I just found by chance this video. Basically, this man was repairing a pipe in his kitchen, then saw a light, and found himself in his own future.
I reckon that it would all be so easy to fake, however I don't see well the point, and it looks like a sincere story. Maybe that guy is so very much
like his father & made the exact same tattoo?
Thoughts people?
Video should work... I don't know why it doesn't... Nothing wrong in the link...
And I'm not even drunk... sorry guys................. Link fixed!
To answer the question of who's taking the picture...
Have you ever been anywhere where you wanted a picture of yourself and handed the camera to another person? Like in this case (assuming what he says
is true) his wife? kid? mother? neighbour? Or a photography taken with a timer?
this has been posted several times, and its from a swedish commercial for AMF Pension, and their motto is: the future - a pretty good reason for a
pension plan. here are 2 videos from them.
To answer your question of why someone would want to do this, it's the same answer as always...attention. This would be real easy to figure out with
the facial recognition software that is available these days. A couple of bald guys with the same tatoo doesn't impress though, especially
considering it might just be some fake press on tat.
Nice find Daniem, guess we have the answer then :p
Maybe I should have searched a bit more around it before posting, but I saw no related videos that were not the paranormal/ghost/ufo kind, so I
guessed it was either serious in the category, a joke, a hoax or something like that, not just a publicity video that was used in a wrong way...