posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:14 AM
"It has been noted that the names "dark matter" and "dark energy" serve mainly as expressions of human ignorance, much like the marking of early
maps with terra incognita." Wiki.
I was thinking, could dark matter not be actual space between orbital bodies of matter? Dark matter is very dense and it would explain why matter
floats in space, kind of like oil floating on the surface of water.
Maybe the effect of mass-cancelation in space is not really massless mass
(How can you have massless mass to begin with?)
and what we are really seeing is more like matter(less dense materials) floating in a body of dark matter particles(more dense materials) in which we
call space. We can observe how dark matter and regular matter mass acts and reacts in space. Think of dark matter or space as a template or mold of
potentials which carries matter along its course through itself or space. The regular matter gains mass within its own created environment through
the interactions of dark matter and matter creating a sort of gravity bubble growing with intensity as more matter is caught, pulled, and pushed into
it(gaining mass) as a direct action and interactions of dark matter upon matter. Creating bodies of mass, planets, suns, ect. Within each
interaction of matter and dark matter/space, allways contant, there exists a potential within potentials within potentials with order.
Potentials wrapped within themselves means there is order within seemingly choatic terms.(interactions in space creating planetary bodies/life) To
think these things are totally choatic and orderless is very utterly ignorant and blatently impossible, especially considering the enourmity of the
The universe being the total sum of created planetary bodies, stars, ect.
You cannot have order out of chaos without order, its impossible. There must be an order in the universe that we cannot view, this is the question we
are attempting to uncover.
- Annihilation Energy
+ Creation Energy
Matter=Mass+Space*potentials and probabilities=gravity+infinity=Matter
as this constant/noncontant cycle continues. - +, life death, duality. The cycle is a figure 8 laying on its back, where one side is - and one side
is + and the contant echo's through our life. Matter is just the outer shell of the energy contant as I see it. So in essence, the interactions
between matter and space are endless and there are unlimited probabilities and potentials upon potentials, upon existing potentials and so on, as the
cycle continues. If this cycle could be stopped it would mean the end of all life, which cannot be a probability beacuse there is order within each
possibility as a constant. The existential creation and annhilation of planetary systems and the bodies of mass are a contant and are a order. There
is order within the choas of possibilties and contants which are miniscule to view in a short amount of time.(thousands of years in our time)