posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 10:46 AM
Greetings, my name is Ryan, I've been a member at ATS for I think 2 years? However, I rarely stopped in back then and posted a total of..probably 10
times. So I don't think anyone would remember me, hell, even I don't remember me! (I don't recall what my username or password was and I figured a
fresh start would be better, hope I'm not breaking any rules here?)
Anyway, I have been interested in the paranormal since I was 8, and despite trying to avoid the topic for quite some time, I constantly find myself
coming back to it as it's always had my interest. I am also a guitarist for two local up-and-coming bands, and I am studying and working my way to
become a Herpetologist. (studying reptiles)
I'm a little outspoken in my opinions, and despite going out of my way to express them in as mature a manner as possible, my opinions and views have
gotten me a quite a few enemies. I'd like to assume that the people here are far more mature and can handle individual thought patterns alot better
than the other boards I've been to. From what I've read (i've been lurking regularly again for a month before re-registering) I am correct. I am
looking forward to discussing the interesting, the paranormal and the not-so-interesting with you guys, and hope that we can all learn something new
together. Cheers!