posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:11 AM
I'll bite.
Grew up on ranch, learned to weld, mechanics, cooking, canning, hunting, fishing, camping, wrestling little sibs till they got bigger than me, reading
everything I could, tinkered with radios and tvs (vacuum tube types), model rockets, college for six years studying some of everything (engineering ,
computer science to basket weaving, folklore), learned to repair mechanical pin ball machines, talked into graduating, worked with real computers for
25 years, taught my self about pcs when they came out, became a paramedic for fun, worked at a vets office and learned more than I knew about animal
illness and treatment, retired and still help friends, family and a few businesses with pc problems from hardware to software, I think I remember how
to use a slide rule and I remember when you had to wire plug boards for unit record equipment.
Got married during that time, had four boys and have six grad kids. Met my best friend / soulmate in college (he was free spirit and had a lot of
same interest) and we are still together. We both have large insulated mugs we carry everywhere full of the black elixir of life from Juan Valdez.
We both hate the word geek because it is so confining.
Still have working TI99, Commodore 64, an Atari game system and an IBM XT.
The computer I use for everything is just components setting on a grounded static pad on my desk.
Been thinking about an xbox or wii to keep our minds sharp.
Neither of us are above baiting someone to force their true selves to the surface. We've been both democrat and republican, and prefer new age
approach to enlightenment.
OK, that is a little more than formal education but life experience counts for a lot. Never had IQ test I remember, was bored all though school
(k-12) and didn't always pay attention.