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Originally posted by Dutty_Rag
I think this is a plain and simple question of the selective breeding proposed earlier - something I have always believed.
Slaves from Africa were selected for a reason - they were big, strong and not particularly intelligent. Likewise, african women were often selected as they were attractive - for obvious reasons - primarily that being that the slave traders were men - often native african men as they were the people who captured the slaves.
I don't think it is about black men having more testosterone as a race - but perhaps this is true in the microcosm of the USA. The African American population is very different in characteristics to the populations of African nations. It was selectively bred for certain characteristics and has existed in isolation from africa for at least 200 years.
An example is if you look at the population of any country where you see the black population descending directly from enslaved peoples - the US, the Caribbean, black populations in places like Brazil - the black populations here are have a dramatically higher occurrence of large, physically strong males and attractive females when compared to native african populations in continental africa which generally has a populations with much more varied characteristics.
Look at the coloured immigrant populations in the UK. Here the black segment of society does not come from slavery and there is a roughly equal distribution of africans and west indians. Both display HUGELY different physical characteristics with the west indians being physically bigger, stronger and if violent crime rates are anything to go by, much more aggressive.
I think this kind of evidence is irrefutable - the question is - if these traits are bred into a population - how do you deal with them. If one concludes that african americans are prone to heightened aggression and violent episodes when compared to other ethnic groups making up the population, it stands to reason that this will be reflected in the population of the penal system.
I agree that there has in the past been a lot of prejudice in this system, but I think even stripping that away looking at the number of complaints and charges pressed by plaintive and not law enforcement (remembering that now and in history most violent crime is intra-race not inter-race thus removing racial prejudice from the equation) - one still sees a heightened incidence of violence with the blacks.
How do we deal with this issue. No one should be thinking along the lines of different laws for different races - what is the answer. I think someone is almost justified in for instance - not employing someone with such traits in a job where they could be a risk (for instance - a police or prison officer (or president) where they could loose their rag) - but this would be highly racist and clearly unacceptable.
Whether you agree with this analysis or not - and that is upto you - the hypothetical question of how to deal with an issue where a negative characteristic unique to one racial group becomes apparent and must be dealt with for the sake of the common good - is an interesting one.
Originally posted by ProfessorGoldstein
The simple and scientific answer is all races are not equal. It might not be politically correct, you might say it's "racist" to talk about the truth, but it's the scientific truth after all. For instance black's brains are 30% smaller on average than white's brains. It's just flat out physically impossible for their brains to be larger because the cranial sutures end much more abuptly on their skulls than white's, which does not allow the brain as much room to expand over our years of evolution.
Smaller brain (to size of organism) = less intelligent. Nothing racist about it at all, it's simple elementary-level science that you learn about animals in the classroom.
And simple logic dictactes that less intelligent will = less civilized, and less civilized will = higher "crime".
Here's a simple diagram that a scientist made comparing the brain size of a black male to a white male.
The one on top is the white male's brain, the one on the bottom is the black male's brain.
Intelligence, brain size, and race is the correct answer and no scientist or professional in this field will disagree with me, though they will not openly talk about it either (don't want to lose our jobs).
And don't dare cry racism, it get's old.
It's not like I'm lying to you here, go to the morgue and have them split open the skull of a deceased white or asian male and then a deceased black male and then compare brain sizes. The former are much, much larger that you would actually be quite surprised at the difference. ~30% is a large amount.
No bias here, no racism. It's simple science that can be measured and tested.
Originally posted by wookiee
Originally posted by rizla
I think the root cause is poverty.
Show me 'poverty' in the US!
At least one car, two tv's, one of which is widescreen, at least one phone & cellphone.
Housing with air conditioning, so much money, they can buy food a convenience stores that charge 25%± more than grocery stores.
Poverty's not the problem.
Free handouts is the problem, if they were made to work, those numbers would be different.
Originally posted by ll__raine__ll
but you're also not black are you? neither you nor generations of your ancestors before you have been looked down on for the colour of your skin right?
go figure.
Originally posted by Mozzy
what did i just say? prisons cannot hold a proportionate amount of each. therefore it's irrelevant to expect them to do so. if prisons fill up with blacks before they do with whites that only proves that blacks were caught first...[and]when prisons are full they are full, you cannot assume that they were full with whites or with blacks before the reached their capacity.
Originally posted by DroolsAlot
Not only that, when I drive down the street in my neighborhood, I see black thugs walking down the road, a few mexan thugs every now and then and every once i a while ill see a white thug dude.
Originally posted by ButterCookie
As a very intelligent black woman, I will tell you:
The black community (in general) does not support or encourage higher education.
From a young age, we are told that we can get a low-paying job very easy, as if that's a great thing. We are not encouraged to shoot high- only to aim low. My guess would be that many blacks, traumatized by our history, are afraid to watch each other fall- therefore, keep the aim low.
We get more support if incarcerated than we do to study for a college exam.
We are given "Welcome Home from Jail" parties, but our families rarely make it to our college graduations.
In short, we are highly encouraged to "fill out government assistance applications", rather than to fill out college applications.
Somehow, we just don't make the connection.....
Heck, my family does not even know what my major is.edit on 1-6-2012 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)edit on 1-6-2012 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by steve95988
maybe it has something to do with the rap music???
Originally posted by EyesWideShut
reply to post by XXX777
Well I guess since Asians are smarter than white people the planet will soon be left with only Asians Right?
Do you get it yet?...
yeah...that's not racist at all...loledit on 2-6-2012 by EyesWideShut because: (no reason given)