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Bush Administration Steals Money from Tortured American POW's

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posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 02:41 PM
BushCo has taken the money Gulf War POW's won from Saddam in a court case. It's outrageous. If anyone thinks this administration gives a damn about our men and women in uniform, they're crazy. I'd love to know just where the hell the POW's money got to. Probably in the pockets of these cretins and into the coffers of their beloved black ops budget. There's no way it was sent to the Iraqi reconstruction. It's just infuriating!

Bush Administration Steals Money from Tortured American POW's

Dr. Dennis Cuddy | April 2 2004

On Nov. 23, CBS' "60 Minutes" aired a segment on American POWs tortured during the first Gulf War who had recently been awarded by a court nearly $1 billion from frozen Iraqi assets in the United States. The amazing part of this story is that the Bush administration took those assets and sent them to Iraq for reconstruction, thus denying the tortured POWs the court award.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 02:42 PM
Here's the link to the article I forgot to post.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 02:51 PM
Thanks Kid for posting this you beat me to it. Whats a few tortured POWs compared to Bushs buddies getting there kickbacks?

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 07:07 PM
Is there anything from mainstream media on this?

I've been looking for another side to this, maybe some reason.

If anyone has any other info, post it please.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 07:15 PM
The things the Bush administration gets away with when it comes to money boggles my mind. I'm in the process of reading "Thieves in High Places" by Jim Hightower right now, quite an interesting read. It's clear that he does not like Bush and his cronies, but the things and facts he talks about in the book can be looked at without Bush-hating one way or another. I'd reccomend it for anyone interested in the money-grabbing that goes on by the Bush administration.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 07:49 PM
And you want to listen to a site called "propaganda"?

Show me just one mainstream site where this info is found.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 01:43 PM
It is in Newsweek Magazine in November. I would link you to the story, but I dont have subscription to the the site, thus, i cannot access the article.

I do have the hardcopy issue somewhere, because I clearly remeber reading it and getting REALLY pissed off.

Funny thing is, nary a mention of it on MSNBC or CNN. But it was in Neweek, and on the local news. Was even on Fox.

For someone who wants mainstream sources, you sure as hell dont absorp most mainstream media at home.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
And you want to listen to a site called "propaganda"?

Show me just one mainstream site where this info is found.

That's the problem. Things like this do not appear in the mainstream for months after it appears in these off the wall sites, if at all. But not that it matters. If Bush was caught killing a baby, you'd defend him...

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 01:46 PM
It's going to take trillions of dollars to rebuild Iraq and with Bush leading the way the US Military won't be there when it happens. Bush has to pull out of Iraq this coming June or he will be a one termer like his old man and the way the Iraqi's are picking off our troups these days, there's a good chance he'll only be a one termer no matter what. Our current president has a sub par IQ and is surrounded by idiots with their own agenda's, none of which are for the people of this country.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
It is in Newsweek Magazine in November. I would link you to the story, but I dont have subscription to the the site, thus, i cannot access the article.

I do have the hardcopy issue somewhere, because I clearly remeber reading it and getting REALLY pissed off.

Funny thing is, nary a mention of it on MSNBC or CNN. But it was in Neweek, and on the local news. Was even on Fox.

For someone who wants mainstream sources, you sure as hell dont absorp most mainstream media at home.

Thanks for the tip, Skadi.

What this administration is doing to our vets is infuriating. What they've done to these POW's is beyond wicked. I bet Rummy and his black ops boys pocketed the money.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 09:37 AM
Seems to me that this is the first time that POW's were ever offered money for their ordeal.

Does anyone have any names of the pilots in the case?

[Edited on 7/4/04 by COOL HAND]

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 09:47 AM
You people need to learn to go find info for yourself. It's really not that hard. So saying that mainsteam news doesn't cover it is just plain bull#.

The Real Story from CBS

What actually occured is that the assets were what were going to be used when the case was decided. The administration siezed those assets for use in Iraq before the case was won.

Pertinent quotes-

...But when the second war in Iraq was launched, just last March, those frozen Iraqi assets were confiscated by President Bush and transferred to the U.S. Treasury Department. When the POWs won their case, they argued that U.S. law entitled them to some of that money. So the POWs decided to file a second lawsuit, this one against the secretary of the treasury, in order to collect the money that federal judge had awarded them.

That�s when the U.S. Justice Department stepped in, and argued that once the president had confiscated those frozen Iraqi assets, they were no longer assets of Iraq. And that money, said the president, was needed to assist the Iraqi people and to rebuild Iraq. The government did acknowledge that the president had the authority to use that money to pay the POWs but that he did not choose to do so...

...Molly Poag, a lawyer for the POWs, explained the offer: �Our clients came forward and said, �Please, use the money now, as long as you, the U.S. Government, agree to replenish this fund later from Iraqi funds.� Because Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world, in the future there will be funds. And we need not shut out the POWs.�

Not spit in the face of those 17 POWs, but I think that dealing with what is still an ongoing war outweighs a court settlement at the current time. They'll get their money, just not right now.

[Edited on 7-4-2004 by Esoterica]

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 09:53 AM
Trust me, if Bush killed a baby I would not defend him. I do not agree with his views on the environment for one, and i do not blindly follow him, but I agree with his view on terrorism and what should be done with terrorists and those that still sponsor them.

Also read my post in this link. The post is almost at the bottom, and it explains much about Islamic views and hatred towards the US and other countries.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 10:45 AM
The POW's will never see a dime of that money. You can bet on that.

Thanks for the source, Esoterica.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 12:07 PM
He's still at it. He's asking a judge to void the award. Some compassionate conservative he is. There's a poll at this site asking if the judge should void the award or not. So far about 73% say no and 27% say yes.

Bush Seeks To Void Damage Award To Gulf War POWs

POSTED: 6:53 a.m. EDT April 8, 2004

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration has asked an appeals court to overturn a judge's order awarding nearly $1 billion in Iraqi money to Americans taken prisoner during the 1991 Gulf War.

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