posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 10:58 PM
I was thinking of a way to stimulate the economy while simultaneously solving some larger political and social issues, and here is what I came up
1. Identify what basic functions of gov't the constitution provides for (example: providing for the common defense).
2. Identify what the budget for those particular functions would reasonably be using historical data.
3. Identify the budgets and revenues of all programs, taxes, agencies, etc. that are expendable using item #1 as criteria.
4. Identify if #2 could be met without the revenues generated by unconstitutional income tax and the rest of 3.
5. Identify the median income of the American citizen.
6. Identify the average amount of income tax and other items from #3 that each American worker pays.
7. Illustrate how #5+#6 would increase everyone's standard of living while simultaneaously providing increased expendably income for consumption,
thus stimulating the economy.
It is my opinion that manufacturing jobs have left this country due to the wages of the American worker being higher than that of say Chinese, Indian,
Mexican, etc. This has forced those beloved CEO's and the like to make decisions based on profit margins to move the jobs to more cost effective
locations. HOWEVER, if we could cut the massive amount of fat out of the federal budget, thereby relieving the worker of the tax burden to cover those
useless programs, we would immediately become more competitive in terms of wages. If you only made 2/3 of what you make now, but owed no income tax,
it would not affect your standard of living yet it would make your labor more competitive, right?
Please feel free to expand on this idea, and please be courteous. I would do this myself but my particular brand of servitude requires at least 14
hours of my day so I will never have the time. ABOLISH THE FED, THEY MAKE SLAVES OF US ALL!!!!