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*Serious Warnings* Alert * Earthquake* Postings* Please Read*

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posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 03:21 PM

- Tensions build in cities, encounters scarcity.
As the cost of food, fuel and other necessities of life continue to rise so does peoples level of stress. As the holidays approach, individuals find themselves taking extreme actions that they would have never considered in the past.

General Statement #3. Once again I fail to see how this qualifies as a prediction. We are in troubled times people are losing their homes and jobs. Logic would tell you that they would resort to alternate means. Stress related to the failing economy isn't something new. When the cost of products go up we will of course see a rise in crime.

- The populace of the US impacted by a condition like posttraumatic stress. It will be something like “time shocked” or “time stunned”.
Just as you wrap you head around one big change or traumatic event, another will come along which will be bigger and harder to absorb.

What exactly is it predicting? It fails to give a date. So when an event does occurs you will all jump and say 'Yeah the Web bot predicted that'.

- Mood of the population improves: People have a renewed sense of optimism that the corporate/elite can and will be replaced in the elections but the ‘us against them’ grows.
This appears to be directly related to the upcoming presidential elections. People will briefly experience a renewed optimism and confidence in the promises made by the new president, but the mood will quickly change when they realize that it is business as usual in Washington.

Ugh, General Statement #4. This occurs with every presidency, I didn't know George Bush was a whack job only until he was in office.

- Possibly early elections, or at least calls for that because of anger.
This seems to relate to Israel and the possibility of early presidential elections necessary to curtail the increased threats from Iran.


- In late 2008 the rest of the world’s currencies are ‘touched off’ by the dollar and U.S. decline.
The continuing instability of the U.S. economy and financial systems will prove to be a catalyst for global unrest and uncertainty.

General Statement #5. Reasons listed above.

- The Web Bot foresee a West Coast/Vancouver area large-scale earthquake around December 12, 2008.
Many have seen signs of this coming for quite some time. This may not be the “Big One”, but it will prove to be significant and very devastating to the area.

Yes finally a spot on prediction. Well there has been small tremors as of late. Saying there will be an earthquake in an earthquake prone area isn't much of a prediction. Yet it does give a date, we will have to wait and see.

- There will be a 2009 winter/spring natural disaster, which caused people to become angry about government response.
With the dramatic increase in natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and more, the government’s inability to respond to the immediate needs of the people will prove to be devastating for many.

Yes let's cover a period of 6 months and all natural disasters possible. Then when that event occurs the web bot prediction was correct. Government intervention was slow? When does FEMA ever do a good job? Tell me if Katrina never happened would this prediction still be on the list?

As mentioned, spring is a term for temperate climates, but the news of many countries covers large parts of continents and so we may hear of the hurricane season (Northern Hemisphere) and cyclone season Southern Hemisphere officially beginning in late spring. This is less to do with the relationship of spring to hurricanes / cyclones but more to do with the extent of media coverage and the use of seasonal terms from the one part of a continent to make reference to what is happening in other less temperate climates. The monsoon season is the monsoon season, and not some variation of spring or summer, except for those perceiving it from a temperate climate background.

- The Web Bot foresee that the winter in the Northeast will be very cold, causing some schools to close, and then later to reopen as shelters for people who can't heat their homes.
Language suggests that the shortages will be caused by a lack of supplies, cost of fuel, or both.

How does it do it? This is amazing, there hasn't been a school closing in this country for almost 50 years!![/sarcasm]

- Global Coastal Event likely in early to mid 2009
The Web Bot sees a permanent loss of low-lying territory globally and foresees that one continent in particular will get hit badly, but it does not say which one. Places to avoid: anything at sea level (Bangladesh/Florida/ etc).

So we shouldn't a have Florida by 2009, sounds unlikely.

All this is, is a just a bunch of half-baked ideas that are generalizations or will fail to come true. Stop believing everything that is posted on the internet folks.

Web Bot Predictions- Source

[edit on 10-12-2008 by Ign0rant]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by N. Tesla

Allthough I really dont agree with the way you go about refutting this thread, mainly just your general attitude towards people believe this stuff, I do have to agree with you on your last comment.

Using a predictive website to try and prove another predictive tool is really grasping at straws. I always try to keep an open mind myself, but the inability for myself to find time stamped proof that any of thier older predictions were claimed or reported before the events is usually a RED FLAG to a flase predictive tool.

Edit for spelling

[edit on 12/10/0808 by Trayen11]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by N. Tesla

I have been reading your replies Tesla as well as everyone else's and I do have to say I agree with you on some of your points (Except the impolite ones)

I would not put too much faith in a webbot , or in any fortune teller/prediction/signs as they can all turn out not to be what is thought.

Yeah we all know that a major earthquake in the noted locations is long long overdue and is an inevitability.

And sure be prepared for disasters but when it comes down to believing and even getting hyped up to the point of posting ANY evidence you can to support the theory (and that is what this is....a theory) you will end up frustrated when the theory doesn't come to fruition, and then one can start looking elsewhere or changing dates/timeframe for the supposed disaster ... and so on and so on

It's almost like people are willing it to happen or even getting upset that it isn't happening in the timeframe posted. (And I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular just making an observation on how humans sometimes behave)

I don't think arguing to the point of bit**** at each other is a good idea, I just say keep eyes open and a preparedness about yourselves.

I have seen so so many hyped up theories that people get worked up over that when that theory crashes and burns people have exhausted themselves emotionally over it.

It's just not worth it.

I however will be keeping up with the thread and reading and keeping an open eye, but I won't allow myself to get depressed/upset/worked up/elated/scared over it.

Lastly: I don't think anyone should have to apologise if a theory/subject doesn't come to fruition or if it does come to fruition, everyone is skeptical by nature, and people make mistakes so I don't believe it warrants an apology.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Young minded old soul
reply to post by N. Tesla

Thanks for the 4th grade science lesson!!!! No really Thank you !!! I forgot how vain some people could be. I was asking you to truely examine the whole picture and all you see pinpoint on surface.

Is this not a string of quakes ( how ever small ) on the coastal area of a continent on the correct date? The fact is yes!

But do ya think it's possible some one or even the bots got Madrid wrong? Maybe it ment the Med. as in the Sea.

people brush things off alll the time only to have them colme back to bite them in the ass. Just admit it's plausible. I may be wrong in thoughts, but think about it don't be so snappy to answer.

Well, for what it's worth, it doesn't "mean" anything. It's not an entity. It's a random mish-mash of everything everyone posts on the boards. You wonder why it finds gloom and doom all the time? Just read sites... like this one. If this webbot was contained to all children, family and entertainment sites, I'm sure we'd have predictions that unicorns carrying fairies will ride into town, tossing candy to everyone, while the unicorn *poots* would spew out cotton candy.

I DO appreciate the "be ready for disaster" message, if nothing else. I don't like the drama, angst, and terror these sorts of threads maintain though. As if people need more stress these days.

People on the web: "Omg.. a killer planet is coming, omg.. earthquakes! .. omg omg.. disease and war and NWO and on and on!"

webbot: "Omg.. yer all gonna die!"

People on the web: "See.. it's TRUE!"

The only collective thing these webbots harvest are gullible people's money.

Finally, it's comments like yours that propogate this into the future. Someone or something makes a prediction, and when it doesn't happen, people pick a random other event (even if this event is commonplace), and says "It MEANT this event!" There is so much going on in the world, people always find a scapegoat to keep this silly stuff going. The only times a very firm date and event is given, those folks are usually blown out of the water, and never heard from again (e.g. Blossom Goodchild).

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 03:30 PM

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by N. Tesla
reply to post by Young minded old soul

umm quakes happen everyday. a 2.0 quake is barely noticable

Less than 3.5 Generally not felt, but recorded.

3.5-5.4 Often felt, but rarely causes damage.

Under 6.0 At most slight damage to well-designed buildings.
Can cause major damage to poorly constructed buildings
over small regions.

6.1-6.9 Can be destructive in areas up to about 100 kilometers
across where people live.

7.0-7.9 Major earthquake. Can cause serious damage over larger areas.

8 or greater Great earthquake. Can cause serious damage in areas several
hundred kilometers across.

N. Tesla,
I have sat here and watched you tear apart questioningall's threads and now you are posting Earthquake data without links. First of all, have you ever been in a 7-8.0 quake? I have for sure, actually two of them. I have lived in, up until this year, 12 years in the great state of Alaska. I experienced two quakes at a magnitude of 7.0-7.9. Please understand that each quake is different and for different reasons. All based on type of quake, depth, soil type and location. For example the November 2002 Denali quake-I personally experienced this; Minimal to minor damage to roads, houses. At a depth of 3.1 miles, it was a slip partioned quake. No deaths, and remote location at the epicenter. Now take the 1964 quake at a magnitude of 9.2 (lasted 4-5 minutes). This was a subductive/rutpure quake, at a depth of about 25km. Many deaths and tsunamis as well.
Also the type of soil you live on is a great factor as to what will happen to your house, as well as the type of house you live in. You know that scripture Matthew 7:26 holds true to this day...dont be like the fool that built his house on sinking sand.

Here are some links for my fellow ats'ers to look up:

1964 quake

Denali Quake 2002

Alaska Earthquake Information center (wealth of information)

Now as far as you making questioningall out to be a fool and hoaxer, let me put my two cents on this. Questioningall has helped many prepare and be aware of the potential for a shaker in their area soon. Could the earthquake happen in the set timeframe stated? Quite possibly, but then again it may not for some time. But it will happen one day soon. Prediciting seismic movement is a hard thing to do. What questioningall has done is helped others open their eyes to being prepared, stocking up, being alert to their surroundings, etc. So if questioningall is able to help save, some if not hundreds of lives in the next future quake, by her research, then she should be deemed a hero. Not some fool and hoaxer like you claim. questioningall is not the fool you are...

[edit on 12/10/2008 by wrangell76]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by wrangell76

well ill come above your openly personal attacks and simply post her original thread that everyone has seem to forgotten.

there we go. take a look at that and tell me she isnt fear mongering and ignoring proof that she is wrong.

i have said this before and i guess i have to say it again

i have no problem with getting people prepared i do have a problem with people who make 3 threads about the same thing. then claim they didn't

people should always be prepared.

the OP is a liar and a hoaxer i think we proved that already. but no lets give it until the 16th until i get to see the pretty little [hoax] boxes around this post.

fool indeed.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 04:02 PM
Perhaps, just saying, if we take the "I" out of it, we will see things much more collectively. Heck, who knows if this web bot stuff has any merit, but truthfully, it is the fabric of it all that is just so amazing...

Mark 13:
7 Moreover, when YOU hear of wars and reports of wars, do not be terrified; [these things] must take place, but the end is not yet.

8 “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, there will be earthquakes in one place after another, there will be food shortages. These are a beginning of pangs of distress.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by circlesymbol

don't quote scripture to an atheist.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 04:16 PM
So the earthquake pretty much isn't going to happen? Or is there a slight chance yet? I highly doubt it, can't believe that I believed it before today haha.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by N. Tesla
reply to post by circlesymbol

don't quote scripture to an atheist.

It was not my goal to offend you personally in any way. Yet, in the context of predicted 8.0 earthquakes, it would seem quite relevant to this thread.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by questioningall
He makes himself still do it, because he feels overall it is good for people to be aware and prepared for what is coming down the road.

Well that's just it isn't it? Down the Road...

Well how long now have people been 'prediciting 'the big one' in California?

Sooner or later it will hit.. the plates are moving... so one day there will be another big one...

But lets have a look at reality shall we? How many of you have ANY IDEA what the number of an Earthquake means?

Here is the simple version... the list will go as follows..

1) Richter Magnitudes
2) Description
3) Earthquake Effects
4) Frequency of Occurrence

So lets see what we have

Less than 2.0
Microearthquakes, not felt.
About 8,000 per day

Generally not felt, but recorded.
About 1,000 per day

Often felt, but rarely causes damage.
49,000 per year (est.)

So ones in the range just mentioned 3.0 to 3.9 there are roughly 49.000 PER YEAR folks Not to dang hard to predict a few dozen now is it?

Noticeable shaking of indoor items, rattling noises. Significant damage unlikely.
6,200 per year (est.)

Can cause major damage to poorly constructed buildings over small regions. At most slight damage to well-designed buildings.
800 per year

Okay so until its 5.0 or HIGHER its not really an issue is it? and of those we still get an average of 800 PER YEAR... which fits with my prediction of at least 2 per day...ANY day...

Strong Can be destructive in areas up to about 160 kilometres (100 mi) across in populated areas.
120 per year

Can cause serious damage over larger areas.
18 per year

Can cause serious damage in areas several hundred miles across.
1 per year

Devastating in areas several thousand miles across.
1 per 20 years

Never recorded; see below for equivalent seismic energy yield.
Extremely rare (Unknown)

The Richter Scale is logarithmic. Because of the logarithmic basis of the scale, each whole number increase in magnitude represents a tenfold increase in measured amplitude; in terms of energy, each whole number increase corresponds to an increase of about 31.6 times the amount of energy released.

So a 6.0 is TEN TIMES stronger than a 5.0 and packs about 32 times as much punch

So unless an Earthquake is 5.o or higher its not even worth thinking about, much less raise the alarm bell and panic everyone.

You will kill more in a wild panic than the actual quake ever would. Think about that.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Ign0rant

- Tensions build in cities, encounters scarcity....

Well gasoline has been dropping steadily and I just gased up at 1.69 a gallon... That means food prices based on transportation costs will drop, and already are in my region (Vegas)

Potatoes 4 weeks ago were 4.85 for a 10 pound bag... today I picked up 20 pounds for 2.85... I asked the manager... apparently every year the old potatoes rise in price and an 'apparent' shortage happens... all the while the new potatoes are sitting waiting to be shipped...

So you pay top dollar for old stock... when a few weeks later when the old stock is sold out, you get the new stuff at normal rate...

This year took longer because there were BETTER crops so they had more old stock...

- The populace of the US impacted by a condition like posttraumatic stress. It will be something like “time shocked” or “time stunned”.
Just as you wrap you head around one big change or traumatic event, another will come along which will be bigger and harder to absorb.

The only traumatic events I have seen over the last few months is all the gloom and doom predictions from 'whistle blowers' that never happened. I see the stress in the posts... I see hundreds of threads on the end of the world form anything from Nibiru to bird flu...

Yet each prediction date goes by ...and NOTHING HAPPENS... yet the chicken littles run after the next 'soothsayer' and start it all over again.

Its gotten so bad I am thinking of leaving the forums for a while until sanity returns...

Perhaps the web bot is picking up on this?

What the hell is with this death wish so many of you have? If indeed the End is Coming in 2012... well hell go out and live it up You only got four years left..

And be prepared for the end of the world? How do you do that?

You want Nibiru? LOL well THIS is what it will be like

What exactly is it predicting? It fails to give a date. So when an event does occurs you will all jump and say 'Yeah the Web bot predicted that'.

You got that right... they did the same with Nostradamus... based the end of the world on his quatrains because they STOPPED at 1999

Now look around... all of a sudden Nostradamus' writings are good till 3500 something

BTW that Japanese film? That wasn't Nibiru... but only an Asteroid smaller than the moon

Survive THAT if you can... IF Yellowstone doesn't pop it's cork first, which is overdue and the land has already swelled several hundred centimeters


[edit on 10-12-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:30 PM

the OP is a liar and a hoaxer i think we proved that already. but no lets give it until the 16th until i get to see the pretty little [hoax] boxes around this post.

I don't think so. The OP started a thread several weeks ago wanting input from people regarding their feelings and anomolies before an earthquake. She is compiling information and trying to see if there are similar occurances, etc before an earthquake in order to possibly see if there is any way to possibly predit an earthquake before it happens. I for one don't really trust or rely on the webbots. The way I see it, she is compiling information about different occurances or anomolies that may be occuring and relate those to an earthquake if it happens. Maybe it's the way I am reading it or understanding it, the webbots are the ones that have predicted the earthquakes. I don't feel anyone is wanting a major earthquake or natural disaster (or manmade for that matter) to occur, in fact I'd guess no one does. I certainly don't.

I for one don't feel this huge earthquake is going to hit this week, but it is interesting to compare notes and experiences of many people from different areas and what they are experiencing. If it happens, then it does, and if not, well, it could always happen anytime and it surely does not hurt anyone to have supplies on hand and be prepared for whatever natural disaster or emergency may occur. In my opinion, this is interesting to me because I don't live in a quake prone area, but I do pay attention to the weather and nature and what I sense energetically is going on, so I've never thought to attribute any of it to quakes.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:33 PM
After reading this thread yesterday, I asked my boss who lives in Holladay, TN if he noticed anything strange or different about the wild animals out there like the deer or turkey. He said it was funny that I asked because he has not seen a single deer in 2 days straight including today which makes 3 days. He said that since he's been living there for over 8 months now that he sees deer every day, every morning. He puts down feed for them every day and they never miss a day of eating it...except for the last 3 days. He did see a single turkey today but that was all. His 2 dogs which are labs have not been acting strange but they've been in Florida all of their lives until the last 8 months if that means anything.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:34 PM
actually mate, now that I think about it. I immagrated here to Wyoming about 10 years ago. Cheyenne to be precise. Being an arbourist, I have no choice but to pay attention to animals. No lad, Im not being funny either. Now, Dogs typically bark, and all that but cats! Cats are the bitches of nature. if Mother Earth had a super model, she would be a cat. Of late, they are unusually friendly and this has been going on for about thepast 3 weeks. Cats will walk right up to me like they know me, and expect me to comfort them. I have no problem with that. never really thought it odd, until after reading this post because i dont care who you are, THAT is odd.

Secondly. Geese/Ducks. Neither of which are nocturnal. Three or four nights ago, I was awaken by geese flying and skwaking all bloody night, starting at about 0200. I thought it was the bloody neighbours partying it up again. it was bloomin birds. Then it was ducks. Geese were flying southeasterly, when normally they stay in the central/northern parts of this state in winter, until about january when they go who knows where. Ducks though.. I have never seen one here past November AT THE LATEST until last week.

You are more than welcome to use location for your publication and research. I, on the other hand am going to pay more note.
again mate, I am NOT being funny.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by zorgon

"Yellow stone is over due and the land is already swelling"

living here mate, and having done so for the past 10 years, I can say the land is infact just fine. The only thing that gives anything indicative of swelling land is poor construction. In the cheyenne area alone, people stopped using local construction companies because the floors in most newer buildings are sinking. The old ones are just fine. Hell there were houses built here where they forgot to nail the stairs to the frames, and add insulation. Thats no joke either. The Super Max prison they just built here has already had some 47 escape attempts, and 18 were successful. The whole building is sinking over that way. I travel through out the state as is my job, and yes mate, my job does entail surveying the land, and the forest environment. I can find it safe to say the only odd thing is night flying geese, ducks, and cats that are unusually friendly. (like follow you to your next location friendly, like hide in your truck cab friendly.) Now that I think about it some more, even the squirrels and birds here are acting a bit odd. There have been more complaints about birds flying into peoples homes, stores (walmart especially) and what not, Bats period (should not be here but they are en mass hiding in tree bark) and the squirrels will hangout in the bloody windows while they are open. The entomology here is pretty normal with one exception. The Ipps Engraver beetle has basically vanished. The normally dry climate here is rather moist for this time of year as well. hmmm not that I get into doomsday predictions, maybe there is something to this web bot thing. Anyway, the land here in Wyoming is all but swollen.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by questioningall

Comrad Questioningall, I believe you owe me a BIG "Im sorry", but I suspect you are not a big enough person for that; but maybe I'm wrong about your abilities to say that you are wrong.

You state, that I have stated that I'm a seismologist; NO I have never stated that. Please pull it up for everyone to see, if you can prove that I said that, and show where you got it from. You will not be able to pull that up anywhere on this site nor anywhere else.

Nor have I wrote about some earthquake that you write about in Ill, that took place in April.

Show me where I discounted all of the small earthquakes in New Madrid last week. In fact I was not on this site last month, only within this week. So why would I even consider those other stupid earthquakes that you pulled up, they are not precursor earthquakes.

You are bringing up old stuff, that I had nothing to do with.

All I'm writing about is that the Web Bots Prediction for a HUGE EARTHQUAKE here in the central USA is a joke; and so far all of my equipment shows that that is impossible within the next 3 days from today. I have stated smaller ones can occur at this time in the central USA, but there will be "NO" Huge Earthquake in the Central USA between Memphis-Denver or Dallas-Pierre. Simply because there are absolutely NO PRECURSOR signals anywhere at this moment in time for such a huge earthquake to strike in that region.

A precursor is only detectable within days to weeks of a huge earthquake striking, and there has been no precursor in the region I'm watching over during the last week, as I have stated here on ATS.

So, none of what I have written has been false. Not one word of it has been false. THere will be NO HUGE EARTHQUAKE in the central USA in the next few days, that is a 100% guarantee. So... all of you folks out there don't need to go and strap down your water heaters, and stock up on unneccesary food; because there will be no huge earthquake measuring 6.0 or larger in magnitude in the region I have described; at least not in the next few days, and those days are definitely in the window of Web Bots Prediction, that is worthless.

So all of your postings about me have been a flat out lie by you, questioningall. It looks like you really do want to scare the people out there, and there is absolutely no reason for those people to be scared, simply because there is not going to be a HUGE EARTHQUAKE in the central USA within the next three days.

If there was going to be a "Huge Earthquake" in the Web Bot time window of December 10th through the 15th here in the Central USA, then I would track it down, and tell all of you here on ATS all about it. I would tell you how deep it would be, what its isosiesmic map looks like giving you the idea of just how large it would be, and I would tell you exactly where the fault was, and its pinpointed epicenter and focus. But there is nothing out there. There would have to be precursor signals eminating from such a site under pressure, and so far there is absolutely nothing, so all of you can sleep soundly, at least for the next few days, since there are no signals. Web Bot and you questioningall are starting to scare a lot of people for nothing, and you are lieing trying to make yourself look good.

Somehow questioningall, I'm starting to think that you are in with those Web Bot people, am I right? I'm starting to think that you are trying to get supporters for Web Bot. Well, I'll tell you right here and now, Web Bot is not getting any of its information from "Nature" on its predictions of Huge Earthquakes striking, and you questioningall absolutely know absolutely nothing about earthquakes except what you can copy off of the internet.

And Now, I'm really shocked to find out that you questioningall simply copy most of your stuff from one of your sites to the next, that is a joke. Tell us questioningall, are you related to the people who run or control WEB BOT? We want to know.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 08:05 PM
I'm not exactly sure how to state this.

I read this article about three days ago, after finding nothing insignificant in my home or near me besides the absence of a few birds (which I assumed could be from the cold weather change). It wasn't until last night on the way home from the doctors office did I notice something incredible strange. And it immediately reminded me of this post.

While driving down a for way lane road, six o' clock Tuesday evening, South Carolina, a deer ran straight out in the middle of a car to my left. As if it was running from something, straight past the first towl lanes and smack dab into I'm guessing what was an SUV. A full grown female deer.

Two minutes later, mark my word, maybe even not that long, a squrril flew out in between the car beside me and ended up in front of my flood lights. The first thing it reminded me of was suicide. I thought how strange, animals running in the opposite direction towards the cars.

It made absolutely no sense to me.

Now I'm not going to be totally bias, because this all could had been a complete coincidence. But it totally unnerved me.

peace - Merry Christmas

And I pray for everybodies sake, that this isn't just a small puzzle piece to the larger picture.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by stanlee

"Yellow stone is over due and the land is already swelling"

living here mate, and having done so for the past 10 years, I can say the land is infact just fine.

I would suggest you check with the USGS and have them explain to you why the lake has tilted

Yellowstone Lake

In recent years (as of 2004), the ground under the lake has started to rise significantly, indicating increased geological activity, and limited areas of the national park have been closed to the public. As of 2005, no areas are currently off limits aside from those normally allowing limited access such as around the West Thumb Geyser Basin. There is a 'bulge' about 2,000 feet (600 m) long and 100 feet (30 m) high under a section of Yellowstone Lake, where there are a variety of faults, hot springs and small craters.

Geodetic surveys within the Yellowstone caldera have documented active uplift that is most likely caused by magmatic processes in the upper crust. Along the northeast shore of Yellowstone Lake, maximum relative uplift rates are 10 mm/yr for the period 1923 1975

I have another one but no time right now

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