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The coming H5N1 Bid Flu Pandemic & Me

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posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 12:43 PM
This is what I know will happen; I will understand the Pandemic has started not much sooner than the rest of the world. For me to get into safety with all the protection gear I have together with my family, is the most crucial couple of days I have prepared for in my life. This s have done for the past 4 years.

I have a great lot of knowledge and will be happy to answer any questions from dose that are in doubt about relating issues concerning preparedness before and during the coming pandemic.

Bid you all good luck in your own preparations.


posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by C.Pater

For me to get into safety with all the protection gear I have together with my family, is the most crucial couple of days I have prepared for in my life. This s have done for the past 4 years.


Before you go any further, lets see some photos of your "personal protection gear" you have acquired for you and your family. Take snap shots and upload them....otherwise get ready for a fear monger bashing.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by C.Pater
For me to get into safety with all the protection gear I have together with my family

so where is safe from bird flu, i mean, birds are everywhere!!

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:43 AM
As Pieman said, birds fly everywhere - but that is only one of many problems. If bird flu becomes a HPAI which still has the HP factor when it becomes able to spread to humans, no where will be safe. I've been reading a lot on it and the bulk of the theorists and scientists all agree that this will become airborne, so unless you have A LOT of oxygen tanks...


posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by solarstorm

Originally posted by C.Pater

Before you go any further, lets see some photos of your "personal protection gear" you have acquired for you and your family. Take snap shots and upload them....otherwise get ready for a fear monger bashing.

Well I have most of all thing in suitcases ready to go, you do not have to take my word for it, the reality is that no matter how much protection gear you have you are still at threat from the virus when the pandemic starts, you need to know how to use the gear, how to set up isolation and enclosed entrance and exist to keep the virus out of your home and to enable you to disinfect yourself and things you carry when you enter or exist your home.

Also the gear you have may not protect if used in error and complacency, then you need things which can aid you in having a slightly better chance to fight of the infection if it gets to you.

So I will take some photos when I arrange my stuff again, until then I would advise anybody to care more about their own level of present protection instead of dwelling on matters of world or local preparedness.

So just do it.


posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 11:09 AM
paeter, being the anti-christ, i would have expected you would have a certain level of protection from such earthly dangers as the flu virus. why does this concern one who is destined to rule the world?

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by pieman
paeter, being the anti-christ, i would have expected you would have a certain level of protection from such earthly dangers as the flu virus. why does this concern one who is destined to rule the world?

Good question

I guess I suspect that like Noah my own free will to protect myself will actually enable me to survive, but o be honest:

If the H5N1 starts a pandemic with the mortality rate it currently has now, then according to computer simulations 80-90 % of the world population will get infected, and sadly as it is now 70-80 of all infected die.

But the real question is not if I survive, but even if I do, then can you imagine what kind of world I will have to rule after most people are dead? Not very much left to rule is there?

Sadly we must say that knowledge will be lost with the dead.

So yes, I do aspect the pandemic to happen sooner rather than later, and do not ask me why I cannot predict it, I do not need to create my own prophecies, I must only fulfill dose in the Bible concerning the redemption of mankind.

Well as you can understand, if most die, then my job will be easier.

Go figure that I should not care to survive?


posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 11:33 AM
Stock up on sauerkraut and asian pickled vegetables. From what I read, this has some affect on helping to win against that virus.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 11:59 AM
During the 1918 outbreak families in remote areas in Canada died of it, apparently catching it straight from birds.

This is what enabled frozen infected corpses to be dug up a few years back and the virus obtained, its genes mapped, under the auspices of the CDC.

Since then a government program has combined bird flu with normal flu viruses, learning how to make it even more virulent.

To spread it around the world someone would just need to pick up a vial from the lab, tip it into some diluted egg-yolk in a perfume atomiser, and spray it around at a busy American airport at Christmas.


Unlike other forms of the flu, the 1918 flu infected the deepest tissues in the lungs rather than the nasal tissues.

So if anyone wants to decrease their chance of catching it, an atomiser containing water, a little alcohol and a few drops of tea-tree oil is your best bet. Just keep sniffing it if there's an outbreak to kill any viruses that get into your lungs.

An interesting factoid I picked up along the way is that the dirtiest surfaces, germ wise, in the community, far worse than toilets, are shopping trolley handles.

If there is ever a pandemic, don't touch a shopping trolley without fresh rubber gloves on, and learn to dispose of them later as toxic waste, without ever touching the outsides of them.

Another factoid is that face masks can both spread germs through the community and infect the wearer. Unless they are changed, removed and disposed of according to the manufacturer's instructions, they are a hazard, not a safety meansure.


I believe that the difficulty in making a reliable one-shot vaccine prevented the release of this reconstituted virus when Bush was planning it.

Now people are less likely to follow terrible orders, and the window of opportunity has passed.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Kailassa
During the 1918 outbreak families in remote areas in Canada died of it, apparently catching it straight from birds.

This is what enabled frozen infected corpses to be dug up a few years back and the virus obtained, its genes mapped, under the auspices of the CDC.

Since then a government program has combined bird flu with normal flu viruses, learning how to make it even more virulent.

i've never heard this theory but it's seriously caught my attention. would you ming giving me a link or something, i'ld like to learn more. thank a mil.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 04:17 PM
Very tired, trying to give you the info before I go to sleep, so please excuse it not being set out well.

Was Alaska, not Canada.

Jurassic Flu

Why would we want to re-create an extinct flu virus? Is it safe?

The 1918 flu virus seemed to arise suddenly, caused very severe symptoms, and spread between people more effectively than many other strains. Since the disease outbreak spread around the world, it was saidto be a ‘pandemic.’

Bringing the 1918 Flu Back to Life

There is growing concern that the ‘bird flu’ could cause the next pandemic if it develops the ability to spread quickly between humans. Researchers working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta decided to bring the 1918 flu ‘back to life’ in order to learn how the 1918 virus differed from ‘modern’ strains, so that they can create new treatment strategies to avoid or deal with future influenza outbreaks.

Despite the potential benefits of this research, some people feel that the recreation of the 1918 strain is too dangerous. Any accidental release of the 1918 virus could be devastating, as it could initiate another pandemic.

Current flu vaccines have been shown to be partly effective when tested in mice infected with flu viruses containing some genes from the 1918 strain, and for security all work on the virus is being done in enhanced biosafety level-3 conditions. These conditions require workers to wear respirators and shower before leaving the lab, so the risks of a viral ‘escape’ are relatively low.

The Great Pandemic … Same Time, Next Century?

Even before then, in 1950, a young pathologist in Iowa named Johan V. Hultin overheard a colleague say that the only way to find the 1918 virus would be in the bodies of victims who were buried in ice -- "permafrost" that had never thawed since 1918. Using church records, Hultin identified possible flu victims in Alaskan villages and won permission to exhume bodies. He and his colleagues dug down in the ice and discovered perfectly frozen bodies -- but to his dismay, Hultin did not have the sophisticated scientific tools necessary to identify the virus.

Fast-forward the story to 1997. Retired and living in San Francisco, Hultin read a scientific-journal article by Taubenberger and began to speculate that molecular biology had advanced to the point that it might be able to identify the virus -- if they went back to the permafrost and dug up more frozen victims of the flu. Again, he asked permission to dig. Hultin found the body of an obese woman who was particularly well preserved. He removed her lungs -- and they had the virus. Taubenberger's lab is using the samples to analyze the genetic puzzle of this deadly virus.

Characterization of the reconstructed 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic virus.

Tumpey TM, Basler CF, Aguilar PV, Zeng H, Solórzano A, Swayne DE, Cox NJ, Katz JM, Taubenberger JK, Palese P, García-Sastre A.

Influenza Branch, Mailstop G-16,
Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases (DVRD),
National Center for Infectious Diseases,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
1600 Clifton Road, NE, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA. [email protected]

The pandemic influenza virus of 1918-1919 killed an estimated 20 to 50 million people worldwide. With the recent availability of the complete 1918 influenza virus coding sequence, we used reverse genetics to generate an influenza virus bearing all eight gene segments of the pandemic virus to study the properties associated with its extraordinary virulence.

In stark contrast to contemporary human influenza H1N1 viruses, the 1918 pandemic virus had the ability to replicate in the absence of trypsin, caused death in mice and embryonated chicken eggs, and displayed a high-growth phenotype in human bronchial epithelial cells. Moreover, the coordinated expression of the 1918 virus genes most certainly confers the unique high-virulence phenotype observed with this pandemic virus.

Concern as revived 1918 flu virus kills monkeys

A team at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine has already started to investigate. Peter Palese is working with Adolfo Garcia-Sastre and Jeffery Taubenberger, who first reconstructed the virus, to find out how it spreads. Working with ferrets, they have found that a change of only one or two amino acids in the flu sequence is enough to stop transmission. They will publish the result in Science.

Identifying which sections of the genome are responsible for transmission "has huge predictive value for whether strains will become pandemic or not", says Guus Rimmelzwaan at the World Health Organization's National Influenza Centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The next move for Kawaoka's team is along similar lines — they will be swapping sections in and out of the virus to establish exactly which bits make it so lethal.

But the latest results haven't assuaged everyone's concerns. Richard Ebright, a bacteriologist at Rutgers University, New Jersey, believes the virus should never have been recreated. "The key implication is that the material is now present in at least two locations," he says. The new study, he argues, increases the risk that the virus could escape and sets "a dangerous precedent" for other labs to follow.

Gene from 1918 virus proves key to virulent influenza

"Replacing only one gene is sufficient to make the virus more pathogenic," says Kawaoka, a professor of pathobiological sciences at the UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine. In the Nature paper, Kawaoka and his colleagues describe how a Spanish flu gene that codes for a key protein changed a relatively benign strain of flu virus from a nuisance to a highly virulent form.

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by C.Pater

Wait come back. I have questions! I know this subject is a serious issue and would like to pick your brain.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 10:43 AM
When most of the Earth is destroyed by fire (prophesy)....either by all out nuclear war or Planet X. then the pesky bird flu (H5N1 and mutated forms) will be destroyed. "Nothing to fear but fear (of death) itself."


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