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Timeline shifted AGAIN???

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posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by N. Tesla
god damn it guys stop being so irrational. its #ing winter obviously its getting darker.

stop trying to tie things together. its not there. there have been no timeline shifts.

time is not a #ing line. its not even there. its not something we as humans can imagine. so who the hell messed with it?

god? obama? huh?

time is unchangeable just because you feel weird doesnt mean the timeline changed.

I know time does not exist, but is the easiest way to explain these things. You can also call it a dimensional shift, if that makes you feel better

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 10:07 AM
Here's an interesting question I have about this whole concept. Mind you I never heard of such a thing in the sense that it's being presented here but does raise some serious questions neither proving or disproving this.

1. We know in quantum physics particles appear to just vanish and some just appear out of no where science has proven this.

2. Taking that into account in order for a person to re-appear in a separate time line or dimension they must have an identical person in that dimension for if they didn't then they would not exist nor have a life or family if they did end up in a situation like that.

So question 1 would be does in that situation the person just blink out of existence?

Question 2. would then be Anyone that does not have this happen would it be because they actually don't have a double in another dimension therefor can not be moved to another dimension because they don't exist in any other reality.

Question 3. If question 2 is correct and for the sake of argument if this is happening then if you only have one double would you not just have 2 realities bouncing back and forth.

Final question. Have any of you ever thought that maybe this isn't actually dimensional travel but in fact pre-cognitive thinking lending you the belief that something has happened when in fact the event will occur it just hasn't happened yet.

Another aspect to look as is one other belief by many people that would also fit this situation. Before you are born of this earth you already know exactly what is going to happen every step of you life because you were sent here to complete say a mission in this life time. Many people believe we are covered with a veil of forgetfulness when born. However the veil can sometimes be torn and what appear as memories that did happen actually haven't happened yet and by these things creeping into the consciousness from the subconscious cause a belief that it has already happened.

Some psychics flow with that idea only difference is they are able to differentiate what has and has not happened or so that's what they believe.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Kruel

Originally posted by N. Tesla
time is unchangeable just because you feel weird doesnt mean the timeline changed.

Just because you've never experienced it or can't fathom the mechanics of how such a phenomenon might exist doesn't mean it's impossible.

I question your motive for posting negative comments on this topic. How is this constructive?

Your thinking 1-dimensionally if you believe the timeline cannot change.

its constructive because you all here accept that time changes. i on the other hand bring in the idea that it does not hopefully making you think that maybe all im feeling is just that. a feeling.

time can not be changed. and i can not be thinking one dimensionally because nothing exists in 1 dimension

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 04:14 PM
I just registered so I could apply to this thread.

I remember last night I was showering and I had a revelation. I had heard the argument before that in other realities you have done infinite different things in every variation. It finally dawned on me and it really felt like everything suddenly clicked.
I was thinking, hey, it doesn't matter if I never become rich and famous, because I know in another timelines I already am. I don't know why, but it was a bit comforting.

Later that night me and my room mate got into a deep discussion about alternate timelines and I took a jab at him saying "Hey, in another dimension I've had sex with your mom." we laughed about it and went to bed exhausted after a late night.

I wake up this morning, and read a little news blurb about Fidel Castro saying he thought Cuba and the US were ready to talk.
I did a double take. I thought maybe there was a glitch in the newsfeed and I was seeing an old article. I remember Fidel Castro dying a few years ago, I remember watching his funeral on TV, I remember the brief chaos after his death as the government re-established itself. I remember the tasteless political comics about his death, and I remember that the last few years have been great for building American and Cuban relationships.

The article turned out to be recent, people were commenting about 'when is he going to die?' and concerns about his brother leading the government. I am shocked that none of my world exists anymore.

Eventually I rationalized it, I figured maybe I just wasn't paying good enough attention to the news. I must've missed something.

I did do a google search though which is how I found this thread. Reading through this thread I am starting to feel a bit nauseous. People I thought were dead are alive, and people I thought were alive are dead. I have to keep reading through these threads. I've woken up in a different timeline apparently. I don't know how much has changed.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by N. Tesla

Actually Tesla what you have done is precisely creating a one dimensional thought. It is a singularity, your unified idea of what you consider truth. It is a point, which is typically one dimensional. Theres no wiggle room, no back and forth. That thinking is by definition one dimensional.

Also, its not that hard to consider that a timeline could change given the infinite number of probabilities that are constantly being ran through. Parallel lines intersecting or merging. Time itself doesnt truly exist outside of the celestial sense. The method of telling time we live under is artificial and was implemented by those in power to promote the idea that life is short and we must always rush and never sit back and just enjoy life. Using a method of telling time that goes to such a minute scale makes such activity commonplace.

But you can believe whatever you want, thats your right. It might be healthier though to not try to tell everyone that your truth is the absolute, and chastise them for thinking differently. Especially when what youre saying doesnt even stand up to rational thinking.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by N. Tesla
time can not be changed. and i can not be thinking one dimensionally because nothing exists in 1 dimension

If time runs in one direction, that's linear. A vector is 1D.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 08:46 PM
Some of the posters in this thread do not have the insight or ability to determine when one of their lower extremities is being elongated.

But I have enjoyed reading it all.

The problem seems to be an understanding of time. Time can only be determined locally as a believed to be incrementally recorded measure by which we determine the direction and speed of entropy.

All experimentation and observation of events in deep space is done locally with a local time frame.

By remote measurement, all we have, it is not possible to absolutely determine that time is the same all over the Universe. We assume it to be. But slight changes would alter much of what we understand.

Repeating the warning that strict observation of one's lower extremities for equal length as you read this thread being of prime importance, there are problems with the human situation that allow the phenomenon discussed as time shift.

The human mind is not a recording device. What we experience as memory is not a playback like a tape machine or video camera. It is effected by the sum of our experiences.

There is outside interference with our recall.

An example is my recent cardiac surgery. I did not know that when you are on a heart bypass machine they cannot filter out the micro clots that form. These go to the brain and create very small strokes. They are not enough to hamper function but do alter memory and the ability to reason.

I suspect something like that is driving much of the discussion on this thread.

Again, I absolutely enjoyed it.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 09:16 PM
I would highly suggest research on the topic of retro causality.
Might explain a thing or two.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by reticledc

Speaking of retrocausality, I've explained the basic idea of how it may work on this thread. We need to get a new understanding of time in order to understand certain phenomenon which conventional science simply will not touch.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 08:13 AM
One thing I'm wondering, which one poster touched on briefly earlier in the thread, is why are the changes people experience so minor?

There's a lot of talk about celebrities or famous people being alive when the poster could clearly remember their funeral, but they're still relatively minor, they're not life changing to the individual. I mean, nobody has memories of working a different job, having different relationships with poeple, anything on that scale, as far as I'm aware from the posts so far.

Maybe that's just too much of a time shift, or, maybe if that happened to someone, they wouldn't mention it anyway, for fear of being looked at like they were crazy, who knows.

No real point to the post, just something I was wondering, figured I'd throw it out to see if there was anyone else wondering this.

Also..please don't take this as any type of attack on any stories here, I do believe in time shifts, but this is just an additional question.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by DarkPassenger
One thing I'm wondering, which one poster touched on briefly earlier in the thread, is why are the changes people experience so minor?

There's a lot of talk about celebrities or famous people being alive when the poster could clearly remember their funeral, but they're still relatively minor, they're not life changing to the individual. I mean, nobody has memories of working a different job, having different relationships with poeple, anything on that scale, as far as I'm aware from the posts so far.

Maybe that's just too much of a time shift, or, maybe if that happened to someone, they wouldn't mention it anyway, for fear of being looked at like they were crazy, who knows.

No real point to the post, just something I was wondering, figured I'd throw it out to see if there was anyone else wondering this.

Also..please don't take this as any type of attack on any stories here, I do believe in time shifts, but this is just an additional question.

This is exactly what im afraid of. Its not the first time i notice a time/dimension shift. Every time it gets a little bit bigger.

What if there is one going to occur that will change my hole life?

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 09:26 AM
I theorize that the reason "timeline shifts" mostly involve dead celebrities coming back to life, is because those celebs are like the Dread Pirate Roberts- they are standins. Sometimes they don't even look like the celeb they once were. Or consider V.C. Andrews- she was still writing "new" Flowers in the Attics stories long after her death. But it wasn't her, her estate had turned her name into a franchise and were hiring other writers to ghostwrite under her name.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by TheNetherlands

And when do people stop thinking you're just confused, and start thinking you're crazy. Not attacking you personally, but, that's how peoples minds work isn't it. If it's small things, then people probably just assume it's a mistake..but if it's bigger, life altering, then I'm sure some people would blame a mental problem, saying the person obviously isn't in control of all their mental faculties.

Begs the question though, if you really believe in times shifts, when you see some people with mental problems, believing whole heartedly that their memories and things are real, when to other people the past happened differently or whatever..who's to say it wasn't just a large time shift on their part?

Not sure if I explained that correctly, and honestly, the chances of any truth in it are slim to nil.. But something else that just made me think for a second.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Dorian Soran

It wasn't Arron Nevile it was Nevil Brand

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Kumah

That's because there is rumors he is dead. There have been for quite some time. Even news agencies have reported it.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Darthorious

At least someone is trying to use science

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by DarkPassenger

In my life, there are married couples, who were never married, people who were known a s couples, who never went out, etc, etc, etc....

Also, not just celebrites alive.....people we KNOW, and WELL, and it is like GROUPS of completely NORMAL people, remeber it one way, and half another......and really this just started becomming noticable last summer, with a bunch of changes in 80's music etc....some that we remeber that isn't on a google search, and all kinds of new stuff that we don't remeber fron highschool is not like some isolated incodent in someones head.....i will be out with friends and we'll be like what the heck is up with Patrick Swayze....etc, not just in some secret conspiracy conversation on the NET....TONS of people are noticing. It is more like we think the media has gone nuts actually, except then when people I actaully KNOW died didn't, and a few aren't married, or never were, then I think what the heck is up?

People in the real world, are talking about this too, openly, as we're trying to figure out what the heck is up.

Sorry to burst the usual...mental illness theory.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by mellisamouse

Not sure if I explained it right in my last post, I didn't mean to imply that people who said they experienced large time shifts really had mental problems. I meant what if people who were thought to be losing their grip on reality, having a supposed mental problem, were really just suffering from these large time shifts, and when they told people, the people just thought they were crazy, ended up on meds..or further back in time, in an institution for the rest of their lives.

And if this doesn't make sense or I'm just reiterating my last's 4am..blame that.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by DarkPassenger

ok, cool. I get it. Sorry for my defencsive misunderstanding.

posted on Dec, 6 2008 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by mellisamouse

No problem, I can understand how my post came across wrong.

While I'm thinking, I was talking to my mother about this earlier, and she didn't really buy into it, but as she was leaving the room she mentioned that she'd been convinced Ginger Baker, a drummer in Cream I think it was, had died, only to find out about a year ago that he hadn't. She also mentioned being sure that Bob Marley had died of lung or throat cancer due to smoking so much weed, when it was a brain tumour casued by untreated cancer in his toe. Ok, the last one doesn't sound as solid, but still thought her experiences might be worth throwing in the pot.

Part of me thinks that a lot of the celebrity ones could be explained away by shoddy journalism, not saying that it is that, just that it's a possibility..but when people talk about friends or family being different, for example as melissamouse did..there's no logical explanation for that, at least for me.

[edit on 6-12-2008 by DarkPassenger]

Edit: Melissamouse, when you mention friends being married then not, is it just you that thinks this, or have you found anyone else that has believed say, that two of your friends were married, then it turned out that they wern't. Would be interesting to see if two unrelated people had the same memory of something personal like that, which couldn't be explained by the media the same way celebrity things could be as I mentioned before.

Edit again: Spelling. Hopped up on caffeine makes for disjointed thoughts and bad spelling.

[edit on 6-12-2008 by DarkPassenger]

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