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Source-"September 11 defendants ask to plead guilty"

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posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 09:55 AM
Wondering what the thoughts of 9/11 buffs are on this. Official storiers and truthers. Who really know business as usual in Gitmo but what do you make of this:

Was Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his buddies forced into this confessional?
Is the timing strange/convenient/unusual?
This does coincide with the release within the MSM of "raw" Mumbai footage and those Islamicly scary mugshots of the turrurists. Will the MSM make a smooth transition between these two headlines?

Any thoughts are appreciated!
Have a non-Guantanamo day!

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 10:50 AM

U.S. President-elect Barack Obama. who takes office on January 20, has said he will shut down the widely condemned Guantanamo prison camp and try detainees in the regular U.S. civilian or military courts rather than the special Guantanamo tribunals created by the Bush administration.

Wow. Real trials for detainees instead of the Bush Regime kangaroo courts and torture. Maybe Obama will clean up the justice system for ordinary Americans also. We are already enjoying the $1.50 / gallon gas prices which the rejection of Hanoi Hilton McCain has brought about. Of course it probably was not the voters who rejected him; but somebody rejected John McCain, didn't they? Maybe Obama will not be as bad of a disaster as we thought. How could anybody in the entire world be worse than Dubya?

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by SPreston

I hate t deviate away from the main topic too much but the tidbit on Obama you highlight is interesting.
I think his true intentions to abolish detention centers like Gitmo remain to be seen.
Who knows how many secret prisons the pentagon has all over the world. Even if he did close Gitmo, which skeptics might question (myself being one), it would serve well to appease the anti-war populace who likely won't see an end to fighting an idea/concept (terrorism) that has no national, ethnic, religious identity.
Give a little something to chew I suppose.

Also, I wouldn't associate 1.50 gas w/ the"rejection of McCain." I can't imagine his "rejection" having much to do with it.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Moonsouljah
Wondering what the thoughts of 9/11 buffs are on this. Official storiers and truthers. Who really know business as usual in Gitmo but what do you make of this:

Any thoughts are appreciated!

I'm sure 9/11 Truthers are in a huddle trying to figure out how to spin that one.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 09:44 PM
They need the confessions because there is no real evidence to tie OBL to 9-ll the FBI has said so itself also getting a conviction here would justify keeping Gitmo open.

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