posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 05:26 PM
I think it's finally time to give a smart, non-biased description of the NWO described in the Bible's Revelation. We know this...
1) It will be a one world government that will "conquer" through peace
2) It will consist of a council of ten world leaders, including at least two from the Far East, and three of the seven will choose to rebel against
the world organization and will die for their troubles
3) It will violently oppose Christianity, Judaism and any other religion except humanism
4) It will oppress through false freedoms and eventually through violence
5) It will institute a credit card system involving marks on the hand and/or forehead
6) It will be responsible for more world suffering than any other world council.
7) A large, corrupt part of (possibly the capitol city or nation) will be destroyed in one hour by fire from the sky. The part that is destroyed will
be lording over the Far East
8) It appears that most of their military, including troops from the Far East will be destroyed in conflict in the Meggido Valley. (By the way, the
Israelis are going to find oil in the Meggido Valley).
9) One of the ten leaders will be different from the rest somehow and will be wounded but come back to life.