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Anyone else here feel the same way?

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posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:24 PM
Ever since I became so aware (about a year ago) and realized the education system sucks, I stopped caring about how I do in school.

Knowing that in the future money will lose its value, and we will be struggling to survive the worldwide cataclysms, and experiencing major natural events, school seems useless. There will be no more "economy" or "jobs" that most people are currently struggling for being in school.

We are forced to do things everyday just because "society" says we have to. Because our parents say we have to. Because the government says we have to. It's more complicated than this I know, but it wouldn't be happening if nobody was manipulating our world leaders like they currently are.

School limits the human potential seriously. Its better to have common sense and no knowledge, than to have all the knowledge of our education system, and no common sense. We learn all these things about the material world, that we lose touch with our inner self, and the BIGGER picture about life, and why we are here. And its all for control!

I feel alone. My father is always bitchin at me because he thinks I am lazy and always preaching about "when I was a kid, I got straight A's in school, already had a job by your age, and I was independant". He doesn't realize that I don't really care for material values, except for the fact that I am OBLIGATED TO because of our society. He is not in the mindset I am in. We are completely opposite.

It hurts me to see him like this because he is hoping and wanting so much from me, and feels that I should be the way he views a "normal kid". He has become so fed up with my "independantness from society" that he is going crazy, and hes always mad with rage because I am not up to HIS standards. He doesn't want to wake up from his slumber. He is too deep into the "american dream" and societies' conditioning.

I feel alone sort of in my ways that people are so ego driven, and conditioned in their ways, stuck in the same patterns, and slaves to society.

I have alot more that I could say but I want to keep this post short. Tell me how you feel about this, and if you can relate.

[Edited on 3-4-2004 by The Quiet Storm]

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:27 PM
Put it this way....If all the kids in school felt the same way as you then your gonna be right about everything you said and who's fault will it be? Yours and yours alone. Go to school and learn how our society and economy work then make your decision.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:29 PM
No, this is just a crap excuse you've made so you can flunk out. Finish your education son, it's good to learn and expand your mind (just avoid history, politics and religion, that's were the lies come into play)

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:30 PM
Well, I don't think its necesary beacuse society is going to change drastically over the next couple of decades, after the cataclysms.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:32 PM
Well I suggest you keep doing your research, you'll find the true answer, and then you'll know exactly what to do.

True that your father is conditioned just like the masses are. But when he was his age things were different, it was so crazy and hypocritical back then, thats why he worked, got straight a's became independant.
Thats all parents want from their children.

But since you live under his roof, sit down, and talk to him about this, don't get mad and yell, and throw a temper tantrum. You need to do some research, tell him why you think this way, show some proof, explain, and conclude.. Kind of like writing an essay.. Your going to need to debate him, so do it wisely.

This man needs to have his marbles sharpened. I'm sure he is a good father but he has been brainwashed, and he will not see he is right because society and everybody else around him acts the same way. You are the odd ball honey.

Keep searching for the truth... Since we don't live in the stoneage, I would suggest self employment. For your age I suggest odd jobs around people's homes, or a cleaning service?? If your good at computers do some web design or something..

Your not lazy you just don't want to participate in the path he took.
That's ok, but your going to have the find a path you can walk down instead of staying at a stalemate.
Keep searching for the truth, and the answer will come to you.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:35 PM
At this point I disagree with the school system. I think it is horrible, and actually limits the potential of students.

I am in high school right now, senior, but not doing so well because I simply just don't feel like doing jack SH*T for school no more. I have my reasons, but I think times are going to change where we won't have to be forced to ingrain something in our heads in which we simply HAVE to accept as "truth".

Right now I feel like I am being forced to go against my nature, and be forced to waste my energy in having to go through the unnecesary classes that I have to take, without having any motivation, or natural desire/need to "learn" about it.

On top of that, we have parents that get pissed if we don't do well in school. Society puts students down the "lazy" or "slow learners" when in fact they just need to be understood. I think we should all learn at our own pace, and develop natural interest in things. If it was that way we would get alot more from what we learn because we WANTED to learn about it.

If I could change something about education, it would be to have students learn self knowledge, intuition, and LIFE skills. Wisdom is far more important than false, and unnecesary knowledge. But don't get my wrong, knowledge is great, just some of it is unnecesary, or wrong. The history books don't portray humankinds past very accurate at all.
Mathematics is great, except for the mathematics we don't need to learn.

The study of the human psyche is almost non existant. Students should learn about their psyche (conscious and their subconscious), intuitive thinking, consciusness, learning their emotions and learning how to handle them without having to pay for an external source to do this for them (psychiatrists, pills, etc.). This is all basically development of ourselves. How can we function the way we want to, if WE don't even know how we human beings (and as souls) work (and im not talking about our PHYSICAL bodily functions, we already know that, or do we...)?

Thats because most people don't function the way they want. Most people function on what society wants, and are misguided, slaves to society, and their government. It's all misguidance, and mind control. With the absence of self-knowledge its no wonder why their are people with ADD, and such other "diseases". The problem is they don't know how to concentrate, and instead of LEARNING how to concentrate and focus they are given pills that do it for them, making them dependant on these substance, WHICH ARE unnatural for the body! You don't think pills and synthetic drugs accumulate in the body as toxins? Think again!

We give up our selves, and let outside sources choose what reality we live in. Its all mind control! Most people don't think for themselves anymore, and we let outside sources dictate the decisions we make, what we think, how we feel, how we are to function, and how we live in this world.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
Well I suggest you keep doing your research, you'll find the true answer, and then you'll know exactly what to do.

True that your father is conditioned just like the masses are. But when he was his age things were different, it was so crazy and hypocritical back then, thats why he worked, got straight a's became independant.
Thats all parents want from their children.

But since you live under his roof, sit down, and talk to him about this, don't get mad and yell, and throw a temper tantrum. You need to do some research, tell him why you think this way, show some proof, explain, and conclude.. Kind of like writing an essay.. Your going to need to debate him, so do it wisely.

This man needs to have his marbles sharpened. I'm sure he is a good father but he has been brainwashed, and he will not see he is right because society and everybody else around him acts the same way. You are the odd ball honey.

Keep searching for the truth... Since we don't live in the stoneage, I would suggest self employment. For your age I suggest odd jobs around people's homes, or a cleaning service?? If your good at computers do some web design or something..

Your not lazy you just don't want to participate in the path he took.
That's ok, but your going to have the find a path you can walk down instead of staying at a stalemate.
Keep searching for the truth, and the answer will come to you.

Your post shows that you at least care understand, and try to see the BIG picture as a WHOLE and not through the perception of society.

I will try to have a talk with him, but it kind of seems hopeless. He always comes with his condemning, and I explain to him why I feel a certain way but he thinks I am just making excuses. He is kind of hardheaded. He is also a drug addict. He gets high, and drinks, everyday. His thinking is clouded, and until he stops this he will never think clearly. I try not to raise my voice, but he is always the first to start pointing fingers and assume things, and quick to judge, and perceive things HIS way, instead of seeing the whole picture.

I will try though I will do. Thanks again.

[Edited on 3-4-2004 by The Quiet Storm]

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm
We give up our selves, and let outside sources choose what reality we live in. Its all mind control! Most people don't think for themselves anymore, and we let outside sources dictate the decisions we make, what we think, how we feel, how we are to function, and how we live in this world.
You describe my own exact thoughts along the same lines. It's like living in a matrix created by those who control our society's functioning. I went through High School, then passed it and finished a community college as well. I didn't know what this society was really about, but I was always told to go all the way in school, meaning that I succeed as far as I could. Right now, I know that in order to participate in this consensus reality, we must have an education, because that is what society demands. Your aspirations sound very spiritual, and it sounds like you are witnessing beyond the indoctrination process of the education system. I believe it is people like you that will become valuable in the coming years.

Anyway, don't give up your inner freedom to the indoctrination process, but if you must get schooling to succeed at some point in this society, then by all means do it.

I feel that same way and I am currently educating myself to my own truth beyond what the manipulators want me to accept. Right now, I am currently in the process of understanding the consensus reality and the tactics used by the elite to control humanity with an imaginary separation implanted into the populace.

I feel exactly the same way.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:50 PM
You seem well written for someone who has no interest in school. Must have paid attention in english. I understand your meaning about what they teach as I myself couldn't understand why they taught some things that were never proven to be real or exist except through transferred nonfactual accounts but some things may be essential in life even thought you may not see it now. Although I jumped on the bandwagon as most have to live our lives the best we can in this society. This does not mean That I believe or do as society does and I don't believe that most do. You can do as you wish and still contribute information. In time understanding comes forth.

[Edited on 3-4-2004 by I See You]

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm

I will try to have a talk with him, but it kind of seems hopeless.

If you already see it as hopeless it's not going to be a win situation for you... You need to be strong, and have your ducks all lined up in a row before you can put the smackdown on him

He always comes with his condemning, and I explain to him why I feel a certain way but he thinks I am just making excuses.What he's doing is actually self projection... He is hard on himself, he isn't happy... Hence the drugs... People will self medicate when they aren't happy which is what he is doing.. He is kind of hardheaded. He is also a drug addict. He gets high, and drinks, everyday. His thinking is clouded, and until he stops this he will never think clearly. Then he is a coward to preach to you when he can't even take care of himself... Health to me is a very important factor... It affects your mental awareness, it affects your attitude, being positive or not, it affects your immune system which can fight off disease and infection, it affects cognitive memory, and mental aptitude. he cannot come down on you for feeling this way... Please get your ducks lined up... I hope he doesn't hurt you?

I try not to raise my voice, but he is always the first to start pointing fingers and assume things, and quick to judge, and perceive things HIS way, instead of seeing the whole picture.
If he doesn't want to hear you then he cannot keep badgering you about this when he has no insight to what is going on in your head...
I will try though I will do. Thanks again.

[Edited on 3-4-2004 by The Quiet Storm]

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 03:59 PM
Storm, Take the time to read this.

School limits the human potential seriously. Its better to have common sense and no knowledge, than to have all the knowledge of our education system, and no common sense. We learn all these things about the material world, that we lose touch with our inner self, and the BIGGER picture about life, and why we are here. And its all for control!

How about having knowledge AND common sense? Then you are prepared for anything. I believe that you are living in a addiction laden enviroment. That is one of the traits, all or nothing. I will look up a book title that helped me, I can't remember the name.

Your father sees to be living though you. Maybe HE hasn't accomplished what HE wanted, and doesn't want you to fall into the same pit. He probably doesn't know how to convey this.

Checking out is not the answer. Knowledge is important. You are an individual, what interests you have will dictate where you want to spend your time learning. BUT there are aspects of life where history, philosophy and the like will make it easier for you to absorb the other things that you learn about.

Found it.

by Herbert L. Gravitz (Author), Julie D. Bowden (Author)

I HIGHLY recommend reading this book.
Good luck.

[Edited on 3-4-2004 by intrepid]

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 04:14 PM

How does a AA book correlate with that topic?
I'm gonna pick it up on Amazon but what does this dude talk about??

The title just doesn't go with what summary you just gave out..

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 04:18 PM
YOU know what another good book is???

An Underground Education : The Unauthorized and Outrageous Supplement to Everything You Thought You KnewAbout Art, Sex, Butsiness, Crime, Science, Medicine, and Other Fields of Human

I just bought that off amazon with the one you said intrepid...

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 04:21 PM
I am not putting down Knowledge.

Knowledge is great! Knowledge and common sense is the way to be.

When I said "Its better to have common sense and no knowledge, than to have all the knowledge of our education system, and no common sense." I didn't mean that was the pathing I am heading for. What I said is purely a fact based on common sense.
It's a quote I got from someone. I forgot who, but I thought it would fit nicely with this topic.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 04:22 PM
It's not an AA book. It deals with life in an alcoholic enviroment, the rules of an alcoholic household and such. Reading the youngsters posts reminded me of a lot. Also it helps those in this enviroment to break the cycle. The odds are 60/40 that you will either become addicted or marry someone with an addiction. this bears out. I grew up in an alcoholic family. I'm an alcoholic, My brother next to me is a pothead. Next brother down is an alcoholic. The youngest isn't. My first wifes father was an alcoholic. My wife, now, her father same thing.

This is the type of stuff in this book. I think that a lot of the stuff this person is going through is related.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 04:29 PM
Well that should do me good because my dad's side are quite possibly alcoholics...

my uncle chris is really bad, but the others seem to just REALLY enjoy thier booze..

I do too i'm afraid... But I think the psychology of what he's talking about will be interesting to read.
I'll let you know what I think after I read it. Picked it up on amazon for $2 !!

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 04:57 PM
"Everythings goin be allright, everything is goin be all right...everything is goin be all right...." - Bob Marley

and it will be...and it will be...

You are all absolutely free.

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 05:35 PM
I did the college thing for a few years. But didn't finish it. I'm actually 23 credits away from getting my bachelors but I'm not getting it.

To some extent college is a waist of time (to some extent). I mean most real jobs require you to get a license to work for them and you don't need a college degree for it.

I know alottttttttttttttt of people who have bachelors and MASTERS DEGREE and have NO JOB. A few have 2-3 years since graduation and still nothing.

What is that about?

I feel while most of us are in college others are out there getting the "experience" you need to get a "real job". While in college most students are broke (unless you have rich parents) and your friends back home are succeding.

It really comes down to "experience". I did the college thing for 4 years and I don't regret it though, because I was very involved on my campus, but I really didn't learn anything on an academic level that I couldn't learn myself.

I am now 23 years, with out a college degree and making more money in my FIRST year (which will keep going up and up), than most people with Masters degree make in there 2nd year. (Legally to by the way)

I'm not saying college is a bad thing, I'm just saying it's not for everyone. And most kids go to college because their parents tell them and because "society" thinks its the best thing, BS!!!!

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:56 PM
Your right you must connect with your innerself forget school I hate it.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:57 PM
Alot of older people are the most brainwashed people in society.

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