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Numbers Don’t Lie

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posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 02:54 PM
Where are you at financially?

Do the numbers I posted resonate with you?

Please read the following if you care about yourselves, your family and the state of the economy. I broke down what the average middle-class person makes/spends and a brief intro. Enjoy!

Why should anyone care about debt? Does it really matter? It’s only money.

I look at how people are so easily upset about money and money matters, the question is why? Well, I would assume that since people spend most of their lives working for an hourly wage or sum of money that it has a great significance. Is there any reason we actually need money?

Money in my opinion is a faith based system. All of us seem to want more and more of it, hmm money or faith? Well I think a bit of both, but in the current economic situation both are being tested to the highest levels. It appears that money, time or portions of our lives that are being compromised and devalued are being done at the highest levels of cartel.

A few people at the top are dictating what you and I should be worth, what our time is worth, our houses, cars, bank account and our abilities to make more money for our time.

Money being manipulated and compromised. What is your money worth these days? How much debt do you have?

Many people have fallen prey to “Bling” or huge mortgage debt, car payments, line of credits from cards, and so on. Why? People are looking for happiness, security from material things, but never find it. These individuals feel that if they have more and more that they will be safe, but money is a false sense of security. You need only look around at the threads on ATS and questions being posed. The Peter Schiff question thread has numerous question where people are

Many will argue, no I am not materialistic but in today’s world you either pay up or get out, and any sympathy is between $hit and Syphilis in the dictionary.

We appear to be caught in that old catch phrase “The Rat Race” and the majorities are starting to hate it and their lives. I think this is one of the reasons many people are looking for this Big ending, Armageddon, 2012, people are sick of the way the world currently is being manipulated for a few at the top and they are doing all the dirty work, taking the stresses of life, hardships .

How many people can actually BS themselves everything is going to be ok financially when housing prices in previous productive areas plunge, from $130,000.00 US to around $30,000.00, and there is a glut of them?

Now couple this with losses of millions of jobs, yes millions, much lower wages and higher cost of living. The media is right and so are the analyst, we are going to come back from all of this debt in a couple of years, no problem. NOT!

Let’s look at this from a logical perspective now instead of rose colored glasses.

Read on.......

[edit on 4-12-2008 by Realtruth]

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 02:55 PM
Your in debt, 50k, 100k, 500k US dollar how do you pay off this type of debt making $15 to $20 an hour, answer you don’t ,ever.

Let’s see $20 x 40hours X 52 weeks in a year is $41,600.00 wages US before taxes, let take out income taxes now. Mmmm 30% conservatively =$29,120.00 now we take out house taxes of $3,000, balance $26,120.00.

Insurance, utilities say another $3000.00 balance is now $23,120. Let’s take out food for the month say $250 a week, or $1000 a month=$12,000.00 for the year, balance is now $11,120.

Car payments and insurance $350 a month=$4,200 for the year, running balance is now $6,920.00.

Now medical insurance for the family $500.00 month=$6000.00 for the year, balance is now $920.
Clothes for the family $300 a month or $3600.00 per year, balance -$2680.00

Incidentals $200 a month or $2400.00, balance now- $5,080.00.
Gas for the auto $400 per month or $4,800.00per year, balance now -$9,880.00 US dollars.

I almost forgot house payments $700.00 conservatively per month or $8,400.00 per year, balance now -$18,280.00 US.

God all this is really stressing me and the family out, we should go to dinner once a week, $100 or $400 a month, ahhh hell with it use Credit cards, $4,800.00, running balance -$23,080.00

You know we deserve a family vacation once a year too, another $4800.00, balance negative -$27,880.00 total

So now, How the hell do you pay off existing debt when you’re going into debt? Please enlighten me.

Now let’s toss in all the BS spending that is going on in the government, money lending to corrupt banks, Wall Street, etc.

Numbers are not working out for the average Joe and you can’t keep a happy and balanced society when everyone is working and families are falling apart, because of economic situations.

Numbers don’t lie, but people do. Who do you believe? I’ll take numbers all day.


[edit on 4-12-2008 by Realtruth]

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 03:03 PM
financial slavery

watch zeitgeist addendum

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 03:29 PM
Debt serfdom has been the evident agenda of the international banking cartel since it reared it's ugly head and bought itself into royalty and pious leadership positions back in the 'dark times'.

For a solid decade I lived debt-free - no credit cards, anything I couldn't pay for I didn't buy. Then came college for my kids, they needed transportation, I needed a bigger house. No banks would even consider me because I had no 'credit rating.' Get that? Not a bad credit rating, I had NO credit rating - they treated me like a street beggar - even though I was making more than their loan officers were.

So I got into debt. Got a rating, got into more debt, and they keep offering me the opportunity to dig the hole deeper. Now my mortgage company wants to front load my mortgage and lower my payments by stretching the debt out further (leaving me less likely to ever escape debt.)

It is what the system is designed to do. Fractional reserve lending, controlled credit rates and inflation, all leading to one thing and one thing alone. They own me.


posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 03:35 PM
My dad use to say:

Figures Lie
Liars Figure.

Numbers maybe don't lie but many people that use numbers lie with numbers.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
We appear to be caught in that old catch phrase “The Rat Race” and the majorities are starting to hate it and their lives. I think this is one of the reasons many people are looking for this Big ending, Armageddon, 2012, people are sick of the way the world currently is being manipulated for a few at the top and they are doing all the dirty work, taking the stresses of life, hardships .
[edit on 4-12-2008 by Realtruth]

I found a lot of value in the entire post. You have a very good understanding of the current situation.

But I have chosen to focus on one aspect that I think is more vital than anything else.

For the past decade the world has slowly been waking up to the imbalance in nature. Whether that is due to the global warming scenario or not, people began looking closer at "pseudo environmental" ideas, they're adopting new spiritual practices and opening up to more environmental ways of living.
Where they wouldn't have cared previously, more and more people are looking at choosing a company or service provider with ecological responsibility than one that couldn't care less. People buy more products based on their ecological/environmental ideals than ever before.

Whether this is down to just following the fashion or not, it's a good thing.

Then we have this global financial crisis, focusing everyone's attention on money and wealth, and the pitfalls of the wealthy ruling the masses.
It's only sensible that people start to judge their position and relationship with the money that so obviously controls us.

This is shown by the complete lack of sympathy for those corporate heads now struggling. People are gladly sitting on the sidelines hoping that governments will actively punish the greedy, but clearly they are not planning to. They're either bailing them out to safeguard employment figures, or bailing them out because they have a vested interest personally in that corporation. And once they've given them the money, they are allowing things to continue as normal, without answering to the public.

Basically, the corporations and bankers have caused a mess, and now they're holding the governments and the people to ransom. It's blackmail; "give us immeasurable funds from the public purse or we'll collapse the business and make millions unemployed, and no, we won't make any sacrifices ourselves, because we hold all the power here."

I think that more and more people are realizing there is little any of us can do to break free of this prison.
None of us can act to remove those in these positions of such power.
The global financial system has been a weapon in the making for decades, and this is the trigger being pulled.

I think most of us are now hoping for that dramatic collapse, because it will give everyone permission to either escape for a better and more simple life elsewhere, or it'll allow them to enact revenge and be a part of the destruction of these global corporate machines. More likely both.

I don't know what the trigger of the global revolution will be, but I am certain that it is coming.
It won't be pretty, and many will act without thought for their fellow man, but I think most know that it is needed if anything is to change for the better in the long run.

I have long believed that we need smaller communities, with or without monetary systems. And I think whatever this revolution entails, smaller groups of people in smaller, closer communities will be one of the results. That is why I hope that something changes.

My personal gripe?
Every Human deserves to live on land, build a roof over their head and raise a family. And yet all this is controlled by the amount of money you have and the permission of another. Who allocated any land to any person or identity?
What gives any person the right to sell me something that wasn't theirs to begin with?

I still hope that the revolution is more peaceful and controlled than I fear it will be.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 04:50 PM
At 23, I am starting to question the price of education when I compare it to where the world seems to be heading financially.

All I have heard my whole life is "education is important", and I do not deny that. But at what price do the risks outweigh the benefits? Would I just be throwing money away for a tuition in vain? I am afraid to find out.

I honestly believe that the current and future financial situation in the world will not allow me to accomplish the things the previous generation did. Everything seems to be out of my price range, and I haven't even really started yet.

But maybe that is exactly what is needed. Maybe, this economic situation is a blessing in disguise? Maybe it is GOOD that I am not in my parents' situation?

I love knowledge. But I do not wish to initially "sell my soul", just to have the world financial structure come crashing down around me in the future.

I really do not know what to do, but I do know I appreciate your realistic breakdown as life as the working man. It really makes me sick. Scared even.

Star and flag.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

I found a lot of value in the entire post. You have a very good understanding of the current situation.

But I have chosen to focus on one aspect that I think is more vital than anything else.

For the past decade the world has slowly been waking up to the imbalance in nature.

Very true, if we all respected nature I believe we would not be in our current situation.

We actually are #hitting where we sleep, we still get up for work and do it over and over again, pretty soon if we don't pay close enough attention we have the imbalance we are currently facing.

It's not about the money, but if your caught in the system it sure is.

What will transpire in the next few years?, well I am hoping for the best.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 05:58 PM
Yup part of the reason the government does what they do is because everyone is so in debt up to their eyeballs they have to follow their lead. When gas was $4 a gallon everyone should of stayed home. Dont go to work and stay home till the manipulators brought it back down. But we cant. Why? Debt. As I pointed out in another thread talking about 4.5% interest rates now. Forget the low interest rates. Heres an idea pay for a house, townhouse, or apartment in full you can afford.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Incarnated
My dad use to say:

Figures Lie
Liars Figure.

Numbers maybe don't lie but many people that use numbers lie with numbers.

Thanks for saving my time. There have been quotes regarding this insight.

If houses in a certain area depreciate on average from $130,000 to $30,000, then it is a bad news for the home owners, but a good news for those who couldn't afford to buy a house but now can. One person's cry is other person's laugh.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
Numbers don’t lie, but people do. Who do you believe? I’ll take numbers all day.

My wife doesn't understand numbers. She just understands how she feels. And she doesn't have a good feeling about the economy. She is of the opinion that even though we are seeing deflation the same problems still exist. She feels that things are going to get worse.

I tend to agree with her.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by prototism
At 23, I am starting to question the price of education when I compare it to where the world seems to be heading financially.

All I have heard my whole life is "education is important", and I do not deny that. But at what price do the risks outweigh the benefits? Would I just be throwing money away for a tuition in vain? I am afraid to find out.


I think you are very *INTELLIGENT* questioning whether money spent on addition education is worthy at this time.

It's not.

Dig into the real world right not and live in a slum for a while if you have to - you will like it in the future.

I did the same in Alberta when I was your age and have been a stockbroker for many years. In those early days in the 80's I had to decide on many nights whether to have dinner or a beer.

Today, today in these markets I could easily retire.

But I will never retire.

Good luck to you.


posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

My wife doesn't understand numbers. She just understands how she feels. And she doesn't have a good feeling about the economy. She is of the opinion that even though we are seeing deflation the same problems still exist. She feels that things are going to get worse.

I tend to agree with her.

You are correct. What I meant by that saying is mostly sarcasm. We as a whole the world have been lied to by the media, government, financial system, etc., they have used the hype, propaganda, bling, Hollywood, sports, and any other Red herring to distract us from the real truth.

Things will get worse, but as people find their way in the truth and what truly matters in life, then life and the way we live will get better.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by stander

If houses in a certain area depreciate on average from $130,000 to $30,000, then it is a bad news for the home owners, but a good news for those who couldn't afford to buy a house but now can. One person's cry is other person's laugh.

This is very true, but when you have the nation/world as a whole that purchased homes, commercial property, cars, for inflated prices the debt is still out there in massive quantities. The majority of people are still paying those high notes, while just a few people have the money to purchase available homes.

Like I said numbers don't lie and that debt that $100,000 that is floating around out there times how many homes and commercial businesses?

You see the commercial market/buildings has not even come into play just yet but it will very soon as all these stores start to close.

Exponential downturn and it will happen.

I think this will be a very big learning experience for all of us, but we will get through it.

[edit on 5-12-2008 by Realtruth]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

Great post! I would love to back your non materialism background. I do have a newer vehicle and a house but it's not as grandure as they would have given me the loan for.

I think it's sad, the younger generation almost thinks they have to have the Bently with the 24 inch chome or platinum rims and a necklace and bracelet worth 20 thou... It almost seems like they have purpetrated their own demise. I use to (honestly) get upset I'd see the teens out there with the new cars and 10 grand into them, new motorcycles and I was cruising in a 13 Year old Camero and a Harley that was old enough to vote.

But you kow what... I got a little bit at the end of the month afteer all is said and done. And that feels pretty darn good! I guess (though I'm not much into Country Music) the country song's right... I'm a Lucky Man.

Great post OP! We need to break the hold that materism will get you anywhere. We all know, if you get a new car this year... Next year another new one will come out. Or worse yet, a new body style, making yours even "older"

This is, of course, my two pennies... But what do I know?

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:32 AM
Well all I know is that due to my husband line of work he is secure for the next 3 years and his pay increases are backed up.

Amid a recession and with such unemployment rates we are fortunate to be doing well.

Yes this do not blind me to what is going on around me and it worries me what the future holds.

But at least we have 3 years to prepare.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:32 AM
Stop trying to figure out something you don't control.
And start trying to figure out WHY you don't control it.
Feel good and be ok.
Everything will be alright.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by AgentOrangeJuice

Everything will be alright just as long as people wake up and make it alright.

The masses just sit waiting for others to do their work, laziness is a cancer in itself.

The government is not going to giving any hand outs, it's not going to take from the rich and give to the poor like most of the masses think. Look at what is transpiring and what is happening now, corruption at the highest levels.

Those rosed colored glasses and laziness are going to have to come of for a while so people can see the light and really what is going on.

Make things alright.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Well all I know is that due to my husband line of work he is secure for the next 3 years and his pay increases are backed up.

Amid a recession and with such unemployment rates we are fortunate to be doing well.

Yes this do not blind me to what is going on around me and it worries me what the future holds.

But at least we have 3 years to prepare.

Marg everything will be ok, but people on a whole need to stop, and think before they sign their lives away as indenture servants to the credit system.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 04:50 PM
I have given real strong thought to going so far in debt that I can't dig out in 200 yrs. then file backruptcy and move to Montana and live in a cave. Its got to be more cost effective than working. I mean welfare isn't for the average person. Just go and try to get it without living in the inner city. Yup, I'm realy begining to think thats the way out. Buy what I need to build a real good shelter and basics for survival and wait for the end in my Hermitage!!!LOL


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