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10 Ways the world could end

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posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 05:29 AM
A nice little cheery article to read over and listen too as includes audio.

You can find it here

Despite what you may think, the universe is not necessarily a friendly place. Sure, things here on Earth have been pretty stable over the past few millennia, allowing human civilization to gain a foothold. But that could change at any time. Disaster lurks everywhere, from the deepest reaches of space to the very bowels of our planet. We've recruited nine prominent Canadian scientists (and one science fiction writer) and asked them to imagine how they think the world might end. We bring you The Quirks & Quarks Guide to the End of the World -- it's cataclysmically fun!

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 07:00 AM
Aww, I was really hoping for some kind of Zombie/ Plague scenario

That's a good list! People really (purposefully) have no idea how fragile life is on this planet. It wouldn't take much to set us all back to the Stone Age - if we were that lucky.

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 12:58 PM
Great, 10 more things to add to our list of things to fear.

I like the list. However, why let nature end the world when mankind has demonstrated time and time again that it is very capable of ending the world on its own?


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