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Dark Matter Quantum Theory

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posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:14 AM
"It has been noted that the names "dark matter" and "dark energy" serve mainly as expressions of human ignorance, much like the marking of early maps with terra incognita." Wiki.

I was thinking, could dark matter not be actual space between orbital bodies of matter? Dark matter is very dense and it would explain why matter floats in space, kind of like oil floating on the surface of water.
Maybe the effect of mass-cancelation in space is not really massless mass
(How can you have massless mass to begin with?)
and what we are really seeing is more like matter(less dense materials) floating in a body of dark matter particles(more dense materials) in which we call space. We can observe how dark matter and regular matter mass acts and reacts in space. Think of dark matter or space as a template or mold of potentials which carries matter along its course through itself or space. The regular matter gains mass within its own created environment through the interactions of dark matter and matter creating a sort of gravity bubble growing with intensity as more matter is caught, pulled, and pushed into it(gaining mass) as a direct action and interactions of dark matter upon matter. Creating bodies of mass, planets, suns, ect. Within each interaction of matter and dark matter/space, allways contant, there exists a potential within potentials within potentials with order.
Potentials wrapped within themselves means there is order within seemingly choatic terms.(interactions in space creating planetary bodies/life) To think these things are totally choatic and orderless is very utterly ignorant and blatently impossible, especially considering the enourmity of the universe.
The universe being the total sum of created planetary bodies, stars, ect.
You cannot have order out of chaos without order, its impossible. There must be an order in the universe that we cannot view, this is the question we are attempting to uncover.

- Annihilation Energy
+ Creation Energy
Matter=Mass+Space*potentials and probabilities=gravity+infinity=Matter

as this constant/noncontant cycle continues. - +, life death, duality. The cycle is a figure 8 laying on its back, where one side is - and one side is + and the contant echo's through our life. Matter is just the outer shell of the energy contant as I see it. So in essence, the interactions between matter and space are endless and there are unlimited probabilities and potentials upon potentials, upon existing potentials and so on, as the cycle continues. If this cycle could be stopped it would mean the end of all life, which cannot be a probability beacuse there is order within each possibility as a constant. The existential creation and annhilation of planetary systems and the bodies of mass are a contant and are a order. There is order within the choas of possibilties and contants which are miniscule to view in a short amount of time.(thousands of years in our time)

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

I was thinking, could dark matter not be actual space between orbital bodies of matter? Dark matter is very dense and it would explain why matter floats in space, kind of like oil floating on the surface of water.

If as you say, dark matter is the empty space, between objects in space and dense, we should be able to detect the denstiy difference with other objects of the universe and not alone restricted to star clusters and galaxy centers, because it is causing the expansion of the universe as we see it..

[edit on 5/12/08 by peacejet]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:31 AM
This is my theory. I am not an expert.

Dark Matter - the void space where light wave lengths cancel each other out.

Audio waves can cancel each other out creating a dead zone space. All light has a wave length. If you apply the same theory to light then if you have two wave lengths travelling towards each other AND the wave lengths are exactly opposite each other, physics states they should cancel each other out. Creating a dead zone for light making it appear to be dark matter until light wave lengths change or are interupted bringing them out of the phase cancelation criteria.


posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 10:11 PM
You have just explained the very reasoning for my hypothesis. Look here:

My idea's may be baseless to some but through my thoughts one might gleam bits of information out of. I request a brain storming/assistance as I think I can provide new insights. There are boundries, I know, but we allways have to keep an open mind when learning new ideas and trying to figure out old ones renew with vigor. Break it down simply for me so that I may provide alternative discussion's that may help and revise my ideas.

I wish to know the nature of space itself and one of the biggest question of all, creation.

To find out how we got here, we need to look back to the start of it all, space itself. I'm not talking about evolution of life but, evolution of the universe as a whole, planets and stars alike. Certain things cannot be explained by conventional science, like the quantum vacuum.

feel free to share your thoughts

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 10:43 PM
First read:
And this:
Casimir effect

And taken from:

"A common example to help explain this phenomenon is a ball sitting on top of a hill. This ball is in a completely symmetric state. However, its state is unstable: the slightest perturbing force will cause the ball to roll down the hill in some particular direction. At that point, symmetry has been broken because the direction in which the ball rolled has a feature that distinguishes it from all other directions."

There has to be the potentiality and possibility of any path therfore causing an effect similer to the double slit experiment, where the viewer can potentially change reality in different ways through the act of observation and thought. This needs more testing.
Double Slit experiment:

If this can be tested then there is some more solidity of my reasoning. Then there are many possibilties within possibilties that exist and can change caused by us and our impact around us could be huge.

Are we all each, creating our reality by observation and maybe through thoughtforms? The observable effect might be so small that we dont even see it unfold before us and that may say alot of ourselves as people.

If this is true anything is possible and that is an amazing concept, if only we can tests these things more and on a bigger scale.

posted on Dec, 7 2008 @ 12:04 AM
To me it would seem as if gravity is the pervasive none substance that is every where. It also seems in thinking that a vacuum of some sort is pulling on space ever faster and further out into the nothing that it would not work.
To say that the nothing is infinite, the universe as we know it is not infinite, it is finite you could roll it up into ball and have so much mass finite.
If the nothing were infinite and it were to pull the universe (finite) apart for infinity, at some point the universe would be pulled apart until there was nothing left of the finite universe. so a finite universe being pulled apart into a infinite nothing would leave nothing. The problem being with this concept is that the nothing has no measureable size in being nothing, it is bound less, yet bound. The other thing that must be brought into the picture is that if start dealing with these concepts, you can throw time out window. If the nothing was infinite then a googol of googolplexs of time would mean nothing.
The Macrocosmic and the Microcosmic.
Hawkings made up Hawkings Rays so he could expain his open universe theory. It does not work without Hawkings Rays.
Einstein made up the Cosmic Constant because he could not balance his theory.
These thing we speak of will never be known, parts but not all, we are not ment to.
But as in my theory the singularity is sill where it has always been, and this is all folly.

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