This is way more then a movie/documentary review.
I'm curious what people think of this king of cinema critiques, take on this film.
A fair assessment or a smear... or maybe a little of both... and why?
This should be a smear. This is not a professional review. The man did the right thing and recuse himself from giving it a review because he knew he
would be personally biased against the subject matter.
Then they pushed him. They whined and complained that he did not review. They dared him to explain himself and .... he did.
wow ... a direct answer to my OP... kudos... well put, i have to agree.
I can see Ebert realizes Stein is playing mind games and in turn uses Stein's own medicine against him, but with a genuine purpose in intent.
This is way more then a movie/documentary review.
I'm curious what people think of this king of cinema critiques, take on this film.
A fair assessment or a smear... or maybe a little of both... and why?
fair assesment
had he known what we know now he might have also pointed out that in each case the expelled wernt expelled
some out right lied, some had handed in thier notice 6 months before he wrote said article and left under his own terms .... hardly expelled. some
despite being expelled continued to work for thier employer for several more years and still contribute to that work. or the guy who didnt get
tenure(never an easy thing to get) because his work simply wasnt good enough before he wrote his ID piece the decision had been made, or the guy that
was refused his doctorate allegedly becasue of ID belief but actually becasue he failed the test to earn it
as a work of fiction and audience manipulation it stands right up thier with the propaganda greats
as a work of fact its missing any actual facts
the closest it comes to truth is the image of ben stein in school uniform, becasue he really should re-attend school and understand what he is trying
to discredit with his childish lies
when will these people learn Lying for jesus, IS STILL a lie
want to truley see expelled? dont look for the ID proponenets kicked out, look for the ones expelled for understanding evolution like the texas
science teacher sacked for forwarding an email debunking ID's claims it was scientific
or the student that was expelled from school on a false acuusation after refusing to pray before a game
Meyers who was in the film expelled from even attending a viewing of the film which they sent him free tickets to attend
It was a fair assessment that will be perceived as a smear by believers. One can not challenge irrational beliefs with a rational assertion. The two
do not exist in the same plane - one logical, one illogical. It's like trying to fight fire with thoughts.
they have to pay him for what he doent understand about evoluton and european/american history?
thats like paying the pope to give a talk on safe sex practice to prevent STD's
his anti-evolution views? more like trivialisning 10-15 million peoples deaths in concentration camps with a further 35-40 million deaths to try and
promote his miguided views
even the anti-sematsim lobby was very vocal about how twited he was in using those deaths to play his games, becasue he cant be bothered or simply
didnt want to try and understand what happened and why