posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 02:28 PM
I have a question that I believe needs to be discussed about all these big bailouts that are taking place. The main question is, if all the money that
is being printed by the Fed, belongs to the Fed, then why are the tax payers being made to pay this back with their tax money when it`s not our money
in the first place? How do we as tax payers, who are not getting any of this money, going to pay it back? Now, with the job market going under in many
areas, how are people suppose to pay this back? I read where some say that it`s only those who make over 250,000 a year, will be the ones taxed for
it. And many believe this? Wow, are they in for a rude awakening. I hope I`m wrong, but when the first tax levy comes out for repayment on this,
please come back here and tell me that your tax rate didn`t go way up. Really, I hope it doesn`t, but when didn`t we ever have to pay for all of these
things we want in life, like wanting our government to step in to fix the economy, to help the auto makers, and who knows what else is ahead of us
with all of this.
We want, we want, we want. But when it comes time to pay for it, are we going to have the money to do so? Can you stand to have your tax rate go up
anymore? Can those around you afford to pay higher taxes? Are your wages going to go up so that you CAN afford a tax hike? Remember a few years back.
with all the talk about the elderly and how they had to make a choice. Do they buy food, or buy medication or pay bills? All because they didn`t have
the money to pay for it all. Now.....look at how close the younger generations are getting to that point. This is not like that people, and what I
mean is this, we aren`t going to just ignore this like we did the elderly money problems, we are now in the same boat as they were/are. Isn`t it funny
how we can over look something like that back then, but when we are put in the same boat, well now, it`s a different story.
So who`s fault would all of this be? Why are we now on the same path as the elderly were on back then? Is it because we never think ahead when it
comes to things such as this? If i`m wrong with this, please tell me, i`ll stand corrected.