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ANYONE Feeling Vibrations?!

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posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 11:30 AM
I get weird vibrations ever so often and wonder if im controlling them. I usually get them when im laying down in my bed. I lay down and start to feel the bed/house rocking. Im not sure if its my body having muscle spasms but i have not pains or i dont feel tense. Almost feels like im floating in the ocean with a disturbance rocking me.

First time I thought it was a ghost or some entity playing with me....Im still confused but not scared it health related

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by TERAKO68
For the past 2 months, I will feel a vibration in my legs. At first when I felt this vibration, I thought it was my phone ringing on silent... but when I go to grab it, its on the table.

Weird stuff.

I've been more attune to vibrations then my peers. Lots of times I will say "did you feel that?" and people look at me strange. I've felt the last few new Madrids even though I am north of Chicago.

To the OP I might suggest keeping a record of the time and place you felt these vibrations. You may have tuned in on something.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by TERAKO68

Originally posted by Novise
reply to post by TERAKO68

I also get a vibration sometimes starting around 2 months ago really. On my right leg right where my pocket would be. It feels very real but there is no physical twitching of any kind. It seems to usually happen right before I join a group of people, but not everytime.

Yep! That's where I fell it. When it happens, I have to check to see if the phone is in my pocket.

I would be interested to see if the people that are feeling this vibration also see 1111, 333 or 555 a lot.

[edit on 6-12-2008 by TERAKO68]

1111 has been popping up for me quite a bit in the past three months...

so odd.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by ohh_pleasee

I recently posted this very same question here

Hope it proves useful for you.


posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 11:44 PM
I have personally been feeling a lot of "vibrations" of late. This is a very recent phenomena for me and while generally welcome a bit intense at times. Also I have noted on some occasions preceding or following some of the more intense feelings that birds by the thousands are flocking in our yard. Is it possible that there is a connection to these two things or (more likely I suppose) that it is just normal patterns or that my imagination is running a bit wild?

posted on Dec, 9 2008 @ 09:37 PM
I suggest reading Bob Monroe's book, Journeys Out Of Body. Out of body experiences are well documented and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Bob describes the moments just before exiting the physical body as vibrations throughout the body. According to his well documented experiences, the vibrations are a precursor to OOB.
Bob Monroe is the founder of The Monroe Institute(can be found easily if googled).

I've been listening to audio tones for a couple of months(binaural tones) that are supposed to sych the left and right side of the brain to facilitate these experiences. Bob accidentally found 'out of body' through doing research into how certain audio tones and sounds can accelerate learning and mental acuity. After learning exactly what these binaural tones can do for us, he founded the institute and took it further.

I thought the binaural audo files that i have were bull# because i've been listening casually, off and on(only a couple nights a week) for a couple of months. Last night i either physically felt vibrations on 2 or 3 occasions during the night, or i was dreaming it. I don't think i was dreaming because when the vibrations started to happen, it would startle me and i'd jump up and sit up each time in bed. then i'd fall back into it, or fall asleep immediately again, whichever was happening. Something strange and unique happened though last night.

I look forward to it happening again. Maybe next time i won't be fearful or caught by surprise, and just let it take me where ever it takes me.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 08:37 AM

Yes, on quite a few occasions now. I was sitting in my favorite chair one evening and it began, a very fast paced vibration in my right arm and hand. I noticed it, curious, I got up and turned off our ceiling fan and all electrical appliances that were in the living room as well as the lights in the adjoining kitchen and returned to my seat. The vibration was present while I was completing these tasks and remained after I sat back down. The vibration was still in my arm and hand. I thought maybe if I "think" it away, maybe it would no avail. It wasn't uncomfortable, just found the sensation to be odd.

The second instance was when I was in bed, relaxed, just laying there when suddenly my left leg and foot began to vibrate. I thought it might have been my cat at first, so I moved my leg around and no cat...I rose up and looked down at the end of the bed just to make sure. I remember thinking that it couldn't have been the cat anyway because the vibration was way too fast, high.

I do have some stress in my life, as I'm sure others do as well. But these instances are becoming more and more frequent.

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 10:25 AM
I felt vibrations in my right hand last night for about 15 minutes. I was sitting on the sofa watching television, and I suspect that the reason for the vibrations was connected to the pressure I was putting on my hand. My hand was placed palm-down on the sofa, and the way I was sitting may have been putting my hand in a tense position because the weight of my body might have put too much pressure on that hand.

It didn't feel like my hand had fallen asleep, but I definitely felt vibrations in that hand. When I changed my position so I wasn't putting pressure on that hand, the vibrations stopped within a short time (maybe 15 minutes).

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 07:54 AM
I feel vibrations through my floor, on a chair, and on my bed. I believe it is acoustic in nature. Something is going on. I wonder if this has any correlation to switching from analog to digital in Feb. I do not know if it is atmospheric, spiritual or technological in nature, but I definitely feel it from time to time. All the conspiracy theories about population reduction makes you ponder how far would the Elite go to usher in the NWO? Have they found a way to damage us internally with these vibrations? LOL I am not saying it is happening. I am just pondering the possibility.

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 11:17 AM
So I have not had internet for a few days and to my surprise I have received alot of feedback! Thanks guys!

I was almost thinking if other people are feeling this too maybe it's indicative in a change of some sort that will be coming?..

I'm going to check out the other threads that were recommended. Funny, I started reading the one about the Timeline just the other day..

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:20 AM
I feel the vibrations as well. First off.. you need to learn how to balance yourself.. a good way to do that is Pranayama.. Do some research on that. After you learn how to get yourself balanced I would suggest the next time it happens to you close your eyes and concentrate on trying to intensify it. It may just take you places...
I had what some may call and out of body experience, others may call it a Kundalini experience. Whatever you want to call it... What I saw gave me answers to questions about our existence that I have been pondering since I was old enough to think. I made the mistake of letting it happen to me before i knew how to balance myself... the few days after that were.. well intense. Couldn't sleep couldn't eat.. constantly vibrating very strong. Anyways... Welcome!


posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by WishForWings
First signs of parkinsons disease, anxiety?

There's always a "are you sure it's not anxiety?" post after someone says "I feel waves of energy" (or similar.)

It is possible to feel yourself vibrating, we are made of energy and our blood is pulsing. Some people just tune into that more than others. There's no reason why it would always be Anxiety or Bi-Polar disorder. Sheesh.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:17 PM
Of course as a disclaimer this is only my opinion and you can make sense or not with it. This is the laws of attraction working. You are, in beginning to be in a alignment with the Conscious Super Mind. Now remember when the laws of attraction are working and they always are, depending upon your mood, good or bad, the Conscious Super Mind is giving you what you are requesting. If you feel like you are going to get a new job, that is what it will give you so vibrationally you are charged. If you feel like you have a flood in your basement and you are at work and you go home, voila.
As far as the numbers you see such as 333 or 1111 or 55, these are coincidences in which coincidences don't happen, these are calling cards of the vibrations you are putting out and getting in return. Pay attention to what you just felt to bring these on. These sensations begin with your solar plexus and send energy throughout your body. the solar plexus is the home of all your nervous system and your subconscius mind. And as you know or don't your subconscious is the home of intuition.
Does that help you? I get these all the time and learned to master them by meditating and relaxing. Thank you for reading this and always go straight ahead (positively).

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by ohh_pleasee
Sometimes it is in my chest(a little more intense), sometimes it is subtle in my throat, and sometimes it just takes over my whole body. It is odd because it is not usually constant it varies where and what intensity

Yes I have been feeling like this to.

It's not just you.

I consider myself a very stable and in tune person, something is off.

Getting exactly what you are describing.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 07:08 AM
That is so funny about the time thing. LITERALLY EVERYDAY I look at the clock starting at 3:33, then 4:44, and again at 5:55. EVERY NIGHT. It is getting to the point that when it happens again it frustrates me almost but kind of makes me laugh at the same time. Something is up!

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:16 AM
I didnt have time to read the whole post but just incase someone hasnt posted this already, if it occurs during meditation or in a state of relexation ie. alpha or theta...hell even delta
then its your body going into sleep paralysis or astral projection.
I get it alot when trying to project, and its often associated with loud and extremely intense ringing sensations.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:22 AM
Sorry im just shocked that someone hasnt already answered this before but after reading some more of the posts, it is not the law of attraction in allignment, and nothing is up, with the exception of you advancing spiritually.
next time you vibrate without getting scared try to increase the frequency of the vibration as well as the frequency of the ringing, if you hear it.
if the spirit and the body vibrate at different frequencies they seperate, and this is the joy of astral projection.

any more questions feel free to ask.


posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Alferd Packer
I get weird vibrations ever so often and wonder if im controlling them. I usually get them when im laying down in my bed. I lay down and start to feel the bed/house rocking. Im not sure if its my body having muscle spasms but i have not pains or i dont feel tense. Almost feels like im floating in the ocean with a disturbance rocking me.

First time I thought it was a ghost or some entity playing with me....Im still confused but not scared it health related

This sort of sums it up for me as well. I think it was this past Fri or Sat night this happened to me again. I simply lay down to go to sleep and my whole self is vibrating and I'm like what the crap is going on?

I double check to make sure my bed isn't doing something crazy (don't know why just first reaction I guess). It's a really weird thing. As far as I can recall, I can say for sure I have only noticed this happening to me within the last year (or several months).

[edit on 9-2-2009 by thinkingAhead]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by ohh_pleasee

You are not alone. I have been having this experience for many years and thought I was the only one. I feel it throughout my body and it is almost like sitting on top of an engine that someone has turned on. I have never met anyone else who has felt it and I have asked experts in earth vibrations, but they just give me strange looks. It is not just when I meditate, but at all times. It comes now two to three times a week lasting anywhere from twelve hours up to about 32 hours. I keep saying I am going to journal it, but have not found a reason to since no one else seems to feel it. I don't know what it is or what causes it, and I have tried to find out. It is as though someone flips a switch and then turns it off again. I have had my husband touch my arm while it is going on and he can feel it. It feels to me like an earth vibration of some kind but I don't know what.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 10:23 AM
Hey there, this one caught my eye, these vibrations i think are becoming more frequent for alot of people as we move into a new age. I get these vibrations both whilst meditating and now and again randomly throughout the day, they are a great significance when having an Out of Body Experience/Astral Projection. I also get a really intense feeling in my chest and stomach, although feeling them on a daily basis and in such strength is another matter, perhaps it is just humans evolving into the spiritual beings we're destined to be, maybe it's time? Peace & Love

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