posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:43 PM
Hummmmm.....I don't think Area 51 is just used for a mere distraction.
Like a previous poster stated there's busses going in and out of there everyday. Not to mention the Janet Flights flying over my house on a daily
basis. I believe some of my neighbors
*things* go beyond their borders and end up here.
I've discussed our multiple sightings we had in my blog. Those daytime star-like objects flew right over my house going in the direction of Area 51.
I really felt some type of intelligence there. The objects could maneuver up, down, and zig-zag. They even seemed to know that we were watching
*them*. Many people have witnessed strange lights in the sky, over that area. One time in the middle of the night the whole sky was lit up over Area
51. Like it was daytime there, but it was in the middle of the night! When we had the 'Northern Lights' down this way a few years back. The sky
looked blood red over Area 51!
Needless to say the towns Hazmat team were a little concerned. Maybe I should say A WHOLE LOT CONCERNED! There
was talk of evacuating the people, until Art Bell found out what it was from Richard Hoagland. It was JUST the Aurora Borealis! We never get the
Northern Lights in this neck of the woods, but that time we did! If Area 51 was just a mere distraction why were the cops, fire department, and some
Top Officials so concerned about a red sky, over that area?
Many strange craft have been seen over these or night it doesn't matter. Now that I finally figured out how to post photos, hopefully I
will be able to capture some for you people. Remember it took me awhile because we were without electricity for 8 1/2 years. In the picture below is
our view of Area 51." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>