posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 11:51 PM
My main concerns are UN treaties, surrendering of soverignty to foreign interests, Uncontrolled unfunded social programs and Constitutional rights.
On the economic note, I WISH we would perform a great domestic economic feat by becoming completely energy independent.
How.... Algae Oil. Look it up on youtube and the web. 10 - 20 thousand gallons per acre.
We could build overland pipelines from the Ocean to the deserts in Southwest and have this operational in less than 10 years. (100% domestic use
only!) until a time when we export only the extra production.
Other things I would like to see is the nullification of patent law when it comes to "NATIONAL SECURITY" issues such as energy and medicine. We can
no longer afford to have technology bought up and hidden / priced out of the market in the name of "intellectual property".
A quick 3rd would be setting a "bounty" on diseases... sounds silly but let's get real.. there is no money in cures... only treatments. The
research scientists and research centers get millions a year in grants to keep researching. We do not get cures for anything ... only expensive
treatments. Throw a 100 billion dollar bounty for a cure to cancer and it will be cured by the end of his first term... someone will flinch, that is
to much money to risk the other guy getting. Human nature is greed, if there is to much money in the status quo, why change... especially if it puts
you out of a job
I have many more but it is getting late and I have to work in the AM.
May stop by tomorrow.... Have a good night.