posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 06:24 AM
Fifty years after the drug thalidomide was created, campaigners fear another baby could be born disabled in the UK.
Thalidomide was withdrawn in 1961 after around 10,000 babies had been born with disabilities such as the characteristic stunted arms or legs. Some
babies were born with no limbs at all.
But the drug is making a comeback. It is being investigated as a treatment in around 100 illnesses including cancer, Aids, leprosy and arthritis, and
4,000 people are estimated to be currently taking thalidomide in the UK.
Freddie Astbury, whose mother took thalidomide, was born with all four limbs affected. He said: "The drug has come back to haunt us.
Here is some more links for information on Thalidomide.
Thalidomide UK
The above link is run entirly by survivors of the devestation Thalidomide drug..there are pictures in here so a warning that some photos can be
Just found another story that was broadcast June 02.. there are may more links to stories and information down the side of the page.
To me this is one of the biggest medical science version of the drug helped morning sickness and depression while the other cause
severe limb damage in the baby and sometimes even miscarriage.
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