posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 05:27 PM
I'm no expert so I may be barking up the wrong tree.
I need help from someone who is familiar with Nassim Haramein and our solar system. In his theory he says that the solar system may not be spinning
stationary but actually travelling through space time in a spiral.
Have I explianed myself correctly? Put a CD over your finger so your finger is horizontal. The solar system is the CD and the tip of your finger is
the sun, now spin the CD and move the finger through space... hope this helps you visualise it.
However if the planets do not orbit perfectly perpendicular to each other, which they don't (Venus and Uranus, knowledge newly aquired from Phage
tonight, thankyou, sir) then doesn't this mean that some planets will be moving erraticly compared to the rest? They surely would move back on
themselves and be slowing down and speeding up.
I'm so sorry if this is confucious maximus, I'm terrible at explaining the simplest of things, let alone this crazy s***.