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Should we boycott gay businesses?

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by tator3

Good point. I went to the site and found an interesting quote:

"If you must spend, only do so at an LGBTQ owned establishment with an LGBTQ clientel" Well, there you go. So if I were to boycott gay businesses, like they support doing to non-gay businesses, I would be a jerk. Right? A homophobic breeder. Right? So what does that make the gay movement?

I'm suggesting heavily that hate is not a good idea. So the gay community needs to stop feeding this hate fire.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Jim Scott

who cares about the gays?! let them live their lives! i'm not gay but i don't mind gay people as long as they mind their own business

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Jim Scott
reply to post by tator3

You know, I'm not advocating hating or bashing or boycotting gays if they will not advocate hating me, bashing me, or boycotting me.

Who's hating, bashing, boycotting you? No one. You're just pulling this up to propagate the hatred you have for gay folks. C'mon, at least be honest.

Loss of tv and movies would not be a big deal to me. I like books, outdoors, friends, social relations, etc.

Are you gay? I know gays and they are just like that too. Wow, odd concept, they are just like you and me.

I think it's a weird phenomena that you guys can only see this one way. It's like you have blinders on. You don't even see yourselves doing it or something. You can't be serious about hating someone who is giving you back what you put out.

Back at ya Jim. Only they've been the pariah of the "norm" for a helluva lot longer than you have actually been made to pay attention.

Now, as to what brought this on, from your source:

It's because of the money, says Evan Wolfe, executive director of Freedom to Marry, a New York-based group that supports same-sex marriage.

"The Mormon Church hierarchy led the way on this attack on gay families and the California constitution," Wolfe said. "They provided more than half of the funding. They provided the ground troops and were a major political force in a way that no other group was.

"It's not like there's one centralized voice telling everyone whom to protest. People have their own reactions to what they see with their own eyes, and what they saw here was a $40 million deceptive campaign to take away rights, led by the Mormon Church hierarchy."

Lorri Jean, CEO of the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center, wrote on the organization's Web site that she doesn't blame African-Americans or minority groups for the passage of Prop. 8.

"We have been critical of all of the out-of-state conservative religious groups that made significant contributions to the campaign, including the Knights of Columbus National Headquarters in Connecticut and Focus on the Family in Colorado. But the truth is that the LDS church leadership in Utah specifically directed its membership to get involved with the Yes campaign in an unprecedented way — both in terms of volunteer time and dollars," Jean wrote.

A little boycott seems trivial compared to the methodical manipulation that was manifest here. The "gays" started this? Uh huh. And I'm Ghandi's illegitimate step child.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Jim Scott

Well, to be completely honest with you, I can see what you are trying to get at but it will accomplish nothing good. In fact, you would systematically open up a whole new can of worms.

First, how would you successfully identify these businesses? Because they display or sell rainbow stickers? That wouldn't cut it. And most businesses don't really advertise their sexual preference.

I know that certain factions or groups really push hard and use gorilla tactics to get what they feel are their rights. I just don't see anything good coming from any of this. They are attacking religious factions for being predujice against them. They are essentially doing the same thing that the religious groups are doing to them.

It's a joke really. I guess we have forgotten what the term "live and let live" means. I guess we have forgotten that our consitution says equality for all. I guess we can't see past the little things and just realize that we are all the same. Humans (though some on this site would say otherwise)

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Jim Scott

What do you think of the idea that turnabout is fair play? What if we were to identify the gay businesses and businesses that support gays and boycott them? Seems fair to me, what do you think?

This would be a particularly effective time to boycott a business, since the economy is having a tough time anyway. Maybe the gay movement could get a little friendlier if their livelihoods were threatened.

I think that the idea of creating a mass hysteria against people who, as i see it, are fighting for their human rights as same as other target groups, is a very bad idea. If people do that, they ain't better at all ! In fact much worse !!! (was it the egg or the chicken ? )
I would never boycott a business. Simple as that

The gay people i did meet, i consider as very granted, very nice and gifted people. On the other hand. People who (pre) judges others because they feel insecure themself, having a bad economy, a need to let their anger out on someone :

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:15 PM
No, I don't think gay businesses should be boycotted, but
any business that does discriminate should be boycotted.

I'm not gay, but what's so hard to understand about


Regardless of skin color, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

People certainly have the right to boycott, but its really lame
if you're doing it because the proprietor happens to be gay.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by ziggystar60

A shiny star for you!! Whatever happened to the separation of church and state? Let the Mormons worship as they see fit. And keep their religious opinions on marriage out of politics.

I know a Mormon who likes to hang out in gay bars. It doesn't seem to be a problem for him or the gays that frequent and run the place.

[edit on 12-1-2008 by groingrinder]

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Jim Scott

Why should we? Didn't the blacks have to show some force for their rights by protesting, fighting back, riots, etc... I'm glad we are finally getting out there and making our voices heard. Why shouldn't the gays get mad? Maybe turn things around and straight bash, and brutally beat some straight couple alone in a dark valley. I've had many friends come home after missing for a day or so because they were in the hospital for being beaten just because they are gay. It's scary huh? Well, that's what we deal with all the time. Ever had a coke bottle thrown at your head while walking on a sidewalk? Ever had someone call you "Faggot" and other hateful words in front of your children at the fair..when you are just out with your family trying to have a fun night. Were you ever told that you couldn't visit your partner that you have been with for over 8 years in the hospital and had to have his dads permission to see him. The dad who hates him and wishes he was dead!!! Yeah..I guess we should just sit back and deal with everyone hating us and keeping us second class right? NO, not anymore.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:18 PM
Boycott footbal, guys taking showers together... Gay IMO.

Anyways it's a free country, or it was last time I checked. And you are free to voice your opinion, if you choose to. If the gay community is mad as hell and chooses to voice their displeasure then that is their right to do so as an American.
I don't agree with some of the things they've done.
But I understand and support their right to protest. And would support your right to protest a gay business.
Though I wouldn't agree with it. Nor with any underhanded rotten tactics by anyone. I would expect both sides to behave with dignity and respect.

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:19 PM
I'd start with Wal-mart- that place is totally gay.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:21 PM
You know, this kind of civil unrest is what builds the rights of groups.

I am not gay, however I do support their purpose, albeit I do not support the very swing-like lifestyle of most of the gay people I know. Then again I think the same thing about most of the straight people that I know.

Do I like it when things get extreme? No, I am a taoist. However, I also realize when there is a need for it. Quite frankly, these people have been told that they cannot do something that everyone else can without remorse. That is fine. It was voted on. They are ensuring that it will not be voted the same way again, or that it will be changed.

Power to them for actually standing up and doing something like the rest of us won't to the government.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:24 PM

Quite frankly, the more the church (of any kind) is pushed out of this political game, the happier I am.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by grey580
Boycott footbal, guys taking showers together... Gay IMO.

Anyways it's a free country, or it was last time I checked. And you are free to voice your opinion, if you choose to. If the gay community is mad as hell and chooses to voice their displeasure then that is their right to do so as an American.
I don't agree with some of the things they've done.
But I understand and support their right to protest. And would support your right to protest a gay business.
Though I wouldn't agree with it. Nor with any underhanded rotten tactics by anyone. I would expect both sides to behave with dignity and respect.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

This is the reality of things for a lot of people. Very well said.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by GreyFoxSolid

Quite frankly, the more the church (of any kind) is pushed out of this political game, the happier I am.

Even though this is technically a one sentence reply, I would star and flag this as many times as I could. Too bad I can only add 1. This gets right to the point. The church, the CHRISTIAN church that says it is a messenger for and a pathway to GOD, sure do not act God Like. Because if GOD is all knowing then he CREATED GAY PEOPLE THEY WAY THEY ARE FOR A REASON! If GOD is all knowing then he KNEW they would be gay and didn't prevent it. He knows the outcome of their lives and has allowed it. It's a joke that just because some GUY wrote in a book his distaste for the sexual preference that it means these people need to be led away from evil.

What a joke.

As far as I am concerned, the church needs to exit stage left.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:40 PM
Reply to post by dariousg

Jesus said to turn the other cheek. The bible said, don't judge lest you youself be judged also.

This to me would mean to let others be. Unless of course they are a danger.

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 04:00 PM
I've been boycotting gay bars all my life.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 04:01 PM
baseball101 I'm with you. I don't care about the gays or their agenda, so I want them to leave me and others alone.

reply to intrepid
You ask "who's hating, boycotting, bashing...." please refer to the news clips:
You ask "are you gay" no and not antigay. Just antihate. There may always be hate crimes on an individual basis, but that is not a reason for general hate like the gays are promoting.

reply to dariousg
The gay businesses know each other, so there must be a gay list of businesses. I would use that.
I have a problem with the words prejudice and separation of church and state being used in the gay issue. Prejudice is "an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason." I have an unfavorable opinion about the methods of the gay activists and how they want to pressure religions and businesses. That unfavorable opinion is formed with knowledge of their actions. The thought I am using is that these actions by them are unreasonable, thoughtless, and are a result of unfavorable opinion by the gay activist movement. In my way of understanding this, they are prejudiced.

A reply to groingrinder
As for separation of church and state (not in the Constitution), which must have been covered on this site thousands of times, Jefferson (in one and only one letter to a Baptist Church reassuring them he was for keeping the state out of their affairs) was trying to keep the state out of the religion, not the religion out of the state. There is not a wall, there is a one way door.

Reply to flymetothemoon
I am certainly not suggesting mass hysteria, just like for like. Why is it not fair to give them back what they put out?

Reply to aecreate
It is illegal for business to discriminate against gays. There will never in your lifetime be equal rights for everyone, because this society has standards of behaviour. For example, there will never be equal rights for pedophiles.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Jim Scott
It is illegal for business to discriminate against gays. There will never in your lifetime be equal rights for everyone, because this society has standards of behaviour. For example, there will never be equal rights for pedophiles.

WHAT, are you equating gays with pedophiles now?

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by grey580

But I understand and support their right to protest. And would support your right to protest a gay business.
Though I wouldn't agree with it. Nor with any underhanded rotten tactics by anyone. I would expect both sides to behave with dignity and respect.

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I believe you have hit on my point. Dignity and respect. As an American veteran of 18 years, and an Viet Nam vet, of course I have put my life on the line for these rights. The tactics the gay activists are using are, in my opinion, way over the top. Even the black movement used peaceful protest.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 04:07 PM
This is the most ridiculous thread title and OP I've seen on here.

I mean seriously??

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