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Should we boycott gay businesses?

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posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Lokey13
reply to post by Jim Scott

How exactly do you know a business is "gay"? Because half the buildings owned by gay men and women you'd never see the owner; were not talking the night clubs and cafes either. I'm talking accounting firms, law practice, scientific, and every other type of high priority job probably could potentially have a gay owner. So really what was this thread about again, because there's no way you'd be able to know if your buying from gay business, not everyone is out of the closet *cough*, catholics.


This is because the expectation brought on by ignorant stereotyping dictates that anything owned or managed by someone who is gay is going to be big, pink and flamboyant I guess. Like they are just going to jump out at you and scream "I'm gay!"

But in reality most of the people who are gay would never be able to be identified in a crowd, and do not fit the ignorantly and generally accepted false stereotype.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by GRANDWORLDDRAMA
face it
HOMOSEXUAL is selfish behavior
you do it just because YOU WANT TO
selfish reasons
Heterosexual is a natural process
and was also mandated by GOD "be fruitful and multiply"
so when done correctly
heterosexual= is selfless
homosexual= is selfish

And this point of view is not selfish?

Since when is being fruitful and myltiplying a mandate?

The "fruitful and multiply" you speak of is not a mandate. It is what happens when male and female mate..human or animal.

God did not mandate the animals to happens.

God did not mandate humans to happens.

heterosexual is just as it is..heterosexual.

homosexual is just as it is..homosexual.

Now instead of all you nosy people who have nothing better to do than to spread your miserable lives onto others go out and try to see the world as it is, and has it has been and forever will be and get over it!!

If you dont like one is forcing you to like it, therefore do not force your likes and dislikes unto others.

If you cant stand it, stand somewhere else.

If it goes against YOUR not infringe upon others your belief.

If it just curls your hair into a wad of furball...go get a haircut and leave other people alone and let them live their lives as THEY see fit.

Their lives do NOT infringe upon yours whatsoever. Homosexuals just want to be treated like you would want to be treated..fairly and honestly.

If you cant stand the pressure of treating a fellow human being as you should be treated...sit back and shut up and move out of the way for those who can deal with simple tasks of treating others as they would be treated.

It is THEIR life...NOT yours!!!

Get it? Got it? Good!!!

Now go forth and spread the love and find happiness within yourself before dictating to others what is supposed to make them happy.


[edit on 3-12-2008 by RFBurns]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by GRANDWORLDDRAMA

heres all i have to say about it BACK in the DAY: GOD nuked Sodom and Gomorrah for it then

Prove it. Uh huh you can't.

all I am asking is you please keep it out of my face...

Then keep your beliefs out of ours.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 11:08 AM
yeah male on male action is nasty. gay marriage should be banned for good. damn nasty people

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by intrepid

Sexual? Is that what you think of when you think of gay people? It's not about sex. They go to school, out drinking with friends, buy books(just like you), have fights, cry, enjoy a sporting event, share Christmas with friends and family. EVERYTHING just like you and me but they aren't "straight". ----quote

Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt SEXUAL the exact thing that makes a Gay individual what he/she is? I mean, you just said it yourself, you are just like everyone else, the one thing that makes you different is your SEXUAL CHOICE.

I am not for nor against the Gay lifestyle. I also am neither for nor against the Mormon religion. I simply choose to be and let be. However, I don't agree with the statements of the gay gentleman earlier who stated we have had enough and now its time for us to fight back with violence running people off the road who have a "man+woman=marriage" bumper sticker. You just stooped to the idiotic level you branded that person driving that car must have. Please, think about what your actions say about yourself and your lifestyle, comments and actions like this do more to hurt your cause than to help it.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by GRANDWORLDDRAMA

name one thing good (as in the good for all mankind) that comes out of
i will name some good things that come from good (normal) heterosexual
*Moral standards
*Not being damned to hell
*Not bringing on curses or judgement or wrath from GOD

What good comes out of homosexuality? For me that would be the ability to see things from both female and male viewpoint. My entire life I have been asked to intervene in relationships of friends because many husbands and wives really don't understand each other. During the period of life that I raised my niece and nephew I saw and could give both a father and mother point of view in rearing. I consider that good overall.

Procreation-Not all heterosexuals can procreate as some have problems or they are too old.

Family-I stepped in an helped raise my brother's children, helped my grandfather whom had Alzheimer's, moved back to help my parents when they too had medical problems. My family is doing just fine. All of us get along just fine and are very close knit.

Moral Standards-I follow my own rule with morality in that I try my best not to not intentionally hurt or harm anyone. I try to help the needy. Honestly do charity work when I am able. Try to be friendly with all people even though at times that is difficult.

Not being damned to hell-I am a Taoist so I don't believe in hell. If you wish to believe that I am damned to hell then so be it. I feel I have lived a very good life, not perfect but overall a good try.

Not bringing on curses and Judgment- Oh but you are the one bringing upon curses and judgment upon me not God. It would perhaps help if you balanced yourself and learned more about the people around you instead of casting curses. If there is in fact a God then I feel I am doing the best and he/she won't be disappointed.

[edit on 3/12/2008 by toochaos4u]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Jim Scott

Originally posted by tator3
reply to post by Jim Scott

I'm not crying, I'm finally hating back.

Well, I hate to think this is going to go on perpetually like the Israeli-Palestinian confrontation. Hate is working really good for them, right? Welcome to the new millennium of peace and love and the age of Aquarius. I thought gay was about love, but it must be about legal rights. How is that hate working for you?

Aren't your legal rights equal to or greater than those of "breeders?" (another gay hate term?)

By the way, how about a new thread for all the gay terms for hate against "breeders?"

[edit on 1-12-2008 by Jim Scott]

[edit on 1-12-2008 by Jim Scott]

i am gay and i am completely pro peace, love and nonviolent resistance. just like in every community (gay straight black white whatever), we have people who are on either side of the proverbial fence. i respect tator for being fed up and voicing his opinion, especially as a fellow gay (and we seem to be really rare on ats), but no we're not all like that

[edit on 3/12/08 by CureWish]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by GRANDWORLDDRAMA

Homosexuals do come from "good (normal) heterosexual relationships", don't they? If heterosexual relationships lead to gay children, is the child then a curse? And if its your child, and you believe it to be a curse, why does your God punish the child (the gay child is, afterall, presumably your punishment)? Which would lead to this assessment of your 'good things'
*Procreation - failed if your child is gay
*Family - corrupted, possibly cursed by a failed procreation
*Moral standards - beat the gay kid (or any kid or a spouse), highly moral activity
*Not being damned to hell - no matter what you believe, you can not prove this will happen - beliefs are not proof, if there were, half of the world would be lizard people (and they're not).
*Not bringing on curses or judgement or wrath from GOD - we're all God's children, if he is wrathful towards his gay children, he's no better than any abusive parent.

Give me a list of good things that have come to all of mankind based solely on heterosexuality (besides the continuation of the human race).

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by toochaos4u

a star for you my friend...
great post!

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by FearSoul

And whats your feeling about woman on woman?

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by GRANDWORLDDRAMA

name one thing good (as in the good for all mankind) that comes out of
i will name some good things that come from good (normal) heterosexual
*Moral standards
*Not being damned to hell
*Not bringing on curses or judgement or wrath from GOD

1. No unwanted pregnancies that drain the social system.

2. Careing, sharing, love, peace, happiness, trust, hope.

3. Plenty of procreation going on without your God mandated marry and mutliply.

4. Homosexual couples ARE a family.

5. Homosexuals DO have morals. Some with far more morals than heterosexuals. What happens behind YOUR closed doors eh?

6. According to the MAN WRITTEN book, All fall short of the glory of God so who are you to say everyone else is dammed but you because you are heterosexual and have not cast any stone?

7. Again, ALL fall short of the glory of God...and God is not the one who said believe in me and you will be with me...that was Jesus who said that. And what would God think of those individuals who supposedly follow his word, about taking parts out of his word? Would they be dammed too? And what about all those who have been following this altered word of God all this time...following a false interpretation of the human history..are they dammed too?

Unless your some kind of God like creature posing as a human being behind a pc screen and keyboard, I would find better explanations as to what God...if any...thinks of all of humanity. And when it is said "all of humanity"...that is not meaning to be discretioinary or pick and choose either.

In basic terminology, were all on the same boat subject to sinking by a simple hand splash of the almighty.


posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 01:52 PM
gay people have a tough life. I think it's easy to judge people.

I am pro gay-rights but not gay-marriage, call it something else.

I am pro-gay business gay people are NORMAL people other than 1 aspect of their lives.

I think it's silly just like the Obama isn't America crowd, get over yourself, stop clinging to your religion, and just have enough confidence to let other people live their lives happily.

I only wish the same onto you.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:03 PM
ahhh, so many of you miss the point entirely. Forgive me if any of this has already been stated (13 pages of discussion is a LOT to sift through) but:

1. God does not exist. Jesus wasnt real, and the Bible is a joke

2. The real issue at hand is that yet again, we have a church sticking it's damn nose where it constitutionally and legally DOES NOT BELONG.

You see, in order to maintain tax-exempt status, a church is required to STAY THE HELL OUT OF POLITICS. The Mormon church violated this by funding the vast majority of of the Prop 8 campaign.

This is all really quite simple. Another stinking church decided to play politics from the pulpit, and they achieved their goal. Now they are paying for it. They got their way, a certain demographic of people had their rights taken away, and here comes the consequence...

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by ConservativeJack

Well I am all for that. Give the same rights as married couples nationwide. I am happy to call it something else as the word "marriage" itself is kind of ruined way before gays tried to attain it. With divorce at 50% or so and some having multiple divorces maybe it would be best for gays to not use the word "marriage" because it brings a tainted past of failure and I for one want to get it right. Maybe something new would be better.

There you have it. In my book you can keep the word Marriage. I still don't like the name "Civil Union" perhaps a "Bonding" "Joining". If anyone things of a good name to call a gay "union" let me know but, be nice and respectful please.

Don't worry about your church as I wouldn't care to do that either and try to avoid where I am not wanted. I'm sure the local church of Wicca will perform the ceremony with a bit of Taoist tinge. Maybe outdoors in the mountains near a lake.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:14 PM
This thread is amazing. I have seen possibly one post in two pages that actually mentioned gay businesses.

I will keep my response simple. I only boycott businesses that have given me a reason to do so. Some personal examples include mostly restaurants: poor service in a restaurant on more than one occasion. Bad or poorly prepared food. Rude staff (soup Nazi type). The list goes on.

Anyway, I would never boycott a business based on the sexual orientation of its owner. In most cases, how would you even know. If you provide good honest service and good reliable product, you have my business. Granted, I don't patronize gay bars but the owner of my favorite restaurant is most likely gay and the food and service are outstanding.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by toochaos4u
There you have it. In my book you can keep the word Marriage. I still don't like the name "Civil Union" perhaps a "Bonding" "Joining". If anyone things of a good name to call a gay "union" let me know but, be nice and respectful please.

United? Two becoming one, as it were.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
United? Two becoming one, as it were.

I like bonding and joining, too.
"We were joined". Sounds neat.

Anyway, what's going to happen is someone (a lawyer, most likely) is eventually going to create a marriage-equal civil union, where all the SAME benefits are bestowed. (DOn't know why this hasn't happened yet). Then gay people can be "civilly unionized" (LOL) and will have all the same rights and benefits as married people. They'll have their little "Certificate of Civil Union" tucked away in their drawer (as I do my Marriage Certificate). Then someone will ask, what is your relationship? And they'll say, "We're married".
No one can stop them from using the word!

I just think that's so funny!

Anyway, as the poster a few up from me said, there are probably several reasons I could think to boycott a business, but the sexual orientation of the owners would never appear on that list. That's just stupid, IMO.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:43 PM

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Jim Scott

The "select" groups are against gay CIVIL rights.

People have a right to fight against discrimination.

I'd say it is over-the-top to get someone fired for their political beliefs, but
how "friendly" would you be if your rights were taken away.

Prop8 was pretty moronic but what's to be expected
from people who elect a third rate foreign actor as their governor.

Prop8 will be overturned in court.



posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 04:15 PM
I'll be honest, as an active member of the "mormon" church I'm not deeply offended by how far "gay's" are taking their cause. But i do think they are taking it far, it's understandable that the group feels the need and should be accepted in the community, but i personally feel the reason we as a human race is to build a proper family and build our society's up, and i think the gay community is hindering this. Barging into places and making so much ruckus that the speakers can't practice their right to the freedom of speech is 100% childish and inappropriate. That gives me a reason to purely hate the group.

I don't think gay marriage or straight marriage needs to be pushed on anyone, as individuals we each have a right to decide for ourselves, and each and everyone of these pro-gay/pro-straight organizations is hindering this.

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