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Ancient Aliens came here looking for gold? Why? ANSWER FOUND?!

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posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 06:41 PM
According to Sitchin, this gold was required back on the home planet of the Anunnaki, to protect the planet’s atmosphere from degradation.

[edit on 063131p://bWednesday2008 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Mikeraphone

I have been thinking for some time about the value of gold and how it got to be so precious. I mean in the ancient times the only thing I would ever think to make gold of any value would be the way it looks and its heat distribution properties. So no what about diamonds and other materials held high with value, maybe they got their fame through their amazing physical strength to handle high amounts of energy to produce other amazing feats thought not possible.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 06:57 PM
quick note from science for those suggesting that the aliens could just make gold if they needed it - thermodynamics.

To make gold you will always need more energy that you're going to get from it later - if the energy levels of the ship were down at 20% then they would use that 20% to make gold, use the gold to make antimater and then find they had (depending how advanced they are) with a tank down at 15%.

If they planned to use something to get it from the sea then this would be a perfect pit stop, we have both water and gold.

In my mind the story falls apart when the super advanced aliens reach for pick axes and shoves instead of robots and high beam cutting lasers

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by nightmare_david

Originally posted by NavalFC
reply to post by Mikeraphone

proof? aliens?

[edit on 9-12-2008 by NavalFC]

You TRIED to imply things the person never said. This is a perfect example of all you do on here. Instigate and never really add anything useful.

Nowhere did the person say this was proof of anything at all. They said it was a theory and you came in to try turning it into something it wasn't. Nice try, but it didn't work this time did it?

Annoying isnt it?

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:42 PM
Im not sure what scientific evidence Sitchin has provided for the connection between Gold and the Alien atmosphere. I could say that the gold was used to wipe their alien asses with back home. Might be true, might not. The reason I posted this thread is because for the first time there is a valid, scientifically proven link, between the myths and stories, Gold, and Alien fuel/anti-matter

[edit on 10-12-2008 by Mikeraphone]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
Don't assume that the rest of the universe has the same composition as the Earth. Other planets have different proportions of metals.

For instance, they could go to this star and collect far more of it than they could on Earth:

And that's just one star that's close to us. There are other older galaxies and stars out there. And, as others pointed out, it's fairly easy to construct once you have fission reactors.

Good link.

The researchers estimated that at today's rates, the amount of gold in this star would be worth 7 billion trillion dollars.

After reading this line, I had to laugh... What if those evil aliens have already been to the star to fuel up? how long would that light have taken to reach us here? Pfffft. That solar system is picked clean IMO

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

From "Slave Species of god" by Michael Tellinger chapter 9 "Gold":

"Here is a short outline of the complex story of humankind, as told in the Sumerian tablets:

The Anunnaki were astronauts and explorers who settled on Earth some 443,000 years ago under the command of Anu. His two sons Enlil and Enki were given the control of their new space base. They came in search of gold to help mend their planet Nibiru's failing ozone layer and atmosphere. Over time they sent as many as 600 explorers and workers to Earth, set up a multitude of mining operations in southern Africa and a space command centre in the Near East at Eridu, the oldest settlement on Earth. After some time and comlaints from those Anunnaki who had to toil in the mines, they created a clone, which was a mixture of their DNA with that of the Homo erectus creature that lived on Earth. They called this first 'primative worker" Adamu and after some time they created a female partner for him to procreate, instead of being carried by surrogate Anunnake females. "Let us create a Lulu, a primitive worker, the hardship work to take over... By the mark of our essence to fashion him." (Translation from Sumerian tablet.)"

There are many books on the market that discuss the Sumerian writings, Sitchin is perhaps the best known. I found Tillenger to be more interesting, comprehensive and concise.

I wish more effort would go into cataloging and translating the Sumerian tablets as they contain a large amount of information that no doubt tells an interesting story of Earth's early history otherwise not available.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 08:19 PM

After reading this line, I had to laugh... What if those evil aliens have already been to the star to fuel up?
reply to post by jephers0n

My understanding is that scientists detected gold and other heavy metals in the star by spectroscopy. The point is that not all stars are the same.

One wonders if the planets in this star's system wouldn't also contain a larger content of these heavy elements.

Back to the Anunnaki, I believe that Sitchin thought the Anunnaki were in the early stages of space travel esp. in their early years 450,000 years ago when they first arrived here. Earth was relatively close their home planet. Therefore Earth was a convenient place for them to explore. Gold was also probably more easily mined then as presumably they were the first miners.

[edit on 10/12/08 by plumranch]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Mikeraphone
The reason I posted this thread is because for the first time there is a valid, scientifically proven link, between the myths and stories, Gold, and Alien fuel/anti-matter

[edit on 10-12-2008 by Mikeraphone]

With all due respect, i wouldnt call this proof of a connection between gold and alien usage for fuel. All it shows is that this is just another possibility to add to the many others.

Dont get me wrong. I love that this discovery opens the door to more possibilitys. But without really knowing what they power there crafts with, it is impossible to make any conclusive statements of proof or fact.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by plumranch

I wish more effort would go into cataloging and translating the Sumerian tablets as they contain a large amount of information that no doubt tells an interesting story of Earth's early history otherwise not available.

Here's a translation of a lot of them:
Let me know if you find anything close to Sitchin's interpretations. In particular, anything about Annunaki, Adamu or the "lulu". I won't hold my breath.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Phage

Most of the Sumerian tablets remain undeciphered, a larger portion remain undescovered or unrecovered mainly in Iraque. The scholars believed to be capable of translating Sumerian text are few. Their translations are always questionable because there is rarely a Rosetta Stone to verify meaning.

Are there Sumerian translators challenging Sitchin, Tellinger? I'm sure there are many, I'd like to read their work.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:30 PM
The apparent underground bases that aliens have may be gold mines.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by plumranch

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of Sumerian texts which are untranslated. But not because they are untranslatable. Who cares how many sheep got sold last year? The "important" ones are of interest and have been studied.

Here's one scholar who has a lot to say about Sitchin:

[edit on 12/10/2008 by Phage]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:35 PM
I read in my book that they created us to work in gold mines somewhere in eastern Africa.
The annunaki had the nephlihim do it, and they dug and struggle for thousands of years. One day, the Nephlihim got sick of it and rebelled. Therefore, they created, not relly created but genetically manipulated thier DNA with neanderthal DNA.

Whats funny is that they dated goldmines in eastern africa and tools found in these caves to be over 100,000 years old

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 10:42 PM
I definitely will put my foot down with this theory of aliens creating us for the purpose of mining.

It would be much easier to create a machine without will, choice, and parts that wear our (like us).

I believe who ever created us had a beautiful imagination and was far more advanced then we'd like to dream. The universe is very old, therefor there must be beings who are billions of years ahead of us.

Whoever created us is on a different level, a different mind frame, they may have created us for a purpose that is far beyond our comprehension.

Trust me if we were worthless slaves we would be wiped out with a single swift action, there is much more then we could understand.


posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by Mikeraphone

Gods came from outer space and had our ancestors mine gold... but why?

I think this is why;

Monoatomic gold has been theorized to be an ideal propulsion mechanism for space travel.

Monoatomic elements, When heated 'lose' mass, but gain it back upon cooling. This is extremely strange. some even consider m-state elements to be a newly discovered state of matter. Take that plasma!

Nonetheless, since monoatomic particles lose mass when heated and gain it back upon being cooled, their properties could be utilized in a space-based propulsion mechanism:

Example: A chain of ten monoatomic gold particles fired whilst superheated into the deep cold of space towards a point of impact/impactor (on a spaceship perhaps?) would impact upon that point with the increased mass of 12 or more monoatomic gold particles, relative to its prior mass in a heated state....

Given that this could be repeated thousands of times per minute/second with millions of m-state gold particles being propelled electromagnetically at the impactor, this would make an excellent propulsion system - far better than our current ion drives - and without bending any laws of physics more than m-state particles already do.

Also, to the Thermodynamics Police - those enforcers of the Law of Thermodynamics: The mechanism I am describing does not violate your precious laws, I am no thought criminal.

I have years of experience working with m-state particles, and can state with confidence that you are out of your jurisdiction when you try to impose your quaint laws on the monoatomics. Once you figure out where their mass 'goes' when they are heated, only then can you begin enforcement.

*A key to understanding monoatomic elements is to recognize that the monoatomic state results in a rearrangement of the electronic and nuclear orbits within the atom itself. This is the derivation of the term: Orbitally-Rearranged Monoatomic Element (ORME).

A monoatomic state implies a situation where an atom is “free from the influence of other atoms.” Is this, perhaps, a violation of some very basic, absolutely fundamental law of the universe -- which says that nothing is separate? If such a law constituted reality, then a necessary condition for monoatomic elements to even exist would require them to be superconductive, just in order to link them through all distance and time to other superconducting monoatomic elements. This would be necessary in order to prevent separation. The question is whether separation is but the Ultimate Illusion?

Just a thought: Perhaps the Anunaki(?) other members mentioned weren't eating this substance, but instead were taking advantage of it's unique properties in some sort of technology; which would necessarily be quite advanced.

It might still be going on, here is my modernized version of the idea,

Central banks exist to turn fiat paper into real assets property and Gold, which they hoard. eventually all gold ends up in the hands of central banks - who are owned and run by the New World Order.

The Same New World order who claim descent from aliens 'gods' who supposedly came to earth for...... Gold!

These 'gods' left, leaving behinds hybrid bloodlines to continue to gather gold and maintain operations here on earth. This is where the divine right to rule come from does it not?

Even now, most of our gold is eventually funneled into the coffers of the institutions owned by those very bloodlines who still maintain their power here on Earth.

But where does the gold goes from there?

Are the descriptions from ancient texts still being played out; do the 'gods' still return for their ore as they once did?

I wonder what happens when we don't meet the quota...

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:19 PM

I'm pretty sure there are a lot of Sumerian texts which are untranslated. But not because they are untranslatable. Who cares how many sheep got sold last year? The "important" ones are of interest and have been studied.
reply to post by Phage

You don't care about Sumerian sheep sales??

I doubt that all the important Sumerian cuneiform tablets have been studied and correctly interpreted. There appears to be a lot more to be done.

I think Jim Marrs would be a good person to consult on this as I think he has an opinion. I'll put that on my to do list.

Thanks for your input!

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by plumranch

I avoid sheep every chance I get.

[edit on 12/10/2008 by Phage]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Psychonaughty
I definitely will put my foot down with this theory of aliens creating us for the purpose of mining.

It would be much easier to create a machine without will, choice, and parts that wear our (like us).

I believe who ever created us had a beautiful imagination and was far more advanced then we'd like to dream. The universe is very old, therefor there must be beings who are billions of years ahead of us.

Whoever created us is on a different level, a different mind frame, they may have created us for a purpose that is far beyond our comprehension.

Trust me if we were worthless slaves we would be wiped out with a single swift action, there is much more then we could understand.


The problem with "machines" is that they don't breed so as to produce more workers,and they do not have the ability to be inovative.

Why go to all the trouble to bring machines to the planet when there were creatures here that could do the work.?

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 02:26 AM

I avoid sheep every chance I get.
reply to post by Phage

LMAO! Thanks for that!

I was about to forget the Anunnaki when tonight on C2C there was this:

“This is the biggest news story of the century,” says Klarfeld, an engineer-turned-investigative researcher. “Once the public has seen the facts they can’t help but accept our history as descendants of extraterrestrial visitors. The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable.”

Klarfeld's website is here: Adam The Missing Link by Klarfeld. He is definately convinced about the Anunnaki/ gold/ human slave connection. Check out the link and go figure!

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