In the beginning this universal creative Energy caused itself to come forth into individual modes of
expression, the ONE becoming the multiplicity of all life in manifested creation: solar systems, planets,
water, earth, the ether, vegetation, animal life, angels, and, as its highest aspect of creation,
human beings. Let’s really try to catch the wholeness of this vision. We look around us at what we call nature:
the trees, mountains, ocean, stars, and the wild life are all modes of expression of the ONE invisible,
universal, creative life Energy. Where do we fit in? We, too, are points of expression of this vast, originating
Spirit, but with a difference. God’s highest creation has the power to think, consciousness to
co-create, to understand, and therefore, the power to recognize the Source. The ALL. The IAM. Om Nama
Shivaya. We have the innate ability to work with that Source and co-create in bringing forth increasingly greater
This is our greatest purpose in life—to learn to be more loving, to learn to make ourselves an instrument of THAT
love, to learn to make ourselves an evermore perfect channel for God. The IAM, the underlying creative life Force, to
work through. God needs us to reflect his Omniscience, and Love back to Him! That is why universal Spirit created us. If
God didn’t need us, there would be no reason for us to be here. God made us in His image and after His likeness.
Universal Spirit has an instrument in us through which to find greater expression of itself as love, beauty,
life—all good. In the Upanishads it is stated that all this life, is Gods lila. The passion play.
Now, let’s consider how all this relates to yours, and my life today. Once you catch the idea that God needs you in
order to get into expression as greater good, then your life with its problems takes on an entirely different look.
Take, for instance, the man we spoke about earlier who had all sorts of worry and troubles—the family,
business, legal, and health. He had the opportunity to allow the one creative Power to express through him to
establish order, harmony, wholeness, and happiness.
Can it be done in your life? Of course it can! Nothing is impossible to the creative Power of the Universe. It all
depends on setting up the right mental conditions so that the Power can work with you and through you. We each have been
given free will. How do you do it? The first step is to stop looking to the outer environment—people,
organizations, books, seminars, economic conditions, lucky breaks, and all of the rest—for
guidance, good, rewards, or purpose. Instead, begin to train yourself to look to God, to the light of
truth, the light of wisdom within.
Transfer your present dependency on friends, parents, job, education, seniority, stock portfolio, or
anything else, to God, The IAM; not to God in the sky, but to God as the Spirit of Light, Infinite Intelligence,
Infinite Pure Potentiality within you. The very fact that people become so discouraged when things go wrong in the
outer is incontrovertible evidence that their faith and dependency have been on things, people,
conditions, rather than on the God within. Not being present in the wow and now of this moment, living from the past
in anger, or living in the future in fear. BE HERE NOW. Be Present, that is all that really exist.
It is easy for the personal ego to say, “I love God, I have faith in God, I depend on God, the pie in the sky God, when everything is
going smoothly in the outer world of existence. The confrontation between “lip service” and honest faith
comes when the sturdy-appearing facade of outer conditions starts crumbling at our feet.
I suggest you pause right here and seriously consider, and think, about the degree to which you depend upon
outer circumstances, conditions, events, possessions, and people. You might find, if you are
completely honest, that although you had considered yourself a God-believer all your life, had faithfully
attended church and studied the Bible, Koran, Veda, and religious books, that somehow you have missed the
biggest point.
You might find that if some of the things you now enjoy and depend on were taken away or even changed to some degree, you
would feel crushed, angry, forsaken, helpless, thus proving that your love, faith, and dependency are
actually centered in the outer things and not in the inner presence and power of God. Be thankful for that insight, for
it is the first step toward a realistic faith in God, the unseen but very real Presence and Power behind the apparent
environmental world.
Coming to this realization, you will then understand that your mental attitudes have everything to do with allowing
God’s help, wisdom, and infinite resources to come through you to fruition, and to enrich your inner and outer
life. For your inner attitudes—over which you have control—either block or facilitate the activity and
expression of God through you.
You will learn to understand that your only enemies are your negative emotional reactions to the events, people, and
conditions in your life. Everything is as it should be. Everything is in Divine order, Perfect, Whole,
and Complete. No one needs to be fixed, and or changed in any way, we just need to be awake, and aware to the
Realization of the Omnipresence of God within us and through us. As us. Your enemies because of emotional reactions of
fear, anger, irritation, resentment, or impatience has effectively and uncompromisingly cut off the
flow of God-power and God-wisdom through you.
In addition to watching your inward response to outer conditions and practicing meditation, responding with
patience and calmness, you will also want to spend more time getting acquainted with your new Source of dependency—God
within you as you. Meditation will buoy you up during the “questioning times,” for it is the process by which you
get acquainted with God with you. In time you will deepen that acquaitance to the intimacy of ONE-ness.
Previously when your dependency was on the outer realm of existence of things and people, you spent a lot of time
thinking about them, didn’t you? You worried about your job, position in society, etc. You became lost in
thought, the monkey mind, trying to figure out why some person seemed to be avoiding you, or why it comes and seems
so easy for others, why good things happen to bad people. If you are switching your dependency (which means you
reliance, your faith) to God, you will spend that worry-time and lost-in-thought time going within to let the
light of understanding permeate your mind, to absorb the light as a plant absorbs the light, rays, and energy
of the sun.
In summation, my answer to the discouraged is this:
God needs us; why else would HE create us in HIS image and likeness? Animals with bodies such as ours would have served
the purpose of populating the planet, were that the only reason for our creation. But we are created with the unique
gift of self-consciousness and the power of free will, free choice. We have the potential equipment, the inherent
(although often latent) ability to co-create, to be a channel through which God can and does express fully
as increasing life, love, beauty, growth, joy, and bliss, toward the fulfillment of the Divine plan.
In order to understand, enjoy, and fulfill your own unique purpose, you have to depend solely on God—not on
outer things or people—and look forward to the so-called outer challenges or problems as opportunities to
grow, to unfold that Christ Consciousness, that Christ-potential, to prove your ultimate and intimate
dependency on God. The promise is, the assurance is, God will never let you down. Nor could he. His beautiful purpose for
you is now unfolding! And So It Is.