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Did the mayans sacrifice humans to aliens, not gods?

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posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

We have no evidence of what an alien even looks like so how could we be sure that these ancient peoples are not simply drawing fanciful "Gods" that don't exist in reality?

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by NavalFCreligion came about when early man had questions of this worlds origins, and questions about after death.

I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous.

Why would people around the time of being created question how they were created and pass down theories?

Your theory makes no sense.

Originally posted by Turiddu
reply to post by Skyfloating

how could we be sure that these ancient peoples are not simply drawing fanciful "Gods" that don't exist in reality?

Easy, ask them.

The problem is with people who are unable to accept their answers, then belittle their culture and history, not them.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by Shawn B.]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 07:30 PM
I apologize, I think I may have allowed my personal (atheist) views to color my post there too much but I think you got the point I was trying to make.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Shawn B.
I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous.

Why would people around the time of being created question how they were created and pass down theories?

Your theory makes no sense.

Sorry, but that is exactly how early religion came about. Early man had questions about his origins, what happened after death, and what forces drove the world around them. They created stories to explain these mysteries, and these stories formed the basis of religion.

Perhaps you have a better theory? Don't tell me, it involves aliens...

[edit on 3-12-2008 by SaviorComplex]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Sorry, but that is exactly how early religion came about. Early man had questions about his origins, what happened after death, and what forces drove the world around them. They created stories to explain these mysteries, and these stories formed the basis of religion.

So, can you please provide evidence to your claims with links... etc ...and what not.

Apparently you think they were pretty daft and couldn't comprehend things that were happening around them.

How could people like this even make up stories, let alone communicate them to other people to be passed down?


And who says this was a religion in the first place?

[edit on 3-12-2008 by Shawn B.]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Shawn B.
So, can you please provide evidence to your claims with links... etc ...and what not.

What in the world are you talking about? This is accepted, common knowledge. If you have an alternate theory, please present it.

But since you are being obtuse, and I am a bit bored, I'll indulge you for a moment...

During their evolution from proto-human to full human, they developed questions about themselves and their environment...Living in a pre-scientific society, people had no way to resolve these questions...the need for answers were so important that some response was required, even if they were merely based on hunches. Some people within the tribe started to invent answers based on their personal guesses. SOURCE

Perhaps not the most scholarly of sources, but a good primer and jumping off point.

Originally posted by Shawn B.
Apparently you think they were pretty daft and couldn't comprehend things that were happening around them.

Not in the least. Primitive peoples were as smart as us; they were just not as knowledgable. They filled the gaps in their knowledge with stories to explain the things they could not understand.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 11:01 PM
reiterating what you think by using someone else's quote is not proof, even though it's common.

Originally posted by SaviorComplex
Not in the least. Primitive peoples were as smart as us; they were just not as knowledgable. They filled the gaps in their knowledge with stories to explain the things they could not understand.

No, that's what some people now a days assume and saying that primitive peoples were as smart as us makes your argument lose more weight.

How could they not understand something they were around?

It doesn't make sense, especially if you believe they were as smart as us(I believe this too).

Have you taken ayahuasca, dmt or the other things they took and still do today?

If you haven't how can you critique what they think and believe?

Why did people pass things down orally, was it because of the reason people think now a days or was it because people weren't in a material mind frame like they are today where the material world is accepted over everything else?


[edit on 3-12-2008 by Shawn B.]

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by earthman4
The appearence of Quetzacoatl in central Mexico was at the same time Jesus was missing from Europe. The Aztecs made anyone a god that had a red beard. Food for thought.

Woah. You don't say. It's interesting that you seem to take that as fact. The history of the Americas was mostly written by the Spanish, and went all out to justify their genocides, even if they were false. Most, if not all of the descriptions in the museums are also incorrect. Anywho, to my point, most of the "history" states that the people they murdered were savages who would perform sacrifices.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by RFBurns
Maybe one like this called "LAM"


With brains like those, who needs balls?

One thing is for sure, some secret societies still indulge in human sacrifice. Unfortunately some of us KNOW. One would prefer it to have been a dream. Lord make it so. But we must testify in memory of the victims.

Do they do it to obtain "adrenal chrome" substances in the blood of terrified victims? If so is it to use as a drug or for enhancing the effectiveness of occult spells? Or is is collected for others?

Regardless, many people vanish, not all of them just move without notice. Some perish, and we don't want to know how, but we must find out why if there is to be an end to it.

Rather than speculate on aliens and human sacrifice, when we cannot prove the presence of the former, let us at least oppose the latter.

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 09:32 AM
What is alarming to me is that not only did many diverse cultures spread throughout the world practice depict similar "gods" and also practiced blood sacrifices, but that the "God" of Abraham also demanded blood sacrifice, albeit animal sacrifice.

[edit on 4-12-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 12:09 PM
There are reports of satanic ritual sacrifices (Skull and Bones or Bohemian Grove are representative of their extensiveness) and also masonic/religious killings to save one's sole by spilling blood. Some sins are said to be bought back by sacrificing someone else. Others require one's own blood, ie one's sacrificial physical death. Jesus dying for our sins was a way of once and for all demanding that all cease such practices, since Jesus had already atoned by his own death at the cross for all of our sins, past, present and future. This practice was therefore prevalent in his day, and still remains active today such as in the Mormon "Church of Latter Day Saints"...etc. which practices this at least episodically. For a testimonial, see this link:

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 12:25 PM
You may not understand what this has to do with the original thread title. However, one must take into account that the Mormons are located, coincidentally, right smack in the middle of the area which is considered the most likely candidate for early alien visitation, and is even supposed to be one of the major spots where huge underground bases house alien cities. This is not a religion bashing post, I don't care what religion they like. However, it is a human sacrifice bashing post. To see additional evidence of Mormon association with satanist/masonic ritual and Baal worship, here's another link:

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 09:44 PM
(Channeled from Quetzalcoatl, by A. Dragon)

"Archeologists have noticed that many of the ancient Meso-American cities have been set on fire. It is the usual practice to call in the energy of the elements in the practice of the gateway ritual. In the practice of human sacrifice, the formality is to call in the names of the entities to be fed. In the gateway ritual of the ancient seers, the vision of the Sun was so intense spontaneous combustion occurred. The purpose was to store a distillate of this energy in certain objects that were patterned after our image. The crystal skulls are such objects. Similarly, the structure of the Quetzalcoatl Pyramids are also based upon this principle. From these points we are free to reach in and have impact. From these points you are free to enter into an incomprehensible realm.

"Many of our techniques have been used in the construction of temples and palaces in the realm of ancient seers [mayan, aztec, toltec]."

This is one of many etheric revelations into the nature of human sacrifice, as practiced by mayan, aztec cultures. A documentary (forget the name) I saw last week described how scholars had interpreted writings that told of as many as 10,000 human sacrifces performed in just 4 days, and proved conclusively that it took about 15-17 seconds to remove the living, breathing heart from a victim using an actual obsidian blade (sharp as surgical steel). The remainder of the estimated 2 minutes given to each sacrifice was presumably used to offer the heart sacrifice to their gods.

"Inside the huge [pyramid] chamber were servants tending large vats. They reminded me of the Aztec god of hallucinogenic plants."

[edit on 4-12-2008 by SS,Naga]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 02:30 AM
Personally I believe there are 2 possibilities, that yes ancient people were visited by aliens, OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE highly supports this theory by the way, its not just something some nutjob came up with, or humans have been around MUCH longer than we are led to believe and have in the past created civilisations that are even more advanced than our own, again, PLENTY of evidence to back that up, which I will be happy to provide if anyone doesint know, personally I think both are highly plausible, but I think the main point is, the crux of the matter is, either way


And then the real question is..........why?
Why is it so important to those in power to keep the truth from us?Hmmmm.
I can only guess

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by NavalFC

and what kind of perverse pleasure do you get from downplaying others' beliefs? It sounds to me as if everyone (except you) is trying OBJECTIVELY to figure out the world around them just like every last human being who ever existed has felt was the ultimate necessity. Taking in bits and pieces of information (mob/groupthink voted "true" or not) and connecting the dots. The problem is everyone sees a different connection but the dots remain. Tearing apart someone's theory simply because it goes against what is "proven" or "accepted" or "written" (for you still think the bible wasn't an elaborate method of crowd control) doesn't seem to fit into an open minded discussion of possibilities. Possibilities don't exist for people like you. Just what you think is true because someone told you it was. Doesn't matter they were scientists, teachers, preachers or bums. This sounds to me like a discussion of what could possibly be true. Since you don't have a direct phone to the Holy or the All Knowing then I don't think anyone should believe anything you say. When did you become the keeper of that is truth? Did I miss some ceremony? Did I sleep through that broadcast on CNN? So until you do get that phone to God or The IS then take all of this for what it is. A discussion of possibilities where no one is wrong because there is no right! We simply do not have access to that level of truth. Accept it. Open your mind and just consider the possibilities. Where is the harm? What are you trying to prove? That you know everything? Well, we don't trust that to be true so until you do then let the people ponder. That is the only way we will even get close to the truth. By connecting with one another and exchanging theories. Give some of this a chance. Even what we think we know could be wrong anyway. What is important is human beings using their brains to try to figure something out. Why stand in the way of that? What do you get out of it and please, be honest with yourself.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 10:04 AM
See these links:

I think the same.... more or less.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 02:36 PM

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 08:00 PM

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 12:22 PM
Quetzalcoatl, or feathered serpent, was believed to be a serpent God. To me, it seems like the Mayan civilization was visited by a Reptilian alien species. I usually don't draw such conclusions, but the Mayan civilization did disappear unexpectedly and they seemed terrified of Quetzalcoatl. Perhaps they angered him and his other followers? I remember learning about all of this when I was too young to realize how strange it all was. I believe that just a few entities can control a large number of spiritually developed people by channeling announcements about their coming ascension. People with paranormal gifts that could help us and should help us, to defend us against these beings are used for their purposes. Open your mind, the Mayan story is one of the strangest ever told.

posted on Dec, 28 2013 @ 01:26 PM
Let see...The possibility that an ancient alien race whose logic and technology defy our very understandings, create life.

However, being as fickle or as proud as some deities are said too be, they want to have their own creations make their own achievements for some proud godly bragging right in the universe. However it takes alot longer then expected, and some reason logic hasn't sunk into the brain, even though the advanced primitives are superstitious with immense fear.

So they think to themselves, "alright guys, you guys are going to die over, and over again like we did in some unfathomable past, so pain and unfairness can sink into the brain for all eternity".

10,000s year later, most people are scared of paper cut. Talk about advanced reverse psychology.

As for the DNA....Not a clue.
edit on 28-12-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-12-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

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