posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 10:08 PM
Nice mimic of typical commercial ads seen on tv with some sexual suggestive motion of a girl whirling their ass on a screen to get your attention to
buy bubble gum.
Well peak oil isnt the solution. Its only adding another IV to the addiction of oil.
When are people going to understand that the growth rate, rate of added drivers/cars per quarter, demand increase, which is all exponential, has not
only overtaken the refining capacity to keep up, but will continue to exceed it no matter how much black crap you suck out of the ground!
What is needed is a new energy source, a new way to power things. And there are plenty of alternatives out there. But politicians, big oil, and people
who dont know better, keep pounding into the public's head that we need to keep the oil drug addiction going and simply stab another IV into the arms
of the sheeple and the ground.
How about a fuel source that comes from the 78 percent of what covers the entire Earth? And its renewable and puts back in what it takes out?
Its so simple, its too simple for the simple minded.