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Area 51 a Mere Distraction?

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posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:06 PM
Many Sattelits cant see in dark so the secreat planes are in the air at night. When people and sattelits cant see them. Some sattelit can but not many. If your did understand. My english is bad so it is hard for me to explain.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 02:29 PM
I'm sorry but Area 51 IMO isn't a distraction. Something big is going on over there and isn't for National Security Reasons. First of all to deny that the base even exists when everyone can see it in plain sight was a big stupid mistake by the government. That has just intensified public interest. If they had said from the beginning, "We have a secret base out here and we need it for purposes of National Security," they wouldn't have half the publics interest in this. The government is denying the bases existense so nobody knows what's going on.

You would believe the government says this so other nations won't know where it is but that's bull because almost everyone in the world knows where it is. I used to think the government denied it so other nations wouldn't nuke it or bomb it but that's crap. The government does not care about the American people and certainly does not care about the workers who work at the base. That's been proven. Why build secret aircraft to spy on foreing nations when we still can't protect ourselves from terrorist or know where terrorist groups are? We haven't found Bin Laden yet. That base was built for the governments own personal benifit.

Let's take for example all the sightings of UFO's over the years seen at the base. What about the Aurora? What good has that aircraft done for us? Yes, I believe the Aurora exist and is being test at Area 51. After all the world's longest runway is there. If the base is a distraction then why deny it. It doesn't make sense. IMO the government is testing secret projects over there and it isn't for the American publics interest or protection. I believe in some ways that part of the New World Order is stationed there. Not all of it of course because the New World Order is spread out. Anyways, that's my belief because it makes sense.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Xon
Many Sattelits cant see in dark so the secreat planes are in the air at night. When people and sattelits cant see them. Some sattelit can but not many. If your did understand. My english is bad so it is hard for me to explain.

I know what you mean. However, those satellites are few and far inbetween, and access to those satellites is FOUO. It would take an act of GOD to move one over A51 for recon purposes.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:43 PM
Hummmmm.....I don't think Area 51 is just used for a mere distraction.

Like a previous poster stated there's busses going in and out of there everyday. Not to mention the Janet Flights flying over my house on a daily basis. I believe some of my neighbors *things* go beyond their borders and end up here.
I've discussed our multiple sightings we had in my blog. Those daytime star-like objects flew right over my house going in the direction of Area 51. I really felt some type of intelligence there. The objects could maneuver up, down, and zig-zag. They even seemed to know that we were watching *them*. Many people have witnessed strange lights in the sky, over that area. One time in the middle of the night the whole sky was lit up over Area 51. Like it was daytime there, but it was in the middle of the night! When we had the 'Northern Lights' down this way a few years back. The sky looked blood red over Area 51!
Needless to say the towns Hazmat team were a little concerned. Maybe I should say A WHOLE LOT CONCERNED! There was talk of evacuating the people, until Art Bell found out what it was from Richard Hoagland. It was JUST the Aurora Borealis! We never get the Northern Lights in this neck of the woods, but that time we did! If Area 51 was just a mere distraction why were the cops, fire department, and some Top Officials so concerned about a red sky, over that area?
Many strange craft have been seen over these or night it doesn't matter. Now that I finally figured out how to post photos, hopefully I will be able to capture some for you people. Remember it took me awhile because we were without electricity for 8 1/2 years. In the picture below is our view of Area 51." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:45 PM
What is that little drawing on that picture in reference to? I can't see anything on there that resembles it.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:48 PM
The simple answer is that you don't spend billions on a distraction...(no, not even when you're buying $400 hammers....which of course they aren't, that's just lazy accounting instead of truly hiding black ops funding).

While there doesn't seem to be any alien-related activity at Area 51 proper, there is definitely something going on in the sub levels, as well as other adjoining areas (S-4 anyone?).....

Despite the knowledge of it's existence, it is still EXTREMELY capable of doing exactly what it was built for....the testing of top secret aerial technologies... You can bet that these satellites mentioned are well tracked, and they can test without most snoops when they like.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 03:58 PM
This rare baby tortoise came out recently. I put a D-cell battery by him,, for size comparison. It maybe a little off-topic, but he lives near Area 51. " target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:11 PM
Sorry kandalivi that photo was taken in the winter when we had snow. Our view of Area 51 is just beyond the Spring Mountain Range. The arrow gives the general direction.

posted on Jun, 4 2004 @ 04:50 PM
area 51 tests secret stuff to an extent but a use of it was as a cold war weapon that is still in use we purposely lwt people know it existed but didnt let people know what went on so countries like russia would be scared they knew the u-2 and sr71 came from there and it scared the heck out of them what else could be there so they didnt mess with us

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 02:10 PM
Yes there are Migs there, I was watching a show on TLC, surprisingly they were on one of the mountain ranges with cameras and stuff, and a mig flew over them or something. I wish they would replay that, as I saw it at like 12 am on one weekday. Was very very interesting what they saw at night with night vision also.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 10:18 AM
area 51 is being used to build hypersonic spy aircraft and its cousin S4 is being used to reverse engenier alien tech.

posted on Jun, 18 2004 @ 09:14 PM
Ive known Area 51 was simply an airbase for reverse engineering all along.

Dulce and Europa 8 in Antarctica as well as rumored base 666 in Utah are the real bases. Dulce may be partial distraction of an Undersea base in Pacific ocean but most likely not.

It could be possible also that Roswell was a staged crash with a human/ alien hybrid volunteers ( I. E. More Human like than Abductees E.T. discription.)to cover up TUNGSTEN UFO CRASH IN 1908 IN RUSSIA!! At Tungsten Strange Green Crystals and heiroglyphic Metals were rumored to be found( Its The TOMMYKNOCKERS

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Hydralisk58

I suppose that's possible but there have been some awful strange video taken. Most lights behaving oddly. Somethings happening there. Check GoogleEarth. Most folks know about the recent images but Google has images dating back o 2001 I think. If one compares the most recent images with older images, one can see lots of activity, odd lights, new construction.

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