posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 11:08 AM
Are you completely crazy? Or just a mental case that is in need of some medication?
There are no such things as "Concentration Camps" run by FEMA.
In a "Concentration Camp, people are locked up, and they can not leave. They do not go there voluntarily, they are forced to go there by the
In the FEMA trailer parks, everyone is there because they chose to go there. They can leave at any time. Nobody forces them to stay there.
But they are mostly lazy slugs, that believe that the government owes them a living. So, they stay there, rent free, utilities free, and they take
from the taxpayers.
Now just how do YOU justify your describing those trailer parks as "Concentration Camps"?
You idiots sling around your loaded terms, when you quite literally have no idea what you are talking about.