the maintenance duties is a good team builder.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 04:08 PM
Realistically, we could hold out for several months.

That's it. Three months.

We have food water and many useful supplies.

We live in the country and can grow our own crops. I'll be ordering next years seeds pretty soon.

But if society really really breaks down, life could get very difficult very fast.

I hope it doesn't go that way.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 04:08 PM
Salchanara, Thank you. This was the type of thing I was looking for, and the reason for my takes a village comment. I do understand the "whats the use / why worry" mentality of people like Blowfishdl. Nobody can ever be prepared for everything. I for one think it is prudent to be able to handle as much as i can for whatever life throws my way. If nothing else, it makes me an asset to my community. I may not be "THE" person to go to in a situation, however the more I learn and grow, the better off we all are.


posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 04:11 PM
Just like your mountains in Idaho. Doesnt have to be for sit-x, but will be nice to have if it happens. As for the gear. Same here. Sure I have some stuff in storage I never use, but for the most part, I hunt, camp, fish, trap with the same gear I will use if I'm ever in a survival situation. Thats just logical. Have a seperate gun for sit-x? Why not use something you are familiar with?

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